Chapter 10

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(Y/n) POV
Leon came back to me and he gave me some blue herb and I was feeling better from my poison that I had, "Man, I thought I was going to die?" I looked at Leon and gave him a smile and he used his hand to grabbed my hand up, "I guess we are even (y/n) because we both save each other." I chuckled at this before we looked at the other side of this room and we see that we had to put some kind of chess puzzle on there, Leon saw some of the chess pieces and he decided to do it and once he was done with it, we looked at the other pieces that we need to find to kept moving forward to get to Ada, so we went the other way to leave the room and we saw a lever that needs to be pulled down, Leon pulled the lever down and we hear something was coming down and we both noticed that a metal bridge was coming down and once it was down, we kept moving forward to look around to find the chess pieces we needed but of course there was nothing in this area but besides a safe that we were able to get it open by a code and once I open it, I saw a piece that is part of a shotgun so I gave the piece to Leon, Leon thank me and started putting the piece of his shotgun.

Time skip

Me and Leon got all the chess pieces that we need to get to Ada and let's just say that those pieces that we need we're getting were hard ass hell, there was so much of those creatures again that I got poison to and also that we find a key to that we were able to go back to some areas that we need if we couldn't do it, I did remember that we were able to go back to the police station and we decided to look around to see if we missed anything important and we were able to get a another gun and this time Leon let me have it and we decided to go all the way back to the sewer area again, we were now back to that area again to do the chess puzzle now, I was never good at chess so Leon took over to do it and it work because we heard a door open, "alright good work Leon." Leon gave me a smile and we had to get Ada now, "ok... we're almost there, Ada." We went downstairs to get to Ada but the bad news the lever didn't had any power, so we had to go to the room that was next to the room of where Ada was, we open the door and I decided to do the switches to get the power on and I was able to do it, once we were about to leave a big hand was blocking our way, we had to back away quick and we were both scared shitless, we kept avoiding the creature that had that one eye the creature bust opened the metal door and we had to run away quick, "It's still alive!?" Leon scream out, "Yeah, but we have to get out of here!" Leon gave me a quick nod before we turned right and it leads us outside to and we saw a big red crate that we had a plan to do it, Leon decided to distract it and I was going to press the button to hit, once I hit the button to make it go back and Leon kept distracted it a lot, I was making sure it stopped moving and once it did I push the button again, I let Leon know and he came running towards to me, once the crate hit him, he didn't go down on the first time, so we had to do it again and after that was finished, we decided to take breath, "man that was hard." I asked Leon, "yeah you're right (y/n), oh man I thought we were not going to make it." Leon asked me, "but hey we made though." Leon gave me a smile before we got back up.

Leon POV
(Y/n) was good and that's what matters to me, don't get me wrong, Ada is cool in all but (y/n) was smart, kind, funny, and make jokes to me a lot, I just loved about her (h/l) (h/c) hair and her beautiful (e/c) eyes, we kept moving to get to Ada we were able to move the lever up and we duck down to get to Ada, "Ada!? Ada, where are you!?" We both heard her but we noticed blood was on the floor and we had to get to her, we both noticed that she has something stuck on her leg, Ada told us that she couldn't get the item out of her leg, I decided to take it out and (y/n) decided to put the medicine on the cloth and wrap it around her wound, Ada asked us to get out of here but we both disagree with her, (y/n) pulled her hand out to help Ada up and she grabbed her hand to lift her up, "grab my shoulder." I asked Ada but she didn't let me, (y/n) was looking tired already but she didn't want to give up, so she told us that we have to keep moving, we were walking and we had to make sure Ada was with us, we got to the cable car with the bracelet that Ada has on her wrist and once we got inside in the cable car, Ada had to sit down so she can relax her leg, (y/n) decided to still up and I move the lever and the it started to move, I sit next to Ada and all three of us started talking to each other, "you know what I was thinking?" (Y/n) was looking at me, "What's up Leon." (Y/n) asked me, "I can't wait for the FBI to raid Umbrella headquarters and take those bastards to justice." (Y/n) was giving me a smile to me, "you know Leon, I was thinking the same way to." We give each other a smile before Ada started talking to us, "I agree... but to be clear, you two are not working in official capacity. This is a federal case. Once we get the G-virus, I'm back on my own." I turned around but Ada called us, "Hey, Leon, (y/n)... you two trust me?" I walked close to Ada and I asked her if she trust in us and Ada was explaining to us if she didn't, "look, I thought I might need your help... and I was right. If you two can secure the G-virus, I can make sure what happened in Raccoon City never happens again." The two of us were worried about Ada, so I decided to sit next to Ada and the two of us were chatting about it and when she told us that she was going to be on her own, that's when I started to get worried, I was still talking about it, then Ada tried to kiss me, but I pulled away from her, "Ada, you take care of yourself, while me and (y/n) get the G-virus for you." Ada gave us a smile and before we were about to leave, Ada called (y/n) and she turned around to face her and Ada gave (y/n) the bracelet so we can keep moving forward, once we got off the cable car (y/n) was talking to me now, "So what happened to not kissing her, I thought you like her or something?" I turned around to face (y/n) now, "(y/n) I didn't want to kiss Ada because my kiss wants to be with you." I pulled (y/n) close to me and kiss her lips, I thought she was not going to kiss back but she did, but we had to pulled away from each other, "well, I guess we can't die now, because now we have to stay alive and also get the G-virus for Ada now." (Y/n) told me and we were walking downstairs to go get the G-virus for Ada.

(I really don't like the chess puzzle on that because it took me forever to do it and of course the scenario B was hard to 😒😒😒)

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