Chapter 4

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Author note: this is not my picture or drawing.

(Y/n) POV
Marvin shows what was on the screen of the small computer of the area outside the R.P.D station, "There you two are... come here, take a look." Marvin told us so me and Leon came closer to the computer screen where it show a woman that has a ponytail and leather jacket, I thought she look cool before I was going to say something Leon started to talk to us, "Yes! I knew she'd make it." And me and Marvin were confused, so I nodded my head to Marvin and I let him speak to Leon, "You two know her?" And I answer back to Marvin, "No, sorry Marvin but I only meet Leon and that was it?" Leon told us about of how the woman name was Claire and that he came to town with her. Marvin told us that there is way to get to Claire is to go through the courtyard through the second floor of the east side, "Thanks, Lieutenant." Leon told Marvin and of course I thank Marvin to for helping us and so me and Leon went to the second floor, as soon me and Leon were almost to the door we heard a noise that is getting closer to us and Leon tackle me because we were getting closer we heard a crash came by and I was blushing bright red so Leon was on top of me and he started to blush as well and I was thinking in my head, 'wait does he have feelings for me or because we are in a weird position?' But Leon apology to me and I told it was okay and I thank him for saving me and Leon was blushing red so Leon helped me up and we both went outside and we were looking at the dead pilot that crashed in half of the police station,till we heard a voice called out, "HEY! LEON!?" And we both look at the railing to see the same girl and I am not going to lie but she look a great person to be friends with, Leon yelled her name back and tell her that we both be down there and she agreed to it, "Claire... It's is so nice to see you." Leon told Claire and of course Claire look at me and I gave her a smile and wave at her, "Hey I am Claire and you are?" And I answer her back, "nice to meet you to and I am (y/n)" I told her and both gave each other a smile before Claire goes back to Leon and asked us if we were ok because of the helicopter that came crashing into the wall of the building and we told her that we were ok, Claire asked us if we have a key to open the door for her but we told her no, Leon and Claire started having a small conversation before we heard a explosive go off and of course we were in shocked of what just happened, Leon was telling us of what was going down, " Dammit. You two know what that means..." and me and Claire answer back, "Yeah... Dinner time." Leon, Claire and me saw zombies started to get up and started to come slowly to Claire, me and Leon told her that it was not safe for her to be here anymore but she said, "Don't worry about me, you two. You two take care of yourself." Zombies we're coming by the gate and me and Leon told Claire again that she has to leave before the zombies get to her, before Claire left she told us, "Hey... Let's get through this. Both of us." Claire took off and me Leon started to worried for Claire and of course Leon was worried for her to so I put my hand on his shoulder and he look at me and I smile at him before I put my hand down and we had to find a way to get out before zombies could get to us.

Time skip
Once Leon got the shotgun for himself but Leon asked me if I wanted but I told him that he might need it then so Leon nodded his head before going going to second floor and we put the wheel and spin it, we saw there was a big hole in man shower room and woman shower room, we got to a door and as soon we open it there was a sound coming from up the ceiling and of course we walked very slowly and that's when we saw a long tongue grabbed a body and started eating it and me and Leon were shock to see a creature that creepy, " What in God's name...?" And of course I tapped Leon shoulder to tell him to lower it down just in case it hears us and Leon agreed to me so we kept walking to a room that says S.T.A.R.S office and so we walked slowly to go through the room and it worked out fine so me and Leon explore the office till we found a battery that it looks like it connects to a device and we were right so we put the battery in and make sure we didn't press anything else, After we were done looking at the office we went back out to hall where that creature was out there, so me and Leon made a plan to get rid so we both take turns and shoot the creature and if one of us needs to reload we distract it and shoot at it, like back and forth, so we nodded are heads and got ready to killed the creature so Leon went first with his shotgun and the creature was pissed at him so the creature went after Leon, but Leon was reloading so I took over, "HEY UGLY BASTARD OVER HERE!" I yelled at the creature and it started to headed my way and I started shooting at and it work out well and that it was dead so we were happy that it was dead and now we had to go to the third floor. Leon put the explosive on the wall were the bars were so we take a few steps back and the it leave a big messed on the floor and the area and we heard a loud noise we were before, So Leon threw me the book and I started solving it and I was able to get the medallion and we were trapped so I move the shelf over so we can get to the other side and of course Leon trip over and the creature was coming close so I helped Leon up and I grabbed his hand and we run back to we're Marvin was and as soon we see him fine we took a deep breath and before putting the last piece in of the under stairs, we told Marvin the news about it and we were gettin close to him and started to growl at us and we back away slowly away from him, "We need to get you to a hospital right now." But Marvin was telling us no a couple times and told us to save ourselves but Leon didn't want to give up on Marvin so Leon went close to Marvin again but Marvin yelled at Leon to go, "Look, we can still make it out of here together, if you just gimme-" but Marvin pulled out his gun at the two of us and tell us it was too late for him and me and Leon had to understand for Marvin and so we left Marvin by himself and course I had tears in my eyes because I was sad that Marvin was not coming with us so I cry and Leon was there with so he hugged me and used his hand to wipe my tears away and I gave a thank you to him and Leon nodded back at me before we went downstairs.

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