Chapter 7

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Author note: I am going to write the same thing on my Devil May cry Dante x reader, but tomorrow I have online classes so I probably be busy but I try my best to do both but if I can't then I have to take a break on Wattpad, no I am not leaving Wattpad but I have to pass my junior year so I try my best guys so wish me luck guys, anyway on to the story.

(Y/n) POV
Leon was now done running now and I told Leon that we had to to go back to that library room and Leon nod his head at me before we went to the library to place down the lever on a red thing the lowers the book case down and me and Leon we decided to move the book cases to make it a path so we could go through that door and we got it to work and so we went across from it to see a door and we open it to see dark hallway that was on the third floor on the R.P.D Station, 'geez why is this station so big' I thought in my head and Leon was going in front of me and we saw two zombies so me and Leon grabbed our gun and started shooting at the zombies and it work we were able to killed them and we saw a door that was next to us and we open it to see that it looks like a clock tower that was inside (yes I know what a clock tower looks like because my friend told me about it.)  and I did remember that I had a big gear on me so I put the gear in a hole and there was something that was coming down but it only last for a second before now silence and me and Leon grabbed our guns and we started to walked up the stairs and it was empty so we put our guns away and explore the area a bit and we saw a another gear that is small so Leon pick it up and I went back downstairs to grab the big one and me Leon switched gears I got the little one that was for downstairs and Leon got the big one for the upstairs and we both put it in, then we hear a loud bell and something was coming down and Leon came running back to me, "hey (y/n) you alright?" Leon asked me, "yeah I am fine Leon thanks for checking up on me." I told him and Leon gave me a smile and we look on the ground to see the same kind of box that we saw earlier and so we open the box and it was the same one that we needed to open Ben jail cell.

Time skip
Still (y/n) POV
Leon and I made it back to the jail cells and we started to put the pieces together and I was having a little hard time, Leon came by and help me out and it work we were able to get the jail cell open of Ben's cell door, Leon saw a tape recorder and he started to play it and we were able to hear it and was Ben was talking to a woman and once Ben said G-virus the woman was pissed at what Ben said and the last thing before the record was over was 'bitch' and me and grabbed the key card and we both left but as soon we left Ben jail cell there was alarm going off, me and Leon both curse under our breath before Leon speak, "That's not good." And as so we were leaving we saw the same figure that was coming close to us and I did remember that I grabbed a flash grenade and threw it at the big figure before we took off running away from the jail area and back to the parking garage but as soon we were about to go the Machine that can used the key card and we heard the wall was smash by the figure, the figure knocked Leon out of the way before it turned to and grabbed my neck really tight and I thought I was going to die here, I heard Leon's voice, "(y/n)" before the figure could kill me, me and Leon heard a Vehicle that is coming towards us and the vehicle crashed by the big figure and it let me go and I was on the floor coughing because of my oxygen and Leon came by and helped me up and was making sure I was okay, then we both turned around to see Ada getting out of the vehicle, "Ada?!" I asked while I was holding my throat with one hand because my neck did hurt from the big figure, "This is getting old... saving your asses  that's twice you two." And Leon had my arm by his neck and he was using his another arm to grabbed my waist and Leon was talking to Ada, "I didn't realize you were keeping score." But Ada was mad at Leon for that comment that he made, "Look, this isn't a game!" And we heard the van and it was moving because of the big figure and I slowly move my another arm to grab my gun out and said, "you gotta be kidding me." And the van was started to move by the big figure and we hear Ada voice, "Nothing dies down here." And the van explode and the van was now broke, "I take it that you two have the key card?" Ada asked us and we both replied to her with a yes and Leon gave Ada the tape recorder to her awhile Leon was holding on to me, awhile Leon put the key card in the Machine and we were able to go forward and we heard the same talking on the tape recorder and so Leon was helping me to walk and now we are outside now and I am not going to lie but I miss being outside even though there is zombies out there but sometimes it feels nice to be outside when it is raining and Leon and Ada were talking about on the recorder, "Is that the intel you needed?" Leon asked Ada and I butt in the conversation, "I am not going to lie Ada but is that stuff you need or more info?" I asked her and Ada told us, "Unfortunately, no. Ben didn't come through." And I asked her, "Well, what exactly are you looking for?" I asked Ada again, "More info on the people responsible for this mess." And we were coming close to a gun shop and so me and Leon tried to open the door but it was lock, so Ada came by and started to pick lock at the door and the door was open and we saw the gun shop that it was wreak inside and I feel bad for the person that was in here, yes I live in raccoon city but I don't explore the city that much, Once we went inside of the gun shop there was a piece of paper and so I let go of Leon and I started walking to the paper and I froze at the name who wrote it and it was Jill Valentine on there and I remember Jill because she works at S.T.A.R.S sometimes I see her sometimes and we did chat before but that was only it, Leon noticed me that I was still staring at the piece of paper and asked me, "Hey (y/n) you alright because I see you are reading that paper and it look like you want to cry?" Leon asked me and I look at him and gave him a nod before putting the paper away and me and Leon walk forward to see man come out to us while he points his gun at Leon, "Don't move!" The guy told us, "We are not going to hurt you?" But the man was started to yelled at Leon that I was froze in time, "I said DON'T MOVE!" Leon was having a calm conversation to the guy, "We are just passing through. I'm going to ask you to lower that weapon." But the man was not listening to Leon, "Like hell you are! You two going to turn around, and go right back out the way you two came in." And me and Leon noticed a little girl behind the man and I step closer but the move his gun to me and I point my hands up and told him, "Look, sir I think your daughter is behind you and she doesn't look well?" But as soon I said that I heard the gun noise and the man was about to shoot my head, but luckily Ada came with her gun and talk to the man, "Drop it!" And the man realize that he was surrounded with us that have our guns out to him but Ada started to aim her gun at the little girl but the man told her to wait, "Step aside. We need to terminate her before she turns." Ada told the guy but the man had his shotgun raise at Ada, "Terminate? That's my fucking daughter!" And I do feel bad for the man so I lower my gun down and so did Leon, "Ada... Just let them be." Leon told Ada and Ada did lower her gun down and I saw the guy was hugging his daughter and crying and he look at Leon and told him that how come he didn't notice of what was happening in the world but Leon didn't know and of course I didn't know either and I am not going to lie but this made me want to cry now because of this and a kid dying is my worst fear of all.  Leon noticed me again and he decided to hold me tight while I was crying in his warm chest.

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