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* italics is a flashback*

It had been almost three weeks since Casey announced their relationship to instagram. The pair woke up the next day, sober and a little confused. They decided to roll with it anyways, considering they had been flirting for quite some time.

As Jonathan's mood improved, he began to show interest in school again. He pretended that a family friend had passed and somehow his teachers believed it and allowed him to make up all of his missing work. He felt bad about lying, but it was worth it to him.

Jonathan and Casey were sat in the library, working on assignments and chatting every now and then. The pair made a deal to stay completely sober on the weekdays, and get high on the weekends, only if they had their school work under control. They were slowly weaning off of drugs and alcohol, much to Jonathan's excitement.

Today was the last day of final's before spring break. Jonathan leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms and yawning. Casey looked up at him, pushing her glasses further up her nose. "What's on your mind?" She asked, tangling her fingers with his and giving his hand a small squeeze.

"Okay, this is gonna be a little bit weird, but would you like to meet my parents sometime during break? I'm doing to meet yours." Jonathan asked, awkwardly shifting in his seat.

Casey grinned, "Definitely."

Jonathan grinned back, kissing Casey's forehead. "I think I'm done studying for today. I have pretty much everything down. Do you need any help studying?"

Casey shook her head. "My last final is easy. I was thinking about heading to the Caf for a quite bite before we have our last tests?"

Jonathan nodded in agreement, suddenly realizing how hungry he was. The pair packed all of their belongings and left for the cafeteria, hands linked together. The food wasn't awful, but it was cafeteria food so it wasn't good either. Schlatt considered it edible.

Casey scrolled through her phone, cooing at an image her friend had taken of them. "J, look at this picture that Frankie took of me while everyone was at your dorm!"

Jonathan smiled, remembering that night.

Cooper (with permission) invited a group of his friends to their shared dorm for a small party. The group consisted of Jonathan, Casey, Cooper, Travis, Sam, and Frankie. Space was a small issue, but somehow they all made it work.

Finals week was quickly approaching, so the friends wanted to hang out and relax before a stressful two weeks. Casey and Jonathan were almost inseparable, only parting to use the restroom.

The new couple had stayed up late watching a new tv series and were exhausted. Casey laid on the couch, yawning and pulling the sleeves of Schlatt's jumper (that she had stolen) over her palms. Jonathan laid half on top of her and half on top of the couch, wrapping his arms around the tan girl. Casey grinned, wrapping her arms around the brunette.

"Awww!" Frankie cooed, pulling out snapchat and taking a picture. She saved it and sent it to Casey, who's phone vibrated somewhere underneath the entangled couple.

Schlatt laughed as his phone buzzed and a notification that Casey had tagged him in a post flashed across his screen. He smiled warmly at his phone as he looked at the picture.

 He smiled warmly at his phone as he looked at the picture

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@.caseyann: appreciation post for the best boyfriend ever. you're everything i've ever wanted or needed. always treat me like a queen. you're my smoking partner and study buddy. whether we're nose deep in books or fucked up at a party, i'm always happy to be with you. @.jschlatt
@.jschlatt: you're so unbelievably cute. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Looking at the time, Jonathan sighed as he realized he needed to go to his last class of the day. He knew it would be a decently easy test, so he was pretty confident.

"Alright, dear, I have to go to class." Schlatt dumped their trays and lead Casey out of the building. "Here's my key; I'll meet you back in my room once I'm done. I'll text you when I'm on my way."

Casey nodded and pulled her boyfriend for a quick hug and kiss. She wished him good luck before casually walking towards the mens dorms.

Minx POV

My fists tighten in a ball at the sight in front of me. My friend, Kacey, sat with her arms folded across her chest as I looked at all the screenshots she had saved for me. Kacey is my roommate, who just happens to have Jonathan and Casey on snapchat and instagram.

There were so many pictures of the pair together. They seemed happy, which I guess is nice. But half of them were pictures of the pair partying; smoking weed and drinking mystery substances out of red solo cups. The thought of Jonathan smoking weed made my blood practically boil.

So he moved on to Casey. I kind of expected that, considering they had been not-so-subtly posting each other on their stories. Even if they had never announced it, they seemed to hang out a lot. I still have Jonathan on social media, so I saw some of the posts. It took him a while to get comfortable posting videos and pictures of Casey and his friends, but eventually he was posting them all the time.

I wondered what happened to cause the sudden change. It makes sense now, considering he's dating someone who loves to overshare on social media.

Starting from the beginning, the first picture is from Casey's instagram account. It's private, so I can't see any of her posts. She has over ten thousand followers, but I refuse to be a clown and stalk my cheater ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. It was a four picture post of Casey sitting on Jonathan's lap, kissing him and holding up junk food and a dab pen.

The caption was gross, and so was Jonathan's comment. Each post had a very unclassy caption followed by an unclassy comment from Jonathan.

"Oh my God!" I exclaim, seeing a screenshot of one of Casey's posts on snapchat. "She took a picture of her sitting on him and captioned it with water drop emojis? Gross!"

 "She took a picture of her sitting on him and captioned it with water drop emojis? Gross!"

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Some of the posts were from Casey's smaller account, which had less than thirty followers. I don't know how Kacey had access to them, but I was complaining about that.

Angrily, I give Kacey her phone and pull mine out. Before I know it, I'm calling Jonathan's number.

"Hello?" He says, confused.

"Jonathan." I say slowly, gritting my teeth. "I just wanted to say hi. See how things are going?"

"Uhm, things are great. Uh, how are you doing?" I can hear Casey in the background, rambling about something I couldn't quite understand.

"I'm great. Just wanted to say I saw that you're a huge pothead now. I guess thats your new therapist?" My voice drips with venom. I want him to feel the pain that he made me feel. I still love that fucker.

"Dude, what the fuck is your problem? What I do in my spare time is none of your concern anymore." My chest tightens. He's not wrong, but it still sucks to hear it. "I gotta go. I have better people to associate with."

My mouth drops. He's never snapped at me like that, let alone hang up on me. I feel hot tears stream down my cheeks. He's changed so much. All because of that gross Casey.


woo longer chapter bc i am INSPIRED tn

lmk how you felt abt the chapter!

vote n comment pls, it encourages me to write more hehehe

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