Chapter 1

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(Y/n) POV
Raccoon city is a nice place to been in but sometimes I wish I didn't live here, my dream is to go on Exciting adventures and doing crazy stuff like almost be a super hero but different, I was living in my apartment and I woke up to a noise coming from outside of my apartment and of course I check through my peep hole and saw there was nothing out there but these time as soon I left my door I heard it again and this time I was not in the mood to get pranked but this time there was some kind of weird looking person in front of my door so I backed away from it and I was closed to escape through my window, when I heard a noise coming from my apartment door and that's when I took off from window and down to the ground and good thing I live in a second floor even though I should broke a ankle but I was fine, so I took off running and that's when I heard a explosive go off and that's when I saw fire coming out so I took off running to that direction to see if someone was ok or not, but I didn't see anyone yet so that's when I heard groaning noises and I turned around to see more of those creepy rotten skins and I took off running probably to the police station but as running towards to the police station I felt my arm was being grab so I tried to pull the zombie away but it didn't want to let go of me so it was started to put its mouth into my arm I heard a gunshots and it hit the zombie before it could bite me and I turned my head to the direction where I heard the gunshots go off and that's when I see a man with a dirty blond hair and handsome blue eyes and he look almost my age but one year older than me, I am not going to lie but he is a handsome man but I didn't want to tell him that yet because it would be awkward, " hey miss are you okay?" The man said to me and I nodded my head, " yes I am okay and thank you for asking me I know man usually tell me their name first but let introduce to myself, my name is (y/n) (l/n) and you are?" The man started to talk, "my name is Leon Kennedy and it is nice to meet you and I am glad I found a survivor here because I thought this city would be empty." Then I replied to him, " I didn't even know this happened I was probably sleeping or I was listening to music and sometimes practicing singing when I am bored." We were about to say something but then we heard groaning so we took off to the police station.

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