[79]: Welcome Home

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When he caught you, your world stopped

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When he caught you, your world stopped.

Spinning you around in circles, Tamuki squeezed you, and you squeezed him.

Katsuki approached slowly. He obviously wasn't going to embrace your brother with a hug.

When Tamuki finally let you go, tears streamed down his face.

Shocked, you wiped them away with both hands, "No, no, no. Don't cry!"

Tamuki let off a small chuckle before he reconstructed his composure, and shook his head.

"It's just overwhelming. I mean, I haven't been acknowledged personally by you in such a long time."

Honestly, you didn't know what to make of that statement.

For the moment, you let it go, and followed Tamuki as he took a few steps to close the uncomfortable gap seperate him from Katsuki.

"You must me Bakugou Katsuki?" Tamuki offered his hand out for a shake, "I've been told that you're the man who deserves my thanks, for the improvement that has gone on with my sister over the past few months."


Katsuki didn't shake his hand.

He ignored it completely.

"Fuck you mean 'improvement'?" He snapped back, attentively waiting for an answer.

"I-I just mean...I guess I owe it to you, too."

He glanced your way, hoping you were not going to reciprocate his desire to know more.

You met eyes with Tamuki. And, for the first time in way too long, you didn't even recognise who you were looking at.

Rina Tamuki was suddenly a stranger.

He changed.

It took you so long to realise.

And, amongst other things, he quickly picked up on your notice, so gave up the facade he was trying to maintain. He sighed deeply, glancing between the two of you and hoping you would offer him the respect and patience he would need to explain his side of the story.

"Let's go. There's some shit I need to talk with you about."

You knew that. You could see it.

He had something to say.

Something to confess.

Something you wouldn't like, but were willing to listen to, and give your brother the benefit of the doubt for the first time in a while.

You'd rather know than not.

"Our spot?"

Takumi smiled, "I've got the car waiting."

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