Chapter 16

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A Warm Embrace

I walked back to my lonely room. Why? I thought this day could end differently. Why I ever thought that it could end in my favour for once that I can be happy, when there is everything that is in my life but happiness. I cannot be happy. No, I cannot be happy no matter what I do I can never ever be happy.

I took off my coat and turned off the lights. This is how my life should be doused in darkness. No wonder there is no one to light it up. I feel like I am cursed for lifetime. I poured myself a drink and lit up a cigar. My only companion for today. I know she will return but not to be in my arms. So why I am still hoping against all odds that she will return back to me?

There was storm outside but it is nothing compared to storm inside of me right now. I do not love her. I am incapable of loving anyone. No, it is not true. I loved someone, her and she was not mine from the beginning. Wasn't it suppose to fill the empty space inside of me? Then why I am holding on to her for that? Maybe because she can love me back and that is only thing I never really had in my life.

I looked out the window the storm was on the high. They were not going to come back tonight. It is impossible. They had to stay in. Maybe it is what she needs to have time with Jace so that they can rekindle whatever they have together. Maybe Myra would have agreed to their relationship.

I heard the door open and someone walk in. I can easily recognize her footstep anywhere. I turned around as she was about to switch on the lights. "Don't" I said. "Why not? I cannot see a thing" She told me. I reached out to her. She was soaked. Her clothes were sticking to her body. "I like it this way. I may have some candles in here which you can light if you like to." I told her.

I turned around again. She held me tightly from behind. "Why you left me there Lucian? You told me there were things we needed to discuss then why you had left? Why didn't you wait for me?" She asked, "Shhh... you will catch cold querida, let me help you get out of this first. Then when you are warm enough, we can talk alright?" I told her.

She nodded. And then she stood a little farther away. I looked at her confused. She took out a candle and lit it illuminating the place a little better. "Well? What are you waiting for? go and change you will catch cold otherwise." I told her. 

"I need assistance Lucian. If you didn't saw this dress is quite a work of art." I beg to differ Violet right now you look like a work of art. "So? You want me to help you?" I asked. "There isn't anyone here other than you, is it?" She asked. "I don't know I can always..."

She pulled me to her. "Shut up and help me this dress is getting itchier as the water is drying and I am in dire need of warm shower." She complained. "Alright, turn around" I said. She turned around and I glided my fingers as I untied her laces on the back. Her skin was smooth under my fingers. And it had became harder and harder to resist now. I placed a soft kiss on her bare back. And then I turned her around.

"You can get it off now" I told her. She moved back and took it off. Where she was standing now is a pool of fabric and in between is her in all her glory. Violet, and nothing. I swallowed hard looking at her glorious self. She looked like a goddess of beauty herself. Slowly pulling me in to her. "You can take shower now Miss Washington." She moved towards me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I need assistance Mr. Night, can you not assist me?" She asked.

"What you suggesting?" I asked as she held my hand leading me to my bathroom. "Wash me up." She whispered. I want to, and then I want more from it, can I have more from it? I pulled off my clothes and then took her towards the shower pulling on the curtains. I squeezed a little of my soap and then asked "You want this?" She nodded. "Where baby? Tell me where do you want me?" She placed my hand over her leg. "Fine then baby, your wish my command"

I made out with her but it was not enough. No, I wanted her so bad but I am not sure if she is ready for that. I put her in on of my t-shirts and dried her hairs carefully. I concluded that I like to take care of her. I can make it a routine. A hobby of mine. To take care of her daily. I pulled her into the bed with me she was sitting on my lap and I was leaning against the bedpost.

"Comfortable?" I asked. She nodded. "Why you left Lucian?" She asked. "I figured out I may not be the thing you need Violet. I cannot be selfish and keep you with me, can I?" I asked running my fingers through her hairs. "You are not selfish Lucian. I never thought you as selfish, yes a person with sad, and unfortunate situation but never a selfish person. And what more important that ever attracted me towards you was how you can love selflessly." She said slowly tracing my hands. 

"I am so selfish, even when I know I may never give you what you want from me, I am keeping you in here prisoner, if I was good, I would have let you be happy. But I am so selfish and Myra is right I am going to hurt you badly, so badly Violet"

She turned to face me. "Then I shall take that head on Lucian, because I was the one who had agreed to all this, knowing what you can and you cannot give me. Lucian, you never lied to me. You always were true, you never gave me false hope, never started this relationship under any false pretenses. I was the one who always had been the insecure one." I flipped us so she was underneath me.

"I am sorry for being a bad boyfriend. I wanted the world to know that who you are to me. Today I had decided to tell everyone around me that who you truly are, that I wasn't playing you baby. I can never play you ever."

 "I know Lucian. I believe you; I know you never will play with my feelings. You never did play with my feelings. Tomorrow is our last day here isn't it? I want to get a tattoo." I smiled. "We talked about it Violet, no one can..." "No one can see something that belongs to you, I get it I would get it over my collarbone is that ok with you baby?" She asked.

She called me baby. It is all I heard. "You called me baby" I told her. "sorry, I didn't mean to..." I stopped her. "It's ok querida, you can call me anything you want to." I got up and salvaged a box from the pocket of me coat. "What is it?" She asked. "I had gotten hunting for my own treasures when you were out shopping with Myra." She smiled. I opened it up.

She gasped. "Lucian this is..." "A promise ring Baby, I am not promising a smooth ride in future. But, believe when I say this querida, I will forever be there for you, may not be in a way you expect me to be. Because trust me I am horrible with appointments and dates." She laughed. "But where you truly need me, I will be there for you always and forever yours..."

By this time, she was in tears. "Oh Lucian, thank you it is beautiful." She whispered as I put it on her finger. She looks happy, it is all I wished her to be. "Lucian." She whispered. "Yes baby?" I replied looking at her.

"I think I want you now, right here, I am ready."  

Word Count: 1425 Words

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