The Final Chapter

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"Is that all of them?" Janson asked.

"Yeah give or take." A man with a tablet said.

"Give or take what?" My dad asked

"Well they lost a few." The man said. An officer scanned the back of my neck.

"A-12" the officer called out. My dad turned around.

"Well hello daughter. Lovely to see you again." He said with an evil grin. Then he looked around at the rest of us.

"Where's Thomas?" He asked.

"Right here." Thomas said coming out from behind a truck. No what is he doing? Why didn't he run? An officer pushed Thomas in front of Janson.

"Hello Thomas." Janson said then he punched him in the gut.

"No!" I yelled. Thomas fell to the ground.

"Get him in line." Janson demanded. An officer pushed Thomas into the line.

"Okay. Bring her in." Janson ordered. Bring who in?

"Why didn't you run?" Minho whispered.

"I'm tired of running." Thomas breathed. Suddenly a huge helicopter swooped in and landed right in front of us. The door opened and a lady was escorted out. When the lady got closer I realized it was Ava. So much anger surged through me that I was able to clench my fist.

"Is this all of them?" Ava asked.

"Most of them. It'll be enough." Janson said.

"Start loading them in." Ava ordered.

"Yes ma'am. You heard! Let's go! Get them on!" Janson demanded. Officers started dragging kids into the helicopter. Ava walked over to Thomas.

"Hello Thomas." She smiled evilly. Teresa walked up and stood beside her.

"I'm glad your safe." Ava said to Teresa. What? Teresa is with them? She was with them all this time? The others were asking questions.

"She's with them." Thomas said. I suddenly found all feeling and got up.

"You bitch!" I spat. I tackled Teresa to the ground. Officers yanked me off of her before I could land a punch. Newt got up and held me in his arms. He had a tight grip so I couldn't get out.

"Sorry about my daughter. She gets it from me." Janson said.

"You're no father to me." I sneered. Janson sighed the gestured towards Teresa.

"Teresa has always had the appreciation of the greater good. Once we restored her memories it was only a matter of time." Janson said.

"I'm sorry. I had no choice. This is the only way. We have to find a cure." Teresa pleaded.

"She's right. This is all just a means to an end. You used to understand that Thomas. No matter what you think of me, I am not a monster I'm a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure no matter the cost. I just need more time." Ava explained.

"More blood." A voice said. We turned around. Mary stepped out of the crowd.

"Hello Mary. I'd hoped we'd meet again. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances." Ava said.

"I'm sorry about a lot of things too. But not this. At least my conscience is clear." Mary said.

"So is mine." Ava retorted. A gunshot sounded. Mary fell to the ground with blood spilling out of her. Janson was holding a gun. My dad shot her.

"NO!" I screamed. Me and Vince ran over to her. Mary was gasping for breath. She grabbed my hand.

"I...will....always....have you." She wheezed. Then she took one last breath and closed her eyes.

Part 3: The ScorchWhere stories live. Discover now