19. Dr. Jung

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"Thank you," Arthit muttered hurriedly as Dr. Jung parked his car on one of the closest parking spaces in front of the hospital. The omega quickly got out of the car and ran to the lobby.

Kristine was already at the hospital and Wayo was taken to the examination room. Arthit found Kongpob's sister pacing in front of the said room. "Phi?"

"Arthit!" Kristine gasped as she turned and saw Wayo's mother. "Thank the gods you're here." It had only been less than an hour since she found her nephew running a fever and the young woman seemed to have lost a few nights of sleep. The three year old was their most adored member in the family. Anything that happens to him, for sure everyone would fall deeply worried.

The young omega let Kristine cling to him as she told him what happened. "It was so sudden. One second we were just playing blocks while watching Paw Patrol, the next thing I knew, he was just sitting on the couch like he was to tired. I checked if he was sleepy. I was touching his cheeks. He was too warm!"

Arthit felt his chest tighten for not being there when his son needed him. He was so busy worrying about the closing ceremony for the engineering first years or looking for his pinkmilk. He thought of how selfish his actions were and he blamed himself for such an irresponsible parent.

"Arthit?" Kristine uttered as he pulled away from her soon to be brother-in-law. The omega was gritting his teeth, eyes glued at nothing and watery. "Hey..."

"It's my fault," Arthit softly mumbled. He was breaking down. Kristine pulled the young man to the nearest seat and sat him down.

"Oon, this isn't your fault. Hey..."

As Kristine tried to comfort and convince Arthit none of what happened was his fault and Wayo is a strong boy, he would pull through, definitely, another person went inside the examination room.

"Dr. Jung?" The doctor inside asked as the newcomer approached the bedside of the patient.

"How is he?" Dr. Jung asked. He was offered the chart from the brief examination of the patient and scanned the content of it.

"His fever is almost gone," the doctor in charge stated. "We ran a blood test and we'll get the result by tomorrow. He's asleep right now and there shouldn't be anything to worry about. His vitals are all normal. The patient's aunt said the boy's fever was 103°. When we took it, it was 100°."

"Ah-huh," Dr. Jung hummed as he read the little boy's medical history in the tablet the nurse in the room handed to him. "It says here he was looked at by Dr. Karl Inchareon of Inchareon Medical Center for the same reason. The boy was only a year old when it began. The cause of the fever is also unknown. It just suddenly happened."

"Yes, doc."

"We need to talk to his parents," Dr. Jung stated. "We might have to do a genetic test."

"Genetic testing? Why?" The other doctor asked.


The other doctor thought for a minute before he nodded. HIDS or Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D Syndrome is a very rare autoinflammatory condition that usually starts in early childhood. The most common symptom is the sudden fever attacks.

Outside the room, Arthit was frantically dialing a number on his phone. There was no answer no matter how many times he dialed. Kristine on the other hand walked back and forth as she waited for the door to open.

The door opened finally and Arthit stood up quickly but halted his steps when it was Dr. Jung who came out. He gave the young omega a reassuring nod as he opened the door to let the two people in.

"He's okay," the doctor started off. Arthit was already by Wayo's bedside, his hands reaching and gently holding his son's left hand. Tears were brimming from his eyes as he stared at his three year old.

The doctor waited a while before he broke to Arthit the course of action he was planning to take for the boy's well being. Arthit listened intently while hugging his son to his chest. Wayo had woken up, sleepy still and clinging to his mother as if he hasn't seen him for days.

"It's possible he has this rare condition caused by a mutation."

"I-Is it incurable?" Arthit asked instantly. Wayo had this fever spikes and until he still didn't know the cause of it.

"There's no cure, but--

Arthit's heart dropped and he hugged his son even tighter. He was scared.

"If I'm right," the doctor continued. "This is something he will outgrow. We just need to confirm the diagnosis."

"How, doc?" Kristine asked.

"We'll have to do a genetic testing with the parents. It can be done soon as possible since you two are already here," Dr. Jung said as he pointed at the Arthit and Kristine.

Arthit and Kristine both said, "ah...no." just as Wayo asked his mother a question. "Where is Daddy, Papa?"

"Daddy?" Dr. Jung tilted his head as he looked at the mother and son.

"Yeah," Wayo nodded, his sleepy eyes directed at the doctor. "Daddy goes to school. And Papa goes to school, too," Wayo said between light slurs.

"Ah..." The doctor nodded, chuckling. "Anyway, little man, you seem better now. Is it okay if talk to your papa so we can talk about taking you home?"

"Wokie!" Wayo gave two thumbs up.

"Come on, baby." Kristine offered her arms for her nephew and Wayo unwillingly parted from his mother.

"It's a genetic testing, nothing dangerous." Dr. Jung said after discussing the plan with Arthit. "Please tell the boy's father, the soonest time possible. The earlier we diagnose your son's case, the earlier you'll have a peace of mind. You'll be prepared for the next attacks as well."

"Thank you," Arthit said. His eyes couldn't meet the doctor's. He was slightly embarrassed for everything that happened over the course of a few hours involving him and the strange man.

Their conversation only consisted of Wayo's case. Dr. Jung was so different from the young man who ordered the wrong drink earlier at lunch.

"I won't keep you for long, Arthit. I'm sure your son is already looking for you."

"Yeah," Arthit said, nodding. "Thanks, again." He wanted to ask why the doctor was helping with Wayo's case when they came together at the hospital. Why was Dr. Jung seemed to be knowledgeable of a toddler's health? Arthit asked himself other voicing it out. He would rather leave now am take his son home.

"You're welcome," Dr. Jung replied. "I wasn't on duty today anyway so why don't I send you guys home?" He asked as they exited the room.

Kristine beat Arthit to an answer by saying, "Yes, please. I don't know what's wrong with my car but it was making funny sounds as I drove it here. I'm just glad I got Wayo here safely." She handed her nephew back to Arthit and eyed the doctor up and down.

Upon arriving outside the building of the apartment Arthit shares with his mother, Dr. Jung alighted the car and opened the door to the backseat. Arthit gave the doctor a court smile before getting off and waiting for his son to climb to his arms.

When the three had entered the building, Dr. Jung remained standing outside. Tilting his head towards the upper floors, he smiled to himself. "It was nice to see you again, Arthit."

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