Chapter 13: A Little Help

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Todoroki was leaning his ear against the door, listening in to every word Bakugou whispered to himself. As soon as he heard the sound of his phone he barged into the bathroom.

"What are you doing, baby boy?" He asked.
"S-Sir! heard..?"
"I heard everything baby boy. You really need to learn to keep your mouth shut."

Bakugou was in a panic. Todoroki heard everything, and now he was in big trouble.

"Am I really abusive?" He said, walking closer to the blonde and holding the hand that had his phone. "I thought you loved me."

Bakugou wasn't going to hold back now. He wasn't going to let him manipulate him again. He pulled his hand back and ducked under his arm, running out of the room.

Todoroki watched him leave and smirked.
"This is going to be fun."

Bakugou ran into the lobby of the building and put the door, ignoring the calls and questions of his classmates. He wasn't even in his complete uniform, the blazer was still in the bathroom along with his tie, but he never really wore that so he didn't care.

Bakugou ran as far as he could, and eventually stopped at a convenience store.
He sat on a bench and called Shindou.
It rang for a bit, and then he answered.

"Shindou, Shindou it's me, Bakugou."
"Oh hey man, what's up?"
"You were right."
"You were right about everything. Sir—Todoroki was manipulating me all this time. I didn't want to have sex, I didn't want to change my body, I didn't want to call him 'sir'. You've gotta help me, please."

Shindou was quick to move. He was already near his school, but ran in the opposite direction, ignoring his classmates who asked him what he was doing.

"Okay, where are you?"
"The 7/11 on Cherry St."
"You're still near UA."
"I don't think he'll find me here, it's a really narrow road."
"Okay, I'll meet you there. Just wait for me, Okay? I'll skip class today. You should too."
"Okay. Thank you so much."
"No problem, buddy."

It took a few minutes, but Shindou eventually arrived on his bike. "Bakugou!" He said. "You can call me Katsuki." Bakugou said.
He figured, he needed to show some respect to this guy, he was saving him.

"Get in the back, I'll drive you to my place."
"Okay, thank you."

Bakugou got on the back and Shindou drove them to his apartment. He lived alone now, he moved out of his parents' place when he was 16 because their house was too far from his school.

Once they got there, he parked his bike outside and they walked into the apartment. It took a while, but they got to his one soon.

"You should stay here for a while, he won't find you here."
"Thank you so much. You don't know how much it means to me."
"Hey, happy to help."

Bakugou paused for a while. "Why though?" He asked.
"Why are you so happy to help? We were never close, and when we met I called you a liar. Why do you want to help me?"

Shindou pauses for a second. He looked at a picture of him and a girl. Then he took a seat next to Bakugou.

"Katsuki, I was on a relationship once. A while back."
"Yeah?" Katsuki knee where this was going, but he didn't say anything and just listened.
"And well, I was pretty abusive."

Oh. That took a turn he didn't expect.

"You were...abusive?"
"Yeah. And I didn't even realize it until she left me and called me out. I felt so ashamed. I didn't know my actions were abusive. I felt so bad for ruining her life and scarring her forever. And that's why I promised myself I would help anyone in an abusive situation, to make up for what I've done to her."

Bakugou didn't speak for a while. He didn't know what to say.

"Hey, hey, that stuff is in the past now. At least you're making up for it right? And I'm glad you're doing this for me."

"Heh." Shindou smirked and ruffled Bakugou's hair. Bakugou was okay with it, he even pushed his head up so he could ruffle it more.

"It's been so long since I've felt genuine love." He said.
"That's sad. Here, want a hug?"

Bakugou had never been hugged before. He didn't know how it would work. Shindou got off the bed and hugged him. Bakugou was confused, but embraced him as well. That's what you're supposed to do in hugs right?

He didn't want to admit it, but he was starting to grow fond of Shindou. And Shindou was growing fond of him.

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