first day

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'Wake up sleepy head.... '
Clara shouted . Today is my first day of college.
I wake up lazily. Going to the shower to get ready.
Sleep is my 2nd best thing to do in my free time. 1st obviously reading books.

Well I am Arika. Shortly Ali. Now study in first year in university. We are transformed students from London.

Clara is my best friend. And our friendship is begin when I am only 5 or 6 years old. It's been a long time with her.
      I stay at clara's house as my parents are in London and I want to study here, America so I decided to live with her.

After breakfast we got up to get to our cab and after a while we reached our destination. Seeing the university, Ali and Clara looked at each other and a small smile played on their faces They went to the office room.
There they found their schedule and met their class teacher Miss. Jane. She is a very sincere and kind woman. She took them to their class room.

Miss.Siok was already there teaching math. Miss.Jane told her about our transfer.she smiles at us,she called us to enter the room....As we enter the room she tell us to introduce ourselves.
Clara stopped to see so many students looking at her. Though she is more confidant and social girl than me but now she is nervous.


I smiled to myself as I looked at her sideways. I introduce myself first. "Hello. I am Arika  from International****** University of London. I hope u dont distrub me and do ur own work. I don't like to be make friends or anything like that. Hope you have a good time."
The class is silent at first then some laugh can be heard. I just look everyone with a boring eye. Clara also giggle at my little speech.

Then she started." Hello.I am Clara Flazon. I also came from same uni like Arika. I hope that we all can be frnds." She smile a little and the class just hear us. No one comment about it.
Though I will tease her about her silliness but not now after the class.Then we turn and went to the vacant sits in the third row we saw some one we don't think we will ever see.
She signed us to stay late after class. The class begins. ..........

"Well class today the theory we read its the most important theory in our syllabus. If anyone have any doubt you can come and ask me in my free time. Now the class is dismissed." Miss. Siok say and smiled. After she left the students also started to left.
Dora come to us. She hit Clara's arm and smiled playfully.
Clara: "it's hurt u nut. " And went for a hug. Dora act all hurt but accept the hug.
"You forgot me huh? " I said as they break their hug.
"How can I. U r my baby. " She make a little kissie face and I made some face of annoyance. She hug me with her famous heartfull laugh.

Clara : "we never thought we will see u here. After these all years. "
Dora: "same to me. Hey . ........ " "Dora "
Some one yelled and two girl enter the room . They stopped as they saw us.....a huge smile broke into there face. We looked at them before we could say anything they hug us as tight that it's becoming suffocating. Dora pulled them apart. We coughed. "Sorry" They said in unison and burst into giggles.
"Shut up Laura, Sandy. " Clara wanted to say in demanding tone but it came like a whining.

"But guys we r really happy. It's been years since we all saw each other. It's like a reunion. " Laura said.

"Well it's really good to see you all but I really want to eat something. I am hungry. " Sandy said in a whiney tone as we laughed.

"You all are still  same. Please be matured. " I sighed and made a disappointed face. They look at me then started laughing and mimicking like some kids.
     I  smile but still avoid them and started to walk at the way of canteen. They run to catch me up.

After some time--------
Dora dicided to give us a tour of uni. As I thought it's beautiful . We are passing by the basketball court. Others are a little far as I drop my bottle.Suddenly a ball hit my head.
"Ouch " I look around and saw a group of boy standing a little far and one of them came forward.
I looked at him. He has some adorable eyes. He waved looked at me. "Ummm.... I am sorry we didn't do that on purpose. " He scratch his head.
"It's ok. " I said and he gave me a little smile. "Here's your ball. " I give him back his ball. "By the way I am Jungkook" He is still smiling . "Well I am....." That's when clara call my name. I looked back and saw that my group is coming here.

Before I told anything to them Jungkook waves at Dora and she also smile at him.
"hey kookie, where are the others?" Dora said and I looked at her with curiosity.
"Oh them. They are at ground. Wanna come? " Kookie I mean Jungkook said.
Dora: " Umm... Hey guys let's go. I want you meet some people. " Before I say something she grab mine and Clara's arm and started walking to the basketball court where some boys r standing and two boys r sitting on the ground.

Jungkook throws the ball to them and started walking with us. He is talking with Sandy and Laura . Seems like they are good friends.
Dora hug one of boys and beam at him. He laughed and ruffled her hair. She smile at our confused face.

"Well. Its pretty awkward here. So first late me introduce you all. This is my cousin Taehyung. And that is Jimin. And guys this is my best friend Arika and that is Clara. " They waved and we smiled.
"But u all calling her Ali? " Jungkook said .
"Oh! It's her nick name. " Laura said smiling sweetly.

We all talked about random things. Also we found about Taehyung's forever love for Gucci and jungkooks love for banana milkshake and jimins cute pinky.
            Clara seems comfortable with them... They also seem to be funny and cheerful . After uni we went to a coffee shop. We all have fun and at last taehyung and Dora drop us to our house.

After came back home we changed in our casual dress and watch some Netflix and eat our supper. Before going to bed I looked through the window. Today is the full moon. The moon shines in the dark night sky.
I writes about today in my dairy and went to sleep.


Everyone wants to be
someone's sun ;
To light up someone's life,
But why not be
Someone's moon ?
To brighten in the
Darkest hour.

First chapter. Complete.
I hope you like this book.
I have to clear some things like <<>>means pov
>>>means time pass

English is not my first language so don't mind it 😅😅😅

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