Chapter 13

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When I finished they all stared in shock. Peeta looked as if he couldn't take it all in.

"I went through that?" Peeta asked. I nodded.

"Maddie you almost committed suicide. You and Peeta both." Newt said.

"Well not really. We knew that they would want a winner. There's no telling what they would've done without a winner. So we pretended but if they didn't care about having a winner then yes we would both be dead." I explained.

"The Maze was one thing but what you're talking about sounds so much worse then what we went through" Minho said. I slowly nodded my head.

"I'm so sorry you went through that. If I had one wish it would be for you to not go through that." Frypan said.

"Thanks Fry but if I could do it all over again I would. If I hadn't been in the Games I would've never gotten kidnapped by WICKED. I never would've met you guys. And Peeta wouldn't be alive right now." I said. Frypan gave me a big bear hug. I saw Peeta smile.

"You truly are the best person I've ever met." Frypan said.

"I agree with Frypan. Thanks for saving my life." Peeta said.

"Peeta you're more important to me than you realize." I said. I'm pretty sure I saw him blush and look down. Even without his memories he still likes me. Thomas climbed up the small cliff and sat down.

"Doctor Mary has found a temporary cure. She used it on Brenda." Thomas said.

"Temporary?" I asked. Thomas nodded.

"It only lasts for a month or two." Thomas said. I sighed.

"The temporary cure can only be harvested from the young. That's what WICKED was doing to all those hanging kids. Harvesting them." Thomas explained. I shook my head in disgust. How cruel of WICKED to do that. The sun began to set and we all watched its beauty.

"I wish Alby could've seen all this." Newt said.

"And Winston." Frypan added.

"And Chuck." Thomas added. He played with the little wooden carved penguin that Chuck gave him.

"And everyone else." I said

"He'd be proud of you Tommy. And everyone would be proud of you Maddie. And Winston would be proud of you Fry." Newt said.

"Yeah. Where's Teresa?" Thomas asked.

"She went up there." I said pointing to a higher cliff. Teresa stood on top of it looking out over the landscape. Thomas got up and made his way over to her. I need to talk to Mary.

"I'll be right back." I said and I went back down the cliff and went into the medical tent. Mary was mixing some kind of medicine together.

"Hey Doc. I have a question." I said. She stopped what she was doing.

"I'm all ears." Mary said.

"Have you found a way to restore memories?" I asked.

"I've made a sample but I haven't tried it on anyone yet." Mary said.

"Would it be okay if I used it on someone?" I asked. Please say yes.

"Who are you wanting to use it on?" She asked.

"Peeta." I said.

"The other Tribute?" She asked shocked.

"Yes ma'am. I want to restore his memories so we can go home." I said.

"Are you seriously thinking about going back?" She asked.

"I have to. My family and friends are there. And I plan on stopping the Games for good." I said.

"Maddie they'll kill you if you show any sign of starting a revolution. You know that right?" Mary said.

"Yes. But this isn't about me. Right now it's about Peeta. Please. I need to restore his memories." I begged. Mary got up and opened a cabinet. She pulled out a little blue vial and handed it to me.

"I trust you. I have faith that you will succeed in your task. But be careful. I know I don't live there but I've seen enough Games to know what goes on there. I know you've probably heard this a lot but you are the Mockingjay. You've given people hope. You could be the spark of the revolution. The face of the revolution. Now get that boy's memory back and go kick Snow's ass." She said. I smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you. For everything." I said. Suddenly the ground shaked beneath our feet and a loud explosion sounded. We stumbled to the ground. Another explosion sounded. I grabbed onto the pole and pulled myself to my feet. I helped Mary up. I ran outside. Tents were on fire. People were screaming. Two helicopters circled above. They're here. WICKED is here. But how? How did they find us? There's no time to think about it now. WICKED officers dropped to the ground and started shooting at people. I took my bow and got it ready. An officer was coming towards me. I aimed my bow and shot the officer. I saw an officer hover above Mary who was on the ground. I aimed my bow and shot that officer. Mary gave me a thank you nod. I saw Vince and the others crowd around a truck with a gun on it. I ran over to them. Vince handed Minho and Newt a gun.

"Everyone cover me!" Vince yelled. I got behind Newt and got my bow ready. A group of WICKED officers were nearing towards us. I shot two of them. The others got a good couple shots in too.

"You know you're really good with that bow." Newt said.

"Thanks but now is not the time for compliments." I said. Officers swarmed in like bees. I tried shooting as many as possible. I quickly ran out of arrows.

"There's too many of them!" Newt yelled.

Suddenly a device was thrown towards us. It landed in the truck and beeped.

"Run!" Vince yelled. But it was too late. The device exploded and sent electric shocks through all of us. I collapsed to the ground. It burns. I screamed in pain. My vision went blurry and I couldn't move. I felt firm hands pick me up and drag me. My vision came back but I still couldn't move. I darted my eyes around. An officer was dragging me. More officers were dragging the others too. The officer threw me to the ground. The feeling in my knees came back so I stood up on my knees. The others were put beside me. Newt right next to me. I wanted to hold his hand but my arms wouldn't move. I saw my dad get off the helicopter.

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