Chapter 17: New Home

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Bakugou was so shocked and confused.
Todoroki loved him...this much? Enough to hold him captive in god knows where and put a tracking device on his wrists?

"Oh! I almost forgot." Todoroki said. "Your Quirk doesn't work because the bangles take all the sweat before it reaches your hand, disabling your Quirk entirely. I don't want you using it to escape now!"

"But...but I...I wanna go home!" Bakugou whined. "Why would you go home? Your mom abuses you, your dad doesn't care, what's the point of going home and enduring all that when you can stay with me and be in love?"

"I-I know they aren't that good parents but I still love them!" Bakugou said. "I still wanna live with them!"

"Why? Why would you want to live through that again? What's the point? You're just going to live the rest of your life in torture if you go back there."

Bakugou didn't have a good explanation to why he wanted to go home. But he knew he wanted to, and that he didn't want to be here. He had to admit, Todoroki's argument made a lot of sense. Why would he want to go back home knowing he'd just be abused and mistreated for the rest of his life? He couldn't explain why, but he wanted to go home. He didn't want to stay here with this psycho.

"Don't worry, love, soon you won't even want to go back home. You'll want to stay here with me, and we'll be together forever."Todoroki giggled and blushed like a little middle school girl in love.

Bakugou had a frightened face. But he wasn't going to cry about this. He wasn't going to let Todoroki see him vulnerable. He was going to be strong and hopeful that someone will save him again.

"You can keep me here, but someone will save me, I know it." He said bravely. Todoroki raised a brow and smirked. "Oh? You know someone's gonna save you?" He taunted. "You really think someone will save you from another kidnapping? Your first made you look weak enough, but another one? I'm sure people are tired of this game. And it's not like they miss you. You never even thanke them for saving you the first time, what makes you think they'd save you again?"

He had a point. What would make someone want to save him again? He's never been nice to anyone in class, and yet they saved him the first time. He didn't even thank them. He didn't even admit they saved him. So what would make them want to save him again.

"They're tired of you, Katsuki." Todoroki said. "They're tired of your personality and the way you treat them. They wouldn't care if you got kidnapped a second time, so don't count on it."

He was right. Why would people save him again? They knew what he was like. They're probably happy he's gone now. Nobody wants him around. They all ca rest easy knowing no loud blonde idiot is gonna ruin their lives.

"No one ever loved you. Not your mom. Not your dad. Not your 'friends'. Only me. I'm the only one who's ever loved you all your life. You should stay with me, someone who loves you."

Suddenly, all the thoughts Bakugou had before just disappeared. All the thoughts of what love really is and who really loved him and what manipulation was. He forgot all about it. Now he was just thinking about how much his classmates probably hated him. How tired they were of him. How he just tortured them everyday with his presence.

Bakugou hung his head in shame. The thought of all the hatred they felt towards him was unbearable. He just couldn't stand it. It made him want to die.

"Don't worry baby boy." Todoroki said. "I'll always be here. Because I love you.

"This is your new home, baby boy."

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