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Jonathan stepped between the two, eyes darting back and forth in panic. He wished that he could delete the social media posts and he wished he was still inside, singing songs and guzzling down shot after shot.

"Listen, you guys. None of us are in our right minds so can we all go home?" Schlatt pleaded, his eyes meeting Minx's. Her eyes didn't back down. They were still staring at Casey, who's face was pink from embarrassment. Schlatt glanced at her, silently pleading her to listen to him. Casey softened a bit, stepping back and sipping her drink.

At one point, Casey was considering throwing her drink on MInx so she could be just as embarrassed as Casey felt. Seeing Schlatt's pleading eyes convinced her otherwise. This time, she'll be the bigger person.

"You know what, Minx? I once thought you were a good girlfriend and that you were good for Jonathan. Now I see that you're crazy and controlling." Casey snapped, shaking her head at the shorter girl.

Minx scoffed, "You know nothing about my relationship, Casey. Don't act like you do."

Jonathan knew that Casey was going to out their little talk earlier in the day. She was going to tell Minx how he had laid on her and how she had played with his hair while he talked about how his girlfriend was being problematic. Jonathan knew that it would ensue a fight, so he opened Minx's door and shoved her in, earning a yelp from the girl.

"Go home, Minx. This is completely uncalled for." Schlatt snapped, surprising Minx. She had assumed he would have her back. "Casey drove me here so she's going to drive me back. I can't even look at you right now."

Now that was a good distraction. "Jonathan, don't you dare go with Casey."

Schlatt sighed, shaking his head. How the hell did he get into this situation? If you told him he'd be the subject of two girls fighting a year ago, he would laugh in your face. At this moment he wished he was still unbelievably antisocial.

"Minx, just go home. We can talk later. I just need a break from you, from all this bullshit." Jonathan said, his chest pounding with anxiety. He had just admitted to wanting a break from Minx, which he didn't even expect.

Minx nodded, a tear slipping down her face. She shoved Jonathan away so she could close her car door. She angrily buckled her seat belt as she backed out of the parking lot and sped off. Jonathan turned around, seeing a small crowd outside of himself, Casey, and Cooper watching and whispering. He felt his cheeks burn in embarrassment, and he waved everyone away, who grumbled in disappointment. They had come outside hoping for a girl fight.

Both Casey and Jonathan realized they were much too drunk to drive home, so they called an uber. They were almost completely silent during the ride home. They answered the few attempts at making small talk with the driver, but otherwise lips were sealed. Casey's petite hand rested on Schlatt's thigh, offering a subtle bit of comfort.

Casey's eyes met Schlatt's, and she gave him the most apologetic look that she could muster. Schlatt shook his head, "It's honestly not your fault, Case. Minx was acting crazy as fuck back there. I don't know what's up with her."

Nodding, Casey scooted herself closer to Jonathan who welcomed her friendly embrace. She wrapped her tanned arm around Schlatt's and rested her head on his shoulder, slightly shivering at the blasting air conditioner.

Blushing, Schlatt slipped off his hoodie and handed it to Casey, who gladly accepted it. She was drunk as hell and freezing in her small tank top. Her jeans had too many holes to really keep any warmth. Sighing in content, Casey breathed in the smell of her friends cologne while enjoying the new found warmth surrounding her body.

Soon enough, they were back at Jonathan's dorm. Cooper had texted to let him know that he would be staying with his friends, which kind of relieved Schlatt. He didn't want to talk about what happened at the party. Casey yawned, flopping herself on Cooper's bed as she sipped out of her shoes.

Jonathan laid in his own bed, using his foot to flip off the lights. The pair were exhausted, and they knew they had a long day of hangovers tomorrow. It was time for them to sleep it off. Jonathan felt himself slowly slipping into sleep.

It was right before he snoozed off when he felt the bed dip and a bundle of warmth press into his chest. His heavy eyes opened narrowly, a little surprised to see Casey cuddled into his chest, hair falling over her eyes. Jonathan wrapped his arm around the girl before falling into a deep sleep.


again, don't kill me for this chapter hehehhe

hope yall enjoyed! let me know how you felt about the chapter


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