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It had only been three days since Jonathan had left Minx in the park after their heated exchange. Jonathan was spending all of his time working on college work and messing around with a computer he was building for fun. Minx had only texted him a few times, knowing that he needed some time to think and clear his mind. 

He had a textbook opened in front of him and his laptop next to it, glancing between the two. He was attempting to program his own game for a fun project his favorite teacher had assigned. Some of it was easy, but other times Schlatt found himself frustrated as every minute error resulted in him having to start over whatever he was doing.

After an hour tinkering with one bit, he finally gave in and quit for the night. His eyes were burning from staring at his screen all day and his back popped as he straightened it out with a stretch. He had been hunched over all day which definitely wasn't good for his posture. It was a Saturday, yet he was stuck (alone, his roommate went out to a party) inside his dorm doing homework and messing around with his computer. Jonathan sighed, feeling lame.

Surprisingly, someone knocked on his door. Jonathan assumed it was probably meant for his roommate, so he stood up with a sigh. He pulls on a shirt and opens the door, prepared to meet disappointment as the person realized it wasn't who they wanted.

Jonathan's eyes almost popped out of his skull. "Casey?"

"Hey there bud! I can't tell if you're happy to see me or not." Casey laughed as Schlatt pulled her in for a quick hug. She shrugged off her coat as Jonathan allowed her in, a blush on his cheeks as he realized his room was a mess. 

Attempting to pick up the chip wrappers and empty Gatorade bottles, Jonathan felt himself struggling to make conversation. "What brings you to town?" He asks as he shoves a handful of wrappers into the garbage can.

Casey threw herself onto the bed, stretching her arms and legs. "Well, I decided to change my major, and this school has a really good program. Their journalism program is one of the best. I went on a tour today and thought I'd drop by and see how you're doing."

"Well, it's nice to see you. Obviously I haven't done anything but homework and mess around today." Schlatt laughs, pulling a chair and sitting in front of the sprawled out brunette. The girl lets out a soft giggle in agreement; the room was a bit of a mess.

The friends chatted for a while, catching each other up on their lives. Casey ranted about her on and off relationship with Carson. The toxic couple couldn't stop themselves from breaking up and getting back together again every few months. At the moment, they were broken up and constantly bickering over text. Casey read out some of their arguments, laughing at every dumb thing the pair fought about. 

"Enough about me and my dumb ass relationship issues," Casey groaned. She knew she was dumb for even trying to work things out with him all the time. "How are you and Minx? I follow her on Instagram and every other post is you two doing something adorable. I'm glad one of us have some luck in the relationship department."

Schlatt sighed, visibly tensing up at the mention of his girlfriends name. Casey noticed and sat up with concern written all over her face. Schlatt flopped himself next to her, his head laying on her thigh as he rubbed his eyes. "Well, we're typically doing fine. But not so much right now."

"If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine. I understand." Casey cautions, finding herself playing with Schlatt's hair. "I know I tend to talk a little too much. Don't think you have to do the same."

Schlatt let out a soft laugh. He missed having friends outside of his roommate and Minx. Of course he loved spending time with Minx, but sometimes he needed a breath of fresh air, especially when things aren't going too well. 

"Nah, it's fine. I guess I need some girl advice anyways." Schlatt confessed, rolling on his side to look up at Casey.

Casey grinned, "Well good thing I am a girl who is capable of giving advice. Lay it on me." 

Thinking about what to say and how to explain things, Schlatt allows Casey to comfort him. She had a thin arm strung across his chest and the other was enveloped in his hair, playing with it. Her eyes were filled with genuine concern for her friend, who seemed to be having a tough time even coming up with words. 

"Well, I had an appointment with my new therapist. She told me I've been quite dependent on Minx, which is true. I decided to talk to Minx and somehow it went really, really not great. I don't think she trusts me to take care of myself, and that sucks. Made me feel pretty useless." Schlatt admits, a dull ache starting in his chest. He would never admit it, but he felt a bit heartbroken at the situation. 

Frowning, Casey squeezed Schlatt's shoulder lightly. She couldn't believe how heartbroken the boy looked, even though the boy was desperately trying to hide it. After a few moments, Casey finally spoke up, "So what happened after that? Did you guys fight more or?"

Schlatt sat up, his neck no longer comfortable laying on Casey's lap. After giving it a quick pop, Schlatt leaned his head onto Casey's shoulder. "Nothing. We were on a park date and we argued. I didn't know what to do so I left. It's been three days and neither of us have talked."

Casey pulled away, shocked. Jonathan had left Minx at the park after they fought? "Did you guys break up then?"

Jonathan's jaw went slack. He couldn't give her an official yes or no. He was just as confused as she was. His eyes stung more and he felt himself fighting the feeling of crying. 

Casey could only pull her friend into a deep hug, at loss for words. She ran her fingers through his hair as she tightly hugged him. She was sure Jonathan hadn't experienced something like this before. 


Don't hate me for this chapter hehehe

also i was in the mood to write so pls deal with this long chapter until i feel like writing journal entries again

thanks for reading homies

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