Chapter 2

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We all woke to a knock on the door. We all sat up and looked at each other. The door clicked then opened. Janson walked in. I curled my hands up in a fist. I can't believe that after all this time he was here. I thought he was dead. Then he lied to me after I called him dad. There's so much that I wanted to say to him. I wanted to punch him for leaving me and Bri. I wanted to punch him for hurting mom. But I wanted to hug him too. He was still my dad and we have had happy memories together. But something tells me not to say anything. Something tells me not to let him know I have my memories back. I relaxed myself and pretended like I knew nothing about him.

"I have good news this morning. You all have been cleared to join the others." Janson announced. We all looked at each other in confusion.

"Others?" I asked. Janson nodded his head.

"Go to the cafeteria for breakfast." He said with a smile then he left the room. We all scurried out the door to the cafeteria. On our way there I looked over at Newt. He still looked pretty hurt from last night. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to hug him and tell him I was sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. Newt only knows the memory wiped Maze Runner Maddie. He doesn't know Maddie Everdeen. I sighed and followed the others to cafeteria.

When we walked in all around us were teens. They were all happily eating and talking. Girls and boys. There was probably a few hundred. I guess this is what Janson means by others. There was other people in Mazes. We weren't the only ones. I know this sounds selfish but I'm glad we weren't the only ones. We all sat down at a table. I sat down in between Peeta and Thomas. Newt sat down on the other side of Minho who was on the other side of Thomas. Two teens sat down across from us.

"Hi I'm David." The dark skinned boy said.

"And I'm Adam." The Asian boy said. We all introduced ourselves.

"How long have you guys been here?" Newt asked.

"Not long. Probably about a week." David said. David then pointed at a teen sitting by himself at the table behind us.

"That kid over there has been here the longest. About 3 weeks." David said. I studied the teen. He had grey hood on over his head. He looked pretty lonely.

"His Maze was nothing but girls." Adam said. That kid's Maze was all girls? Wow. I never expected to hear that. I wasn't the only one in disbelief.

"Really?" Minho asked.

"Some guys have all the luck." David said. I looked down at the table. I thought about Newt. I was lucky enough to have him. I wonder if he still thinks the same about me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Newt glance at me really quick. Minho reached over Thomas and patted my back.

"And girls." Minho said. We all laughed and I drew my attention back to the conversation. Then I saw Janson walk in the room with a clipboard. Two officers stood behind him.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." Janson said. Everyone quieted down and turned their attention to him.

"You all know how this works. If you hear your name called, please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me and they'll escort you to the eastern wing where your new lives are about to begin." Janson explained. Everyone clapped in excitement. Janson began reading off names. None of our names were called. When Janson finished reading the selected names he closed the clipboard. Everyone who wasn't called groaned in frustration.

"Now don't get discouraged. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come." Janson said. Him and the people called walked out of the room through a door.

"Where are they going?" Minho asked.

"Far from here. Lucky bastards." David said.

"Some kind of farm. A safe place. They can only take in a couple of people at a time." Adam said. If you're taking people to a safe place then why a couple of people at a time? It just doesn't make sense.

"What the hell?" Thomas muttered. I followed his gaze and I saw Teresa with Dr. Crawford. They were on the other side of the glass window walking down the hall next to us. Thomas got up and quickly walked over to the window trying to catch up with them.

"Teresa!" Thomas shouted. He was trying to get her attention. The glass must be sound proof cause she didn't turn around. Everyone was quieting down again and looking at Thomas. The kid with the hood was looking at Thomas in surprise. I could sense that trouble was in the air. Thomas ran right into the officers who were guarding the door. I could tell Thomas was asking questions. After a minute or so Thomas sighed and came back over to us. He didn't talk during the rest of breakfast.


"What do you think they want with Teresa?" Thomas asked us. We all just got back to the room from dinner and the door clicked shut. The door was locked. They obviously don't want us out and about at night.

"That girl can take care of herself. I know it." I said with a sigh.

"Yeah don't worry about it." Newt added. I looked up at him. We locked eyes for a second then he turned around and got on his bed. I went to mine and laid down. The bed feels different without Newt in it. It feels cold and empty. I missed the warmth of his body. The steady heartbeat in his chest. The love he gives me. I stayed awake until i couldn't hold my eyes open anymore.

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