Chapter 6

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Author: Not my drawing or art it's just picture I find and I thought it would look cool to put on there.

(Y/n) POV
Once Ada left, me and Leon turned around to see Ben dead body before looking at parking key card around his neck.  Leon picked up a red lever before looking at a note, " alright (y/n) we got to find a way to open that cell door and get that key card." Leon told me and of course I nodded my head before leaving the jail cells and back to the parking area and then we saw a green light that was on so we thought the door was open so we open it and it was pitch black out there so Leon pulled out his flashlight and we were exploring around the area till we went to a room that is a power room so we went inside in there and saw a box and of course I took it out and it was a electronic part that look like it could belong to a piece that could fit in there so I took it and we kept going to put the power on and it was a little hard but we did it, but as soon we turn it on we heard growling and barking and of course I shoot the zombie dog three times before it die and we both took off running till we saw a another door that was a green light and we both took off running as fast as we can and we were back at the area were officer Elliott was killed from so we looked for a deceive and it was in a small area where there was beds at so we pick it up and we both went back to where we put the device in, as soon we put in there we saw Elliott another half of his body was turned into a zombie and of course Leon shoot it in the head before leaving him.  Leon asked me if we should go upstairs to used the lever and we used it to go upstairs and we look at some lockers to see a flash grenade and some ammo that could be useful for us, there was a another room that we went to and there was only two zombies in there so we both took care of them of shooting them and after we were done shooting at them we got a shotgun ammo and a big gear piece that we might need so Leon took it with him and we were out of the room.

Time skip
Leon open time door slowly and of course when we got to our right side we heard a loud noise and it was coming from the helicopter and me and Leon shout together, "Jesus Christ..!" And I shoot it in the head but it still kept coming to us so Leon grabbed my hand and we both run away from the big creature and we had to hide in a corner to see if the thing could see us but lucky it didn't because it was going downstairs and so Leon grabbed my hand and we both took off running to the main R.P.D station to see Marvin is ok but as soon we were getting close to Marvin he turned to a zombie so I was going to do it but Leon told me that he would do it so he grabbed his gun and shoot Marvin and he was dead before we could anything we hear loud footsteps coming towards us so we took of running again and as so we were by the hallway we heard that familiar loud screech and it was that licker so Leon grabbed my hand again, 'maybe Leon loves holding my hand but I should just wait because it might be early to be telling our feelings to each other so went to a room and we search around the area to find anything useful and we were right, there was a lever that could help us and as soon we took it, we both heard to loud footsteps again so Leon told me to stay out but I grabbed his arm before he had the chance to get away from me, "Leon we are going to stick together as a team and I know you are going to disagree with me but we need to keep each other safe." And so I told Leon with a calm tone to him and Leon look at me and nodded his head to me, before we left Leon asked me to wait but we didn't have time to wait so we kept running till we find some clues that we need.

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