Chapter 2

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Author:it's not my drawing I just found this on google.

(Y/n) POV
Me and Leon made it to the R.P.D station and as soon we went inside there was no one in there, "HELLO IS ANYONE HERE?!" Leon yelled out but there was silence in the police station so me and Leon started to look around the area to see if we can find someone around the police station and we saw a computer that says R.P.D so we check it out and the computer shows us a police officer that was shooting his gun out to the zombie and he started talking to the camera that he thought we were there but he was talking about a person name 'Martin' and someone else that I didn't remember but me and Leon looked at each other and then Leon broke the silence, "we got to find that guy and (y/n) do you have a weapon that you can used because you won't be safe when those things are still out there?" Leon asked me but I told Leon that I didn't have a weapon so I was worried that Leon was going to go by himself, so I found was a dagger and I grabbed it and told Leon that I found a dagger and Leon let me come with him and to make sure I was close by him and as soon Leon push a button and the gate open up an inch so Leon got down and used his flashlight to see if the coast was clear and Leon told me it was clear so I crawl down and stand up next to Leon, we kept going forward and we saw locker knock over so me and Leon moved it and we kept continuing forward and as soon we got to a area that's when we heard a man voice screaming for help so me and Leon started to run to where the voice was being yelled, once we made it to the other room we saw a another gate down and me Leon started to lift it up and we saw a police officer that was telling us to help him so as soon he was half way in there and me and Leon had are hands out to help the officer but as soon we tried to help him, the gate had come down and started to hurt the police officer and we kept pulling him till it was too late and the cop body was split in half and of course I had to puke on the other side so I couldn't see it and after Leon was done talking to the guy we both hear noise and the door started to open by the zombie so Leon shoot the zombie in head but before we left I felt someone grab my ankle and of course I grabbed my dagger and started to stabbed the zombie head and that's when it let go of my ankle and Leon came by and grabbed my hand and we started to run and as soon we were close by the another gate and Leon told me to go first and I crawl down and I was able to make it and I yelled at Leon to come in, Leon was almost there till a zombie grab his leg, "uhh goddamnit!" I was going to help him till I see a wounded police officer that grabbed the gate and I was able to grabbed Leon and pulled him with me.  Leon was breathing really loud and put my arm around Leon neck to make sure he calm down and Leon grabbed my hand to say he is ok and we both look up to the wounded officer and he had his hand out for Leon to get up and telling his name is name and we told him are names to before giving Leon a police uniform.

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