Chapter 12

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Wind whipped my face as we drove down the dirt road. Turns out that Bertha is a car. Jorge was driving and Newt was in the front seat. I could tell he enjoyed riding in the front seat. I've never seen him smile so big before. It made me happy that he was happy. We were driving in a canyon when Jorge suddenly slowed down to a stop. We all got out and looked at what was in front of us. More cars. They all look like they've been there for a long time. Sand and dust has settled onto them.

"Well I guess were on foot." Jorge said. We all started to walk around the cars. A couple cars had shattered windows. I heard a rumble in the distance. I thought it was in my head but a couple others looked around. I looked down at the car in front of me. Thomas was right next to me. He rubbed a finger over a small hole in the car. There were multiple of them. I noticed them on the other cars too. I looked down at the hole and studied it. That wasn't just any hole.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" I screamed. Right as the words left my mouth guns started firing. Bullets ricocheted off the cars. I ducked down and backed against the car next to Thomas and Jorge. The guns stopped firing.

"Is everybody ok over there?" Thomas shouted.

"We're fine!" Teresa yelled back. Oh thank god.

"Anybody know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt yelled.

"That son of a bitch Marcus. He led us into an ambush." Jorge muttered. Thomas peeked over the car but immediately pulled back when a couple more bullets fired at him.

"What do we do?" I asked. Jorge opened up his bag and grabbed some kind of device.

"Here. Hold this. We gotta create a diversion. Get ready to chuck it." Jorge said handing it to Thomas. He handed Thomas a fricking bomb. Jorge pulled out a remote and held it in his hand.

"Everybody get ready to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Jorge yelled. I covered my ears and buried my face in my knees. I don't want to watch this.

"Ready?" Jorge whispered.

"One........two......-" Jorge said. Suddenly I heard a gun cock.

"Drop it." A woman's voice demanded. I looked up and I saw a woman holding a gun in Jorge and Thomas' face. Another woman stood behind her also holding a gun. They were both wearing masks.

"Now! I said drop it!" The woman demanded again. Jorge set the remote on the ground.

"On your feet! Let's go!" The woman demanded. We all slowly rose to our feet.

"Back up!" The woman yelled. We all slowly backed up toward the others. The woman yelled at us to group together. We did exactly that. Her facial expression changed to confusion and she focused on a certain person.

"Aris?" She gasped. Aris looked at her in confusion. She took off her mask.

"Oh my god Harriet? What are you doing here?" Aris said. They embraced each other into a tight hug. The other woman took off her mask and hugged him.

"Sonya." Aris said.

"Aris you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass." Sonya said. I studied Sonya up and down then I looked at Newt. They both have the same face features. Same eye and hair color. They almost look like brother and sister. There's no way.

"Uh what's happening?" Minho asked. Yeah that's what I want to know too.

"We were in the maze together." Aris said. Oh that's right I almost forgot. Aris' Maze was all girls. Harriet walked forward and whistled.

"We're clear guys come on out!" Harriet shouted. I looked up and saw some people standing on top of the mountains. They were holding guns too but they all lowered them. Harriet and Sonya escorted us through the tunnel. On the other side we're a few military trucks. A few men bustled about.

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