Chapter 9

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(Y/n) POV
Ada was gone to find Annette, I stay behind to help Leon wound, "Don't worry Leon I promise I get the bullet out of you." I told Leon, even though he is passed out from being shoot at, Ada did gave me some medical stuff to help the bullet wound on his shoulder, Leon was still out when I was finished stitching up Leon and also getting the bullet out of him, "Leon if you ever hear me in there, I just want you to know that, I am not much of a tomboy, I just like the stuff that I like to do, I don't freak out when it comes to sewer water or if I get dirty by anything, it's because I love adventures and I really want to do cool stuff in the future but I know deep down that I won't make it." I was holding back tears so I won't cried again, "(y/n) I don't care, I love about you, because you are amazing woman that I met in my whole life." I turned around to see Leon was looking at me with a weak smile, I was in shock that Leon heard me and now he was recovering from where he was shot at, "Leon, I didn't know that you heard me?" Leon gave me a weak laugh to me, I got up and stick my hand out to help Leon up, Leon grabbed my hand and I helped him up, "Thanks for stitching me up." Leon asked me, "I can't take all the credit Leon, Ada was the one who gave me the medical stuff to help your wound." Leon was giving me that smile again, "(y/n), I promise to thank Ada to for the supplies and I want to thank you again for stitching me up." I gave Leon a smile and we decided to go look for Ada.  Leon saw a little elevator that could lead us up and we got on there and we see a way down and we had to jumped down to the sewer water again, "That's a pleasant smell..." Leon said, "Leon you sure you don't want a slash fight?" I giggled at what I said to him, "(y/n) you better you not." I started laughing again, we kept walking till we see a another way to go forward and once we made it, we had to climb up to a another area, we see some soldiers dead on the floor and kept walking till we heard a zombie noise, I groan at this before I pulled out my gun and started shooting at the zombie head, before it is fully dead, me and Leon kept walking to that same area to deal with the zombies, after we were done with them we had to go to sewer water again and we both had to go down on the slide, we both went down at the sewer water, let's just say that the sewer water got in our mouths, "argh... shit!" Leon said, "here, you got something on you Leon?" I used my hand to wipe the off his handsome face.

Leon POV
Man the way (y/n) touch my face it felt nice to feel her warm touch, "thanks (y/n)." I gave her a smile and she gave me a smile to, "I would like to give you a kiss on the cheek but our face are now cover in sewer water." I smile at her comment, so I did something that I would to remember, I grabbed her arm and pulled her near me and (y/n) looked at me, before she was going to asked me something I pulled her into a warm kiss with my lips to her lips and I felt her kissing back at me, we let go of each other and we look at each other, "ok one that was gross because we are cover in sewer water and two you really kiss me." I laugh at (y/n) comment, Ada was cool in all but I think (y/n) was perfect to be with me, "I think you're the one for me (y/n)." I saw (y/n) gave me a smile and we started to move forward and we kept hearing some noises in the sewer, we both noticed something on the water, I decided to check it out and once I got close to it, this weird creature was going to grabbed me but (y/n) came by and pulled me out the way, I saw her get grabbed and I kept shooting my gun at the creature and the creature had some kind of weird part of his body and he started to shoot some kind of a weird liquid into her mouth and the creature let her go, I grabbed her quick and we both started shooting at the creature and we were able to killed it, I check up on (y/n) to see if she was okay, good thing she was, so we kept moving forward and we see a door and it show us a cable car and stairs to go up, so we were walking up the stairs and we saw a ladder and we climbed up to find a room and we were looking at it, till we found a way to go down we both made it down we went close to a window and to see Ada was passed out, I was going to let (y/n) know that we had to save Ada, but once I turned around I see (y/n) was coughing really bad and it looked like she was poison, I was confused till I remember what that creature did to her, "Hang on (y/n) I found some blue herbs to help you." (Y/n) gave me a smile before she started to cough again, I place (y/n) down to a near wall and she was sitting down and I had to find a blue herb, so her poison could be cured and I was able to find a blue herb quick and I made sure that (y/n) was able to take it and her coughing stop she started to look better already.  (Y/n) looked at me and gave me a kiss on my cheek and I blushed at this before I had to check her fever and she was started to feel better.

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