Chapter 11

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(Y/n) POV

Leon hold his hand out to me and I grabbed his hand, Leon started to walk to downstairs with me holding his hand and we went down there to see a door that has the same color as the bracelet but I am guessing it is some kind of ID that well let us go forward, once we got close to the door we hear a robot voice, "For your safety, stand clear until the doors are fully open." It kept repeating itself over again til we were able to go in the room, "ok... I wonder where the G-virus is?" Leon said, "yeah we need to get it and get out quick." Leon gave me a nod and we both let go of each other hand to go to a room and we opened the door to see it was dark in there, we both used our flashlights to make sure that we can see, we also had to walk slow to make sure that no zombies were here, but the hallway was clear but the cafeteria area had zombies in here, but we really don't have time with them, so we both ran away from them to see a ladder, Leon told me to go first and I went first and Leon started climbing up and I stick my hand out to grab his hand out for him to pulled him up.  Leon thank me, before we started to walk at some vent and I was confused because vents are supposed to be small but this one was big, Leon looked at my face and he knew he was confused to, so we both jumped down, some how I got a bad feeling about this, "Leon, we need to grabbed our guns because somehow I get the bad feeling already if we walk out at that door." Leon listen to what I said and we both had our guns out to make sure that whatever happens once we go to that door, the door open and we see a zombie was closed by it, I aimed my gun at the zombie head with a one shot, Leon came by me and asked me if I was alright, I told Leon I was fine, we both went to our right and see a door that we can walk in, the door open and we see some ammo on the table then I noticed a blue flash and I took it and it was the another piece that we need to kept going, so I put the ID on there and now we can go to level two areas.  Leon grabbed my hand and we started to run back to the main room again, Leon let go of hand and we started walking towards the door that has the same blue color on the ID, we both went in there and we see a somewhat cool area, then we see a dead soldier body that has a record tape, I decided to hear it, once I played it we hear a voice that was talking about the G-virus was in the West Area, so we had to go to that area to get the G-virus, I pressed a button and we see a bridge that we can walk forward now, we made it and we looked at the left and we see the name was West Area, so our luck was finally happening but we need to get a senior ID and we both were upset about this but we had to find it, we turned around to see a level two ID that we need to go so I press the button and the bridge was now there for us to cross again we were walking and we see a lot of stuff that could be useful for us.

Leon POV

(Y/n) was done with reloading her gun, I decided to talk to her, "so (y/n), after this is done do you think we can get a place to live in, you know just the two of us." I saw (y/n) was blushing and I gave her a smile, "yea, I would love that Leon, because now my home is now a zombie area now." I saw (y/n) looked a little sad but I gave her kiss on her cheek before we started walking towards to a door and once we enter the room we saw a person was by the window and was being crushed by a plant, "Jesus... what happened here?" I said, "I don't know Leon but it's best that we don't wait and find out." (Y/n) told me, I agreed with her and we started walking to a area and we see a lot of vines and we looked at a weird looking creature with a lot of vines around it, we didn't want to be here anymore so we kept moving.

Time skip still Leon POV

(Y/n) found a device that can get the power back on, so we just got one area that we were able to get the power on, good thing we got rid of the Lickers and zombies because things would go bad, we both went to a room and we had to go a area that was freezing in there, "who left they freezer open!?" I made a joke but I did hear (y/n) giggle before she started to get cold, so we need to hurry to get the bottle frozen for the green liquid that is in there, we both left quick and we went all the way back to the Machine that we need to put the bottle in there so the weed killer can get rid of the the vines off the scientist, we made it back to put in there and we had to wait till it was over, the roots started to turned to shrink a bit, we both left the room to get the ID, once we both made it, we heard a glass shatter and we both looked up to see that damn tyrant again, I grabbed (y/n) hand before we started running all the way back to the bridge area again to go to the West Area now, once we made it to that room we see a another dark area but luckily (y/n) still has that device to get the power back up now, (y/n) was able to get the power back on now and we decided to keep moving and we went to a room has suits and we thought nothing of it, till we were now walking to a room that we were now getting wet now, "(y/n) at least the sewer water is coming off of us." I saw (y/n) was giving me a smirk and I gave her a smirk to, before we started to laugh at each other, "you're right about that Leon, come on we need to get the G-virus for Ada now." I gave (y/n) a kiss on her cheek before we kept walking forward and we were able to make it to a room that look like it was a lot of creepy stuff in there, so we looked for the G-virus and I saw it and picked up, "Huh. That was easy..." I said before I put it away, we both were about to go back to Ada but we heard a level 4 virus was detected and we had to get out of here, as soon we were close to getting out of here we heard a crash came down and it was that same person that we had to fight two times, we were both getting pissed at this and we both aim our guns at the creature but we heard a door open and it was the woman again that was going to shoot Ada and almost hit (y/n), "Move. He's mine. This has to end." The woman had a gun that was shooting acid at the creature, "what the hell's going on!?" Me and (y/n) said at the same time but the woman ignored us, "sorry, William. You left me no choice." The woman shot her weapon again and the creature was down, we both pointed our guns to the creature that she calls it 'William' (y/n) decided to talk to her, "You called this thing 'William.' Why?" The woman was looking sad and she told us, "It shouldn't have been like this... It's Umbrella's fault-this whole mess." The woman told us, "You're Umbrella, too. You're telling us you weren't involved in this?" I asked the woman, "yes... but we never meant for this to happen." We both got up and started walking towards the woman and we asked her to tell us everything from the start, she was telling us that her husband injected himself with the virus, "so you made this monster?" I asked the woman but (y/n) started talking to her, "look we just need to get out of here before we all die here." (Y/n) was talking to the woman that I noticed the William was about to grabbed (y/n) but the woman save her and she was being grabbed by her husband and he was squeezing her and he throw her to a wall, we both kept our guns pointed at William, "The hell!?" (Y/n) said before we got out of the way to avoid getting hit by William, the woman lowered down the bridge we are standing on, so we had to fight William for a third time now, let's just say that William was hitting us a lot and we did get a couple bruises but other then that we are ok, me and (y/n) went to the little elevator platform to get up to the woman and once we made it, we see the woman was looking bad, "Jesus, that looks bad." I asked the woman, "Feels worse, believe me." The woman told us, (y/n) was talking to the woman, "Look, about what you said... we don't know how much we believe it, but we're willing to-" but the woman interrupt (y/n), "Just tell me that you two destroy that G sample." But we told her no and that it was evidence for the FBI, but the woman told us if we believe Ada and also she called Ada a bitch, "what's that supposed to mean?" We asked her at the same time, "she's not FBI, she's a mercenary. She's gonna sell it- The G-virus is gonna go to the highest bidder." But we didn't want to believe it but she told us if we give the G-virus in the wrong hands, so I started to get upset but (y/n) grabbed my hand and we started to run now to back to the bridge area, we see Ada was using something on the elevator to hack it, "we was just thinking about you." I asked Ada, "That makes three of us. I was getting worried." Ada told us, "Y'know we make a good team, but we gotta ask you something." Ada started coming down the little stairs to reach to us and she started talking to us, "The way's clear. Please, tell me you two got it." Ada asked us, "Oh, we got it." I told Ada and she was closed to us now but she was kinda rushing us, but I told Ada straight to the answers of how I told her that she was not the FBI, "aww... Leon and (y/n)?" Ada pulled out her gun and pointed at the two of us, "Why couldn't you two just hand over the sample?" (Y/n) started talking to Ada now, "because we realized, as much as we wanted to trust you..." we both pulled out our guns out and point it to Ada before we told her that we didn't trust her, "so that's all this was... we was just some pawn to you?" I asked Ada but she told us she was doing her job to but I told her that I was taking her in, but she kept rushing us to give her the sample but we didn't, the bridge we were on was started to come down and I know Ada didn't want to hurt us, but before I could anything (y/n) was talking to Ada, "then shoot me Ada and let Leon go." I was gonna tell (y/n) no, but Ada didn't want to shoot her or me, Ada lower her gun down and then Ada was shoot in her shoulder and we turned around to see Annette was the one that shoot her, Ada was closed to falling off but we both grabbed her hands to help her up but Ada didn't want us to but Ada was talking to (y/n), "(y/n) promised me you take care of him and I know that you have feelings for him to." (Y/n) gave Ada a nod but Ada fall down deep, we both were upset and sad that Ada die but we had to get out of here.

(Y/n) POV

Ada was gone, but me and Leon had to get out of here, so we went to the elevator to go down and once we made it down we were looking at the cameras and we see Claire was here to, so me and Leon were talking to Claire but the connection was getting bad and we had to get out of here fast and we left the room to run away from this area, but once we running away we saw those creepy vine creatures again, but we didn't have time to fight them so we kept running till we saw a room and we had to climb down on the ladder and once we made it down, we both noticed the tyrant was coming for us, but we dodged him quick and we went to the door, we were closed to getting out but there was a explosive blocking our way and we turned around to see the tyrant grabbed the both of us and we were trying to break free from him but we were lucky that there was a explosive that tyrant let us go and we both fall down because the explosive did hit us good, I was ready to passed out but Leon was helping me up and we started walking to the door and we found a piece that we need to start the elevator that was going down but of course things can't be easy because the tyrant was back and this time his suit was off of him and we had to fight him and it was hard to dodge his attacks but we were about to give up but we saw a box came down and I opened it to see a Rocket Launcher and me and Leon decided to do it together, we both pulled the tigger together and we were able to killed them, I was laughing with happy tears in my eyes, "we finally did it Leon, we finally killed him." I was holding Leon really closed to me and I felt him laugh and he started to touch my (h/l) (h/c) hair and I felt comfortable with him, but once we were down now we had to see zombies were coming towards us, I grabbed my grenade and I throw it to the zombies and we took this chance to run, I was feeling tired and Leon noticed me and he decided to carried me in bridal style and he was able to get us on the train, "now we can have a perfect life together." Leon told me and I lean close to him and I kiss his soft lips before I break away from him, "yeah I can't wait Leon." I pulled the bracelet off of my wrist and we both looked at it and we decided to throw it away from us, Leon got up and he stick his hand out for me to grabbed it and I did, we went inside the train car and we were happy to see Claire was safe and she was not by herself because there was a little girl wearing Claire's red jacket and she looked really adorable in it, "Leon, (y/n) you both made it?" We both smile at her and we asked her about the little girl, Claire told us her name is 'Sherry Birkin' and I gave her hand shake before we felt the train started to shake a bit, Leon decided he wanted to check it out, at first I didn't want Leon to go by himself but he told me to trust him, so I did and I waited for him, "so did you and Leon kiss?" Sherry asked me and I started to blush really red, "ummm, maybe?" I was nervous and I noticed Claire was laughing and I smiled at this, we both noticed the monster was with us in train car with us, so me and Claire had to keep Sherry back from this creature then I noticed Leon was having trouble so I told Claire to watch Sherry and Claire gave me a thumbs up and a smirk to me, "Leon we have to do this together!?" Leon looks at me and he gives me a smile and we found a sharp weapon that can help us killed the monster, "fuck you." We both tell the monster and we stabbed him with the weapon in his eye and Claire told us to hurry back and we both and the train car was now disconnected from the other car of where the monster is.  Leon saw the sky was now light and it was morning now, "we made it guys." I told them and we all smiled each other, Sherry asked me and Leon if we are boyfriend or girlfriend we turned around to each other and we were blushing red this time, "well, I was going to asked her, if that's okay with you (y/n)?" I smile at this and I grabbed Leon chin and I kiss his lips again before I told him, "I would like that Leon." Claire was smiling at this, "next time invite me to your wedding you two." Claire told us and I was gonna to give Claire the middle finger but I forgot Sherry was here so I didn't do it, Sherry notice a truck was coming, Leon told all of us to stay back but this guy just gave Leon a middle finger, I was closed to pulling my gun but Leon stopped me and I smiled at him and we all started walking away and of course we were holding each other's hand, but Sherry asked us if we can adopt her and the three of us were in shock about this and she kept talking about of how she wants a pet and she going on about but we didn't mind at all.

Author note: I am finally finished Leon X reader, so I am going to make a book 2 of Leon X reader the second book is going to take place at Dark side chronicle.

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