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Minx smiled with a subtle smirk towards Casey and her ex-boyfriend. Her parents loved her and didn't know that Jonathan had cheated on her. They were casually chatting about college and life at the moment. "Things are pretty okay, honestly!"

"Well, I'm happy for you! I haven't talked to you in quite a while; I quite miss our conversations!" Jonathan's mother dared to say. Schlatt visibly tensed, but relaxed when Minx played off as her just being a busy college student.

Finally, Schlatt decided to speak up. "Well, I think we should go. Casey and I have to wash all our clothes and start packing up." Schlatt said, slipping his coat on and laying a hand on his girlfriend's thigh.

"Packing already?" His dad looked suddenly interested in the subject. Everyone surrounding the couple stared at them, with both confusion and disinterest. "You've just got here!"

Casey spoke up, "My parents haven't seen me in quite a while, so I had to push the date a little closer than I expected. I guess they're just so eager to meet Jay." With a smile, Casey leans a hair closer to her boyfriend.

"Jay?" Minx interrupted unintentionally. She mentally slapped herself for slipping up and seeming curious about anything that had to do with Casey. Their parents gave Casey a strange look as well, as they weren't used to the nickname. They were used to Jonathan's friends calling him Schlatt, but nothing much else.

Casey shrugged, "When Jonathan and I play video games together, his username is jschlatt. I just got into a habit of calling him by his initial, and I guess it's my new nickname for him." She explained, blushing at the attention being completely on her.

Jonathan's mother smiled wide, "That's absolutely adorable! He's never quite liked nicknames, which is why it was either his full name or his last name. So you must be one special girl, Casey!'

No one needed to know that Minx felt jealousy and rage fill her entire soul. She always thought she was the best girlfriend Jonathan had, considering she was his first real relationship. His parents used to love Minx, and often bragged about their relationship to everyone who would listen. Now that role has been forcefully taken by Casey, who seemed adamant about stealing the man she had worked hard to fix.

Finally, the tension lifts as Minx dismisses herself and the group can finally leave. The M-word doesn't leave the mouths of anyone after they had left the restaurant. This brings a small relief for Casey, as she felt insecure around the girl. Her voice dripped with a subtle venom that made Casey want to scream any time that Minx spoke toward her.

Although Casey was jealous over how in-love with Minx Jonathan's parents seemed to be, she felt less insecure once his mother had called her special. If only she knew how special Jonathan was to her.


short chapter just to update ya'll on life!!

i'm in college now; i think my fourth week??? idk something like that

but its been a rollercoaster so far, sometimes things are really good and sometimes things suck, but thats life lol

i'll update as much as possible. i'm going to aim at once or twice a week. they'll be shorter chapters, so i think i'll bring back the journal for schlatt.

thanks for understanding! i've been getting so many notifs for the first book so i thought i'd pop in and f i n a l l y update.

love yall

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