Chapter 5

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Thomas forced Crawford's hands behind her back and he held her there.

"Take me to Teresa." Thomas demanded. She gave a little scared nod then started going forward. We all followed. We turned a corner and stopped.

"Freeze!" An officer shouted. He then started firing at us. We all turned and ran back.

"Why are they shooting at us!" Frypan shouted. Minho stopped and turned back around and waited for a second.

"Minho what are you doing? Let's go!" I yelled. Minho started running towards the corner. Everyone started yelling. Telling him to stop. Suddenly the officer came around the corner right into Minho's knee. Minho basically threw the officer into the wall. The officer hit the wall and was laying on the ground unconscious. We all ran to him.

"Shit Minho." Newt said in surprise. Thomas grabbed the officers blaster.

"Okay let's go!" Thomas said running back down the hall. We all followed. Thomas has become a leader. And he is a good one. We arrived at the med wing and we bursted through the door. The workers stopped what they were doing and freaked out.

"Where is she?!" Thomas yelled. None of the workers answered. I opened a curtain. And laying there on a med bed was Teresa.

"Thomas over here!" I said. He gave Minho the gun and rushed to Teresa's side. He gently woke her up.

"Thomas? What's going on?" She asked.

"We gotta leave. Right now. Come on." He said. Teresa saw me and I saw a flash of fear in her eyes but she quickly replaced it with confusion. That was weird. Why would she fear me?

"Guy! They're coming! Where do we go?!" Frypan yelled.

"Fry move!" Newt yelled. Frypan moved out of the way and Newt kicked a table in front of the door. The officers started trying to shove the door open but it was jammed by the table.

"Get back behind me!" Minho yelled. He pointed the gun at the door.

"Guys we got to get out of here!" I yelled. Thomas grabbed a stool and started banging it against the glass next to Teresa's bed. On the other side of the glass was another hallway. The glass wouldn't break. Newt grabbed another stool and together him and Thomas broke the glass. Teresa put a blanket on the window sill so we wouldn't cut ourselves. We all quickly jumped over. Minho threw the gun to Thomas and we started running down the hallway. A really big officer came out of nowhere. Thomas acted quickly and pulled the trigger. The gun fired and the officer fell to the ground unconscious. Electric shock was going throughout his body.

"Whoa okay come on." Thomas said running down the hallway again. We turned the last corner and started running to the last door.

"There it is!" Thomas yelled. We reached the door and Thomas used the keycard but the door wouldn't budge.

"No no no. Come on!" Thomas muttered.

"Thomas!" Janson yelled. We all turned around. At the end of the hallway was Janson and a bunch of officers. They were walking towards us. Newt stepped in front of me, guarding me with his body. Thomas walked out in front of us pointing the gun at them.

"Open this door Janson!" Thomas yelled.

"You really don't want me to." Janson said.

"Open the damn door!" Thomas yelled.

"Listen to me! I'm trying to save your life. The Maze is one thing but you kids wouldn't last a day out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you then the Cranks will. Thomas you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you and my daughter." Janson shouted. I gripped Newts hand tighter.

"Yeah and let me guess WICKED is good?" Thomas sneered.

"You're not getting through that door Thomas." Janson said. Suddenly the door opened and standing on the other side was Aris and Winston.

"Hey guys." Aris said. We all started through the door but Thomas was a little ways from it.

"Thomas! Come on let's go!" I yelled. Thomas started moving backwards and firing the gun at Janson and the officers. But Thomas quickly ran out of ammo and since Thomas is an idiot he threw the gun at them and started running towards the door. The door started shutting. We all started yelling at him to run faster. Thomas slid on the floor and under the door right before it shut. I grabbed a a metal container and threw it at the keypad. It blew up in smoke. When Janson tried opening the door it wouldn't. He stared at us in anger through the glass. Thomas gave him the finger.

"You little shit." Janson mouthed. Everyone started running towards the main door that lead outside. I gave my dad one last look. I could see past the anger in his eyes and I saw hurt and regret for me.

"Maddie we got to go. Come on!" Newt yelled grabbing my hand. We started running to catch up with the others. By the time we caught up to them the main door was opening. It was dark and dusty outside. And without hesitation we all ran out into the Scorch.

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