Chapter 15

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Old Flame New Flame

The day was still fresh in my mind. Still I can hear her laugh. I can still hear all of them laugh. "Baby? Is everything all right?" She asked. I didn't look up to see her instead I walked towards Violet. But she wasn't there. Not next to me. Where is she? "Baby you..." I heard her footstep stop just behind me.

"Lucian, it is a surprise. You came here finally. Aren't you going to say hello to me?" She asked. "Yes Lucian, say hello to your sister-in-law." I balled my fists, rage swept through me. But I stayed silent for my mother's sake. Only for her. She is the lady given me a second life. I respect her.

"Hello Daphne." I said through gritted teeth. This is why, I don't like to come here. It is why I stayed away. All these years I wanted stay away from this family drama. But I had to come here because you cannot forget your roots. "Hello to you Lucian, it had been long since I had saw you." She came and placed a finger over my chest. "Is that how you treat old friends Lucian? Remember we used to be best friend"

And then you had played me. I trusted you and I had made a big mistake. "Yes, work had kept me busy. I haven't got any time to visit." I told her. She moved her finger along my torso. "Is that so?" She leaned and kissed my cheek. "I don't think so Lucian, I think you weren't here because of me, you didn't return because of me. You still are holding off grudge."

I pulled her hand off me. "Please don't touch me, we are not teenagers anymore. We are grown up and you are not my friend anymore." I told her. "I have a girlfriend now. I want to be loyal to her. Please just leave." She stood a little farther and smiled. "Which girlfriend I don't see anyone Lucian. Perhaps you do not want to embarrass yourself again? Probably you don't want to admit Lucian, you still are hurt. Still cannot accept that it was just a joke"

"I do accept, I do accept it was my mistake Daphne. I am not lying, not to anyone." I moved back and looked at them. My brother and his wife. I cannot understand how they can stand there and look at me in the eye. "Peter, your brother came home after so many years, all you can do to him is show some respect." My father said. "It's alright father we all know how Peter is, how he always likes to flaunt even when all that he achieved was what I had left for him out of generosity" "You..." Peter came at me. I held his hand effectively before he can land some punches on me. "Uhh huh brother it I was you I would have thought twice before trying something like this. First I spent my days in military and that training is still in my blood and second you do not wish to tarnish your image in front of all your business associated and specially your wife."

I softly brushed the crease out of his suit. "There all perfect brother, as you like it sophisticated and fake." I told him moving away. I know he wanted to hit me so badly. But he held on to his temper because of all the people in the vicinity. I returned back to my table but Violet wasn't there instead she was sitting with Myra and others. As usual I was alone in that massive sitting space. And I was all emotional.

These things are always very dangerous combination. Specially for me. I am not good with my emotions or emotional attachment of any kind. I am not good with all those things that is why I liked her. I liked my Violet. She doesn't complicate things for me. She is a blessing in disguise. But now don't know why I feel as I am going to lose this blessing soon. I don't have it in me to keep her with me, keep her to me. I do not possess that kind of power to keep her with me.

I looked back and saw her sitting next to Jace. My mother came and talked her about something. What are they conversing about? "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very proud to announce that our company had successfully completed its fifty years as of today and gained it's tremendous success. It is all because of the hard work you all do all the year around."

My father looked at me and smiled. "But as you grow older and wiser you would realise that your real treasure is not the money you had made, but it is the people you made happy, it is the lives you had save, relationship you had made. All the people sitting here are truest example of that bond I share. And today I am happy because to share my success I have my sons standing right next to me. My Son Lucian had returned home after so many years. "

He gestured towards me and I raised my glass. "And I have never been prouder to call him my son as before. They are my truest treasure, something money cannot give me, I am happy to have a nice little family. My angels, and my pride My Peter and Lucian, I wish them success and happiness in future."

"To Peter and Lucian may god bring them success," all around me said raising their glass. I walked around and took the microphone from my father. "Thank you, father, for all of this. I want to raise a toast for both of you, mom and dad, because you two people had always been and always will be my true heroes." Peter was looking at me with angry gaze. I said nothing wrong, did I?

"Thank you, Son," My father hugged me. I returned the hug. I walked back to my seat. The empty space reserved just for me. "it is time for first dance." My mother announced. I wanted to ask Violet for the first Dance, but someone already beat me to it. Jace was leading her to dance floor. I told her before her every first should be mine. But no, he is not going to let me do that and why she is not protesting. Why she is not waiting for me to be her first dance of the evening.

Her eyes met mine. I didn't say anything. I couldn't have. I don't know how I am going to use the words or what words I can use today. I walked away it is all I could have done. She is happy is she not? Then why am I ruining her happiness? I do not wish to stand in path of her happiness.

"Trouble again Lucian?" I heard her voice. "Daphne not now, I have an important conference to attained to and it cannot wait" She made a face. "You just come here, Lucian, I saw you after so many years, maybe we can rekindle our relationship? Maybe I can refresh some old memories. Come on Lucian don't you want to? Don't you want to rekindle our relationship?"

Someone pulled her hand away from my face. It was not me. But I never seen her so angry. "Listen Miss whoever you are, you are making him uncomfortable he is not interested in you" Daphne looked at Violet. "And you think he is interested in you? Have you ever seen yourself? He is just playing you" I am not playing her. "Even if he is playing that is between him and me. You are not allowed to interfere now, leave him alone"

Daphne gave me one last look and then she walked away. Violet looked at me and I moved back. "Go and enjoy Violet, I am going back to hotel. I am tired." I told her. "But..." "No Violet go and enjoy yourself. You deserve it." I gave her one last look and walked away. 

I had too. I can never make her that happy like they can. Maybe they all are right, I don't deserve her. I don't deserve anyone. So, I think I am better off alone. I can make her happy that way. 

Word Count: 1402 Words

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