Chapter 5

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Author:Not my drawing of art but just find this drawing that someone made it online.

Leon POV
Once (y/n) started to get relax from leaving Marvin behind but it was what he want, I am not going to lie but (y/n) is pretty cute but it is weird telling her, while we are trying to stay alive from the zombies or lickers that I read the note in the third floor, (y/n) let go of me and we explore the little room that we are in and we saw a opening in our right side and it was a elevator so we both went inside the elevator and it took us down to an area was dark so I grabbed my flashlight and the two of us went downstairs to see a open door and we went in there and as soon we enter that room we heard weird moaning and so me and (y/n) look up but we couldn't see who it was? "What the-!?" I said but (y/n) took off running and told me to follow her so I agreed and follow behind her. (Y/n) was by a locker that was knocked over, "hey Leon I think I might need some help by lifting this locker up." And so I help her out and we both lift it up as a team, as soon we were going to the room there was a giant creature that almost look like a human but kinda scared looking, "what the-!?" And it grabbed me really good and put me on the floor and so I heard gunshots go off and it was (y/n) shooting at it and then the creature let go of me started heading to where (y/n) was at, (y/n) was grabbed and started to groan because it kept going back and forth till the floor broke and so I got up and jumped down to get (y/n) away from the creature and she look alright so far just a few bruises but she live from the stuff we both be having together so far.

(Y/n) POV
Leon was able to get me away from the creature in time before it could smash me with its big pipe in his hand, "words won't work on this thing..." Leon said and I am not going to lie but Leon is funny when he tries to be funny but I like him but something else for the two of us but if it every work but right now. Leon and I were using are guns to killed it but it was it was immune to bullets till we got him and the creature fell over the railing and the two of us were breathing very heavy and then we heard something come down and we both saw a latter was down for the both of us and so we both climbed up before going forward we saw a lever so I pulled it and we heard a noise and it was an some kind of bridge that was moving to the right so we wait till it was done moving, so me and Leon went forward till we saw a another latter and Leon went first to see if the coast was clear for the both of us and I followed after him by the latter, Leon move the manhole out of the way and as soon I was close to get of the hole I was slipping and Leon turned around and grabbed my hand in time before I fell down but Leon didn't want me to climb so he just pulled me up from the manhole and Leon fell over and I was on top of him and we both blush really hard and so I apologize to him and I got up from him, we both saw a machine that we need a key card to moved ahead,"Damn. Need a key card..." Leon was talking a bit but before I could say anything we both heard growling behind us so we both turned around and see dogs but not just dogs it was a Mutated dog and it's flesh was like almost rotten, "you gotta be kidding me..." we both said as soon the two dogs started to jump on us and of course we both dropped our guns and of course I was having one hand holding the dog neck, while I was trying to grabbed my gun and Leon was doing the same thing but we couldn't get our guns and that's when we hear a gunshot go off hitting the zombie dog by the neck and of course the same thing happened to me to as well, before we even catch our breath there was a woman voice we heard and it wasn't Claire voice it sounded different, "Hey" we heard the woman, Leon was confused so he asked, " Who is that?" Leon asked but the woman told us in a cold voice, "Stay sharp." We didn't understand what she was talking about till we heard a growl by are right side and we both shot the zombie dog.  Leon put his gun out and point at the woman and I of course didn't because some reason I didn't want to so the woman came close to the two of us and she had her gun aim at Leon and she told him to lower it and she claimed she was a FBI so Leon point his gun down and I course I greet her friendly and thanking her politely but she aim her gun in my right side to hit the zombie dog and me and Leon both thank her for help, "surprised you two made it this far." And of course Leon had to be a little curious so he asked her what was going on but she told us that it was information classified and Leon was asking her to where she was going, "Leon that is kinda rude to tell her that after she save our life's please be a nice to her and I am sorry about him and by the way I wanna to say it again, thank you for saving us." I told her and she gave me a small smile before changing it back to a serious face, "Do yourself a favor: stop asking questions and get the hell out of here." Leon was a little sad what she said but I am not going to lie but she was a little busy but she cool for some reason and I don't know why, Me and Leon saw the woman go through a another room, "Hey! We are not done talking to you!" Of course I did mine so we were following her and it lead us to jail cells and of course there had to be zombies in there cells and they were trying to get us but couldn't.  Leon and went to our left and we heard a man voice, "Hello" and of course we responded to him a hey to, "I don't believe it. Two real humans. Hello, humans." And of course we thought he was in there for a long time so Leon asked him, "you been here long?" And I was going to say something but the man was talking to us happy and to fast of talking fast to us, "Long enough. Are we the last ones alive?" And I spoke to him, "No, no, there's a few of us..." and the man was some how he voice kinda change and telling us, "oh...that's good news, I guess. Unless, of course, Irons sent you." And of course I knew what he was talking 'Irons' so Leon talk to the guy, "Irons...? You mean Chief Irons? Is he still around?" Leon was asking the guy and the guy didn't care if Irons was alive and so Leon was kinda shock of what the guy said, the three of us heard a noise and of course I was kinda freaking out a bit, but I kept it together and the man was asking us a deal if we could help him get out of his jail cell but Leon wanted to talked the Chief himself but the noise was getting closer and closer, "Shit. It's coming." And the two of us were confused as hell, "what-what's coming?" We were a little nervous and a bit of scared and the guy kept talking to us, " C'mon-c'mon, don't be an asshole...OK? You two need this!" He was started to yelled at us and he started to back away to a wall, "Just get me the fuck outta here!" The wall was broke and a hand that is wearing his glove is holding the guys face and started dragging him while the guy was groan and kinda screaming but it was to late to save the guy because the hand Squish his head, and of course I scream really loud and hug Leon really tight before the noise was away and I look up to see I was still hugging Leon and so I let go of him and we heard high heels walking towards us and me and Leon aim our guns to the woman that save us earlier and she walked to where the man was dead on the floor now and Leon was telling the woman that something quick happened and killed him, "I told you both to get out of here. You two wouldn't want to end up like Ben, would you?" And of course we asked her if she knew him and she started walking away from us till Leon grabbed her arm but she pulled it away from him and Leon asked her that we didn't know her name and that Leon told us our name and before she left she us her name was Ada.

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