Chapter 6

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Sand whipped at my face when I stepped outside. There was no time to complain though. I covered my face with my shirt and ran. We ran up a hill just as soldiers started coming out of the building. Hopefully they wouldn't see us. We continued to quickly climb the sandy hill. Finally we got over the edge and laid down on our stomachs. We peeked back over the edge to look at the soldiers surrounding the entrance to the building. There were some soldiers on foot and some using vehicles.

"Ok let's go stay low." Thomas said. We ran halfway down the hill when Teresa stopped at a fallen building. She found a hole and went inside. We all yelled at her to not go in there but she didn't listen. Without thinking we all went through the hole one by one. On the ground inside the building I looked around. It was dark but safe. No sand was blowing in my face. I don't know where Minho got it from but he was holding a flashlight.

"Where the hell are we?" Minho asked.

"I don't know but we need to go." Thomas said.

"Thomas stop!" Teresa yelled. We all looked at her silently.

"Tell me what's going on." She said. Thomas explained everything slowly and calmly this time. After Thomas finished explaining I decided to speak up.

"Ok what's the plan now?" I asked.

"I don't know." Thomas said. I felt Newt tense up beside me. He was not happy about that answer.

"We followed you out here Tommy and now you're saying that you have no idea of where we're going or what we're doing?" Newt said angrily. After a few moments of thinking I remembered what my dad said.

"Wait Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. I'm assuming some kind of resistance. Ava called it The Right Arm." I said.

"And if they're really against WICKED maybe they could help us." Thomas said.

"Right." I said.

"People. In the mountains. Mountain people. That's your plan?" Newt said.

"Well do you have a better idea?" I said dryly. Newt didn't answer.

"It's our only chance." I said. Thomas nodded his head in agreement.

"Hey guys check this out. Minho give me a light." Winston said. We all crowded around Winston who was crouched over something. Minho shines the flashlight on what Winston was looking at. Footprints.

"Looks like someone's been down here." Minho said. We all followed the footprints into a different room. This room had lots of stuff. We all found flashlights. There was also clothes and water canteens.

"Looks like people lived here." Minho said.

"Where are they now?" Newt asked.

"Let's pack some of this stuff up. Anything you think you might need. Split up and meet back here." Thomas suggested. Everyone did as he said and split up. I found a small backpack and started packing. I packed food, 2 water canteens, extra set of clothes, a jacket, an extra flashlight, a hairbrush, a non used toothbrush, and some hair bands. I found a dusty mirror and brushed my hair. Then I braided it to the side. People at home have called it my signature Everdeen look. I smiled at the thought of that. I missed everyone back at District 12. I quickly changed into fresh clothes. I put on a gray tank with a green jacket over it. I put on leggings and boots. Teresa was sorting through stuff next to me so I wasn't alone. Newt and Frypan were near. I heard Newt come over and I felt his hands wrap around my waist.

"You alright love?" He whispered.

"Yep all packed." I said softly. I turned around to face him and I wrapped my hands around his neck.

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