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Schlatt didn't realize how much a hug would make him feel better. Of course, the weight of not being able to tell if he was single or not felt like a boulder crushing his shoulder, but at least he had a friend on his side. And maybe he did miss Casey a little more than he thought.

The pair sobered up from their sad and reflective state and decided to live the college experience and go to a party. All Jonathan wanted to do was text Minx and tell her about the party, but then he realized he was a grown ass man who didn't need his girlfriend to baby him. He didn't need permission to attend a stupid college party anyways.

So there they were, standing at a table playing beer pong. Schlatt and Casey decided to team with each other, and surprisingly, they were doing well. The other team only had two cups left in front of them, while Casey and Schlatt had five left in front of them.

It was Schlatt's turn, who made his fourth cup in a row. Casey followed suit, jumping up and cheering at the splash the ping pong ball made. Casey jumps on Schlatt's back, throwing her fists in the air in celebration. Schlatt's roommate, Cooper, held out a camera and screamed 'say cheese' before snapping a picture of his friends.

The pair laughed as Casey jumped off his back, adjusting herself in the process. "I need a drink!" She yelled to Schlatt who nodded in agreement. Casey drunkenly grabs Schlatt's hand and leads him to a table full of alcohol and red solo cups. She pours them a hefty amount of alcohol before leading them to watch the next group of friends play beer pong.

Jonathan felt his phone vibrate, and pulled it out to see an instagram notification. It was a series of pictures of the party posted by Cooper.

'posting these before i'm too drunk to remember'

Jonathan smiled, seeing the picture of himself and Casey as the first slide. He double taps the screen, liking the post and commenting.

'you suck at this game'

Cooper, who was standing a few feet away, laughs and tosses his empty beer can at Jonathan who attempts to swat it away. Casey giggles, recording the boys throw trash at each other and posting it on Snapchat. Jonathan shows her the post, and Casey laughs at his comment.

'best beer pong duo of 2020 @.jschlatt'

Jonathan likes the comment before slipping his phone into his pocket. Casey and Cooper were arm in arm drunkenly singing a song that they had requested. Cooper was slurring as he spoke, lids heavy from a combination of alcohol and weed.

Again, Jonathan's phone vibrated. It wasn't a quick buzz, which meant someone was calling him. He pulled out his phone, surprised to see Minx was calling. Jonathan let out a burp before answering the call.

"Hello?" Jonathan said, attempting to sound less drunk. Minx could barely hear him through the sound of Cooper and Casey singing and people shouting as they played pong.

"Where the fuck are you?" Minx screamed, hurting Jonathan's already aching head. "I saw that you're at a party and I'm coming down to get you!"

Jonathan groaned, catching the attention of his friends. Cooper lets out a laugh, "What's wrong, gamer?"

"Yeah whats up, J? Get off your phone so we can get absolutely fucking WASTED!" Casey yells, encouraging the group around them to cheer. Jonathan laughs, accepting the offer of more alcohol from Casey.

Minx yells in frustration, once again asking Schlatt to tell her where he was. Sighing, Schlatt gives in. "I'll turn my location on, okay? Chill out."

Angrier than ever, Minx hangs up. Schlatt shakes his head and returns to his two friends who were playing flip cup. He slings his arm around Casey who subconsciously leans into him. They're standing like this as the alcohol takes over their system, and time feels like its going incredibly slow.

It's only when Jonathan feels himself ripped away from his friend that he realized that almost an hour had gone by. Jonathan looks at the small girl who was latched onto his arm, realizing it was Minx.

"Well hello there, little Minx." Jonathan laughs, holding his stomach to keep from puking all over her. "I'm fuckin plastered."

"I can see that!" Minx snaps, motioning to the tanned girl standing next to Jonathan. Minx had never really given Casey the time of day but now she took in her appearance more than ever.

She had a black tank top that showed off almost every inch of her boobs. A black and white bandana was styled in her hair, only leaving a few locks of hair to frame her face. She was wearing jeans so tight that Minx wasn't sure how the girl could breathe in them. Her makeup was no longer styled to perfection, but was lifting on her sweaty skin. Minx had always liked Casey, but now she hated her more than ever.

Casey could tell something was off, so she attempted to sober herself up. "Minx, I think you have the wrong idea. We're all just chilling. Cooper and I were singing and J just joined us." She tried to save her friends ass, but the sentence only enraged Minx more.

"Keep your hands off my boyfriend, bitch." She spit, grabbing Jonathan and leading the confused man out of the house and to her car.

As they approached Minx's beat up car, Jonathan pulled his arm away from the shorter girl. "Woah, what the fuck is going on? You need to calm down."

That definitely set Minx off. "Calm down!? I haven't heard from you in three days, only to see you with this girl all over social media. That fucking bitch was all over you, and you let her!"

Jonathan crossed his arms. "Minx, she's just my friend. All we're doing is hanging out, so why are you so upset? You can't tell me who I can and cannot hang out with!"

On cue, an angry Casey storms out of the party, drink in hand. Minx immediately glares at the taller girl, unafraid. Even if Casey could clearly kick her ass.

Jonathan stepped between the two, eyes darting back and forth in panic. He wished that he could delete the social media posts and he wished he was still inside, singing songs and guzzling down shot after shot.



double update bc i'm in the mood to write :)

i might write another chapter and post it tomorrow 😳 maybe today if ya'll want? idk you tell me

thx for reading <3

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