Chapter 8

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Author note: Sorry guys I didn't do more chapters on Leon x reader it's because I just been doing Dante x reader and I love both games but I really did want to do the Dante x reader, but I have to remember that every book needs a turn.

(Y/n) POV
Leon was still holding on to me, because I was still crying of how this man is holding close to his daughter and it hurts me to see a kid died, the little girl was saying mommy and it was to hear the noise that the father said that she is sleeping and the three of us knew what that meant, the man picked up his daughter and was walking towards the door and he turned around and said to us, "Just go... Just give us some privacy." The man closed the door, I stop crying and I looked at Leon, I could tell that Leon was pissed of what happened, so Leon turned around to face Ada now, "You know, it's one thing to keep the truth from us!... But why him?" Once Leon said this to Ada we heard a gun go off, I held it in, "Ada look, I know you don't want to tell us, but we can't lose anymore people, I bet you loss someone that you love and you want to get it back, but sometimes we can't and if you want to be mad at me because of what I said to you?" Ada looked at me and she closed to me and gave me a hug, I was confused but I returned one back to her, we pulled away and Leon was talking to us, "The two of us want to find out what's happening here. And stop whoever's behind it. Helping people like them... that's why I joined the force." It sound Leon was mad and I can't blame him, but it is true though, "Leon, I know you sound mad but I do know one thing, the three of us are going to stopped them, Ada is a FBI and if we help her we can stop the people that are dying because of this." Leon and Ada were surprise of what I said but it's true that we have to win this, Ada was now talking to us now, "my mission is to take down Umbrella's entire operation. We may not make it out." Leon had a somewhat serious face and was telling Ada, "Whatever it takes to save this city... count us in."  The three of us were looking at the door and we decided to go to another direction to where there was a gate that let us go to another side, "You two heard of the Umbrella Corporation? They're a pharmaceutical company secretly making bio weapons. They have a virus-it turns people into indestructible monsters." Ada was walking to a area that looks like it was not finished, "That explains the horrible things we've seen..." Leon told to the both of us, "Yeah, no kidding we got to find the stuff that we need to do." Ada turned around to face me now, "so (y/n), you always been good at speeches or are you good at almost being a cop?" Ada asked me and I told her that I have bigger dreams that I love to do, Ada gave me a smile and we were walking down to a sewer area, "That's why I'm looking for Annette Birkin- She's the one at Umbrella responsible for unleashing the virus. I'm going to bring her down." I could tell Ada sound piss but we both ignore her, we both made it to a large sewer area that I didn't even know about, even though I live in raccoon city that I am supposed that I should know about everything, "This is how we get to Annette." Ada told us, Leon started talking to Ada, "based on what you've said, the sewer seems fitting." I chuckled at what Leon said, "well, said. After you..." Ada told Leon and let's just say that Leon did not like being the first one to go first, "gee, thanks." Me and Ada both laugh at this and we started to follow Leon in the sewer, "Can't imagine a real scientist being down here..." Leon asked us, "yeah you're right about that Leon?" I told him, "according to HQ... this leads right into Umbrella's secret facility." Ada told us both, before Leon started talking to the two of us, "come on. Sewers are run by the city. How could they have a facility... without the authorities knowing?" I gave Leon a shrug and Ada started talking to us, "welcome to corporate America. Umbrella's controlled Raccoon City for years." We didn't say anything and we kept walking in the sewers then we felt the ground was shaking, "Jesus... that an earthquake?" Leon asked us, "I don't think soon?" I told Leon and the three of us kept walking and we saw a another way to go, we both decided to head in that direction and once we went to that area we saw something move and me and Leon were a little freak out and we started talking at the same time, "What the hell...?!" We both said and Ada told us to 'stay sharp!' And we both kept our guard up, "hey (y/n) how come you are not disgusting about the sewers, the girls that I used to go in high school always complain about the smells, but some reason you're not?" Leon asked me and I told Leon the truth, "well, I am almost like a tomboy but once in awhile I do girl things, but I did get made fun of at school, but I didn't care it was of who I am?" Leon gave me a smile and he lean in and gave me a kiss on my cheek and I was blushing red a bit, Leon then looked at me and realized of what he did and he tried to apologize but I told him that it I love it and his cheeks turned red at the comment I made.  Leon kept walking forward, me and Ada both laugh at what happened but we just kept walking and we open a door and show us a long tunnel and we kept walking and some how we found a another way to keep moving forward and once we kept moving forward the ground started to shake again and Leon started talking again, "Again?!" Ada told Leon if he wants to turned back, while me and Ada can keep moving, but Leon didn't like that idea and he wanted to stick with us, we were closed to where we had to jumped down, so me and Leon jumped down and we didn't like sewer water that got in our mouth, "you sure this is the right way?" I giggled at Leon comment and I started to make a joke to him, "Hey Leon slash fight?!" Leon turned around to face me, "Don't you dare!" I laugh at this, (that line is from Left 4 dead 2 game if you play the passing map.) Ada was telling us that there was no where to go and we had come down here, we felt the ground was shaking and I was losing my balance and Leon grabbed my arm so I won't fall in the sewer water, the sound was coming close to us and we both saw a big ass alligator, "Jesus Christ!" I heard Leon said, we heard Ada calling our names, "Leon, (y/n)! Get out of there!" Leon grabbed my hand and we both started running away from him the big alligator was having his mouth open wide and was trying to eat us, but he missed us, me and Leon were to scared of this and we yelled at the same time, "Holy shit!!!" We both screamed out and we kept dodging him and I didn't pay attention to there was a slide and I fall in the sewer water, Leon came down and pulled me up, we noticed we had to shoot at a yellow pipe that had a flame able warning and we decided to shoot at it, Leon was holding me closed to me and once the big alligator was dead, Leon decided to check up on me, "Hey you okay (y/n)?" I still felt wet of being cover in sewer water but as long we are alive, "well, I know once we were done with this, maybe you and me can take a shower." I blushed at what I said and I felt like I regret it, but Leon pulled me closed to him and I saw Leon was looking at my lips and he started to lean closed to my lips, but before he was about to, Ada called our names and we pulled apart at what just happened, "Leon, (y/n), up here!" Ada was able to get the ladder to come down to us, "what the hell was-?" Leon was about say something, but Ada interrupt him and told us to come up at the ladder, "can't say I didn't warn you two..." Leon did not like that and started talking to Ada, "You said the virus turned people into monsters, not reptiles." Leon sounded piss again and Ada was still not phase of it, there was a elevator and the three of us went to elevator and we went down and we started talking about the viruses and how someone gets it, once we got down there, we started walking towards to the door and we open it to see a woman with blond hair wearing a lab coat, "definitely William's handiwork..." Leon was quick and point his gun at the woman and I did the same thing, Leon asked the woman of who was she, Ada came and told us it was Annette Birkin, Annette ignore us, but as soon Ada said about the 'g-virus' Annette did not like that answer and she throw a match at the dead body on fire and Annette started running away from us, Ada was almost close to death, so I pulled her away and I was so close at almost getting shot, but I heard Leon called my name and tackled me out of the way but Leon got shot in the shoulder, I got up and I asked Ada if she had any medical stuff and she gave me the stuff and I told her that she can go find Annette, Ada gave me a nod before she head off.

(I am going to say this again, but that line that was from the left 4 dead 2 game of how Rochelle made a joke to Nick about the sewer in the passing of chapter 2.😂😂)

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