Chapter One

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"Well... What do you want?"
"Something... you don't have... yet... But it's alright. I'm a patient man."
Esther stood in the street light, revealing herself, "Tell me." she clenched.
"I would like... The appearance of your first born."
Esther laughed, "Appearance? And how can you get that?"
"I have my ways, Gothel."
"Well... Why do you want it?" Esther pondered.
"That's my business like what you want is yours... So... Do we have a deal?"
Esther continued searching for the embodiment of the voice, "You want my first kid to be ugly?"
"It's not like I'm asking you to be ugly, in fact, I'm preventing that. What's one child's appearance over yours anyways?"
"Okay. It's a deal"

With a one night stand, years after the ordeal, leaving Esther Gothel pregnant, she welcomed the child despite not remembering who the father is. She had desired a family as it would look good for her reputation.
"Esther Gothel, new mother and business owner, how does she manage it all?"
News headlines would be ecstatic over it.
An unknown father would be an issue but that could be fixed with some white lies.

"Esther Gothel, rape survivor, national icon."
"Esther Gothel, speaking against rape."
"Esther Gothel, empowering women."
She came back more powerful than ever.
More influenctial.
A savior to all men and women who have not spoken against those issues.
Making them feel as though, they too, could accomplish what she had despite the trauma they faced.

"So what do you intend to do with that child, Ms. Gothel?" Mr. Ryan, a tv show host asked her during an interview.
Gothel plastered a smile, "I believe all women have the rights to do what they want with their own bodies. I understand the situation this baby was conceived in was not ideal-for others out there please remember your actions are justified and it is your body-but as for me, I am going to use this experience and turn it around and raise a beautiful child."
The audience roared. They loved her. She seemed to have gained charisma skills since that unfortunate night. New ideas, ways of captivating the audience. Ways to get on everyone's side.
Her already fortunate career skyrocketed.
All thanks to the child she carried in her stomach.
The child who will come out ugly, come out as a "product of rape", false rape of course, but the media doesn't know that.
Just a secret for Esther, and Esther alone.

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