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Sunshine flooded Jonathan's room as the sun slowly rose in the sky. His head pounded and his stomach reeled from a hangover. Casey lay next to him in the cramped bed, lightly groaning as she started to feel those familiar pains. Both of them were too experience with drinking, so neither of them actually threw up, but they're stomachs felt awful.

Jonathan opened up his small mini fridge and pulled out a water bottle, opening the lid and taking a few sips before handing it to Casey. She gratefully accepted and sipped on the water, feeling some relief in her coarse throat.

"Do you need any medicine?" Schlatt whispers, rubbing his tired eyes. They had stayed up late to celebrate the end of finals week, which obviously entailed partying until they couldn't stand upright.

Casey nodded, "Got a big headache that I'm not in the mood to deal with."

Schlatt kissed her temple softly before standing up and digging through his desk drawer for the little bottle of medicine. After a minute he found it, popping open the lid and taking four pills out. He handed two to Casey, who quickly swallowed them down before falling into the bed with a groan.

Today they were supposed to go to Schlatt's hometown, so Casey could meet his family. They planned on spending the first half of break at his house, and the rest at hers. It was time that they know that Schlatt had moved on.

His family knew that he and Minx had broken up, but didn't know the reason. His mom knew he had stopped going to therapy, but she had never bothered her son about it. Break ups were tough.

"Why don't we take a nice nap, go get some lunch, and then we'll head to there?" Schlatt offered, feeling his eyelids get heavy as he wrapped his arm around Casey.

"Mhm." She mumbled, already falling asleep as well.

Schlatt POV

Two hours later, both Casey and I woke up from our nap. My stomach was no longer a mess, but my headache was still pulsating along my skull. It wasn't nearly as bad as before, but it still sucked.

Casey was sat in the booth in front of me, happily munching on her Subway sandwich. We decided we needed something on more of the healthy side after last night. I smiled at her as she scrolled through her phone while slowly eating her sandwich.

Life has a funny way of working. I can't believe that I relentlessly tried to ignore her existence. So many days that she tried to talk to me, only for me to push my headphones in or give her weird and rude looks. The fact that she still wanted to be my friend, even after I started suddenly dating Minx. And here we are, on a quick lunch date before we meet my parents.

"You're cute." I blurted out, softly smiling as her cheeks went pink. She shook her head and crumpled her empty wrapper into a ball. "The cutest person I've ever met."

Casey tossed the wrapper-ball at me. "You're so wrong. I'm crusty!"

Shaking my head, I grab out trash and dump it out. My hand finds hers as we walk outside to her car. She tossed the keys to me with a cheeky smile, and I stick my tongue out at her. I knew she would make me drive, like always.

Of course, Casey snatched the aux cord before I could think to grab it. Today she was feeling like listening to Harry Styles, which I didn't mind too much. I tried my best to focus on the road as she screamed the lyrics, faking extreme emotion as she sang.

After around an hour of driving, we were finally in our hometown. She smiled, missing the sight of where we grew up. Her parents had moved out of town after she graduated, so we would have to drive a decent amount away once we were done at my parents. Hopefully she'll drive to that one.

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