new students (2)

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Next day. In college ......

Taehyung ,Jungkook and Jimin sat to their sit. They surprised when they saw Rayon and Nao are also there. They saw eachother and smiled.
Today is one of these days when the girls are very busy at their schedule. The girls are at their class. So the boys are eating with Rayon and Nao.

Jungkook:'so you two transfer here together? '
      Nao :'yeah. It's very nice as we are actually best friends from the elementary school. '
      Taehyung:'Good for you two. You didn't have to separate.'nao nodded and continue eating his food.
      Jimin:'hey where is your glasses? '
Nao :'oh I didn't wear them. I am wearing lenses today. 'Jimin nodded his head and concentrate in his food.

Jungkook:'by the way you didn't have any girlfriend? ' with a little smirk.

Nao and Rayon choked on their drinks. They looked at them with widen eyes. Jungkook looked at them innocently. Taehyung and jimin are edge of control their laugh. Nao fell his juice on his hand. He cleaned it.

          Jimin:'who is the lucky girl?'
Rayon :'Nao have a crush on girl but he didn't tell her yet. 'Looking at Nao while smirking.

         Nao eyes are widen. He looked at Rayon then said:'so you also. You know what he didn't tell her as he thinks she will reject him. ' Rayon slap him on his arm.
                           Taehyung:'name bro name? 'Raising one brow.
        Rayon :'I will tell you in right time. First I have to tell her then I will......'
Jungkook:'they are in our college? ' clearly surprised.
               Nao:'' he nodded. Rayon was smiling .
              Jungkook:'Suspesious' he frowned.
     Taehyung: ' but I am very eager to know that girl. You two come here only one day and you like someone.'
                       Rayon:' well they know us. We are friends before. But we didn't tell them about our feeling so you have to wait. '
           They smile and continue eating.
        Jimin:' Ohk.........hey today after college. Can you two come to the basketball court?
            Rayon:'um.....why? 'He frowned .
      Jimin:'I want you to meet some of our friends . '
              Nao and Arian saw each other. And others are staring them for their answer.
         Jimin:' are you two free today? If you not then __'
      Nao : 'no. We are just surprised. We didn't think you want us to meet your friends as you know you all are famous and we are __'
          Jungkook:'then come to the court. They are very mody. If you become late then they will left. ' cut him in his sentence.
   All started laughing.

After sometime >>>>>>at the basketball court>>>>>>>>>^~^

The girls are waiting for the boys. Taehyung, jungkook and Jimin are coming. Dora is angry as they waiting for them for a long time.
       Dora:'where the hell are you all? Here we are waiting for you? '
The boys covered their ears so that they would not be blackened by the screams. Taehyung :'stop screaming. '

'We have some new friends' Jungkook said.
'New friends? 'Laura said with a confused tone.
'Hey here they are. 'Jimin smiled and Nao and Arian came infront them.
The girls shocked. 'Y-you two here? H-how? 'Clara said. She is totally confused.
'You know them? 'Taehyung said.
'Yep! We know them very well. They are__' 'Ron? 'Clara was cut by Ali. She is totally shocked.
Taehyung :'Ron? '
Ali didn't say anything so she took her book bag and started to leave.( Rayon) Ron ran over and grabbed her wrist. Ali just look at him. He leave her hand . 'I am sorry' he said with a low voice.
       'I am really sorry. I just want you to surprised. And I can't leave you here alone so I came here. I am sorry Ali please forgive me. 'He just said and suddenly Ali slapped him. He touched his cheek where Ali slapped him. He was shocked as well the others.

' you Dumbo ___ you have not talking to me in this long 5months. And you come here. I really hate you Ron. How can you ___ ' Ali stopped Rayon hugged her and tears are coming from her eyes.

Then Ali broke the hug and smiled at him. He wiped her tears and smiled.
'I arranged many things for you. I planned how surprised you but now that ruined. And I just mad that you made this decision without informed me. 'He gave her a small disappointing smile.
    She giggled.
           Taehyung was standing there. His heart aches when they hugged and smiled each other. He didn't know what happened to him.
Ali looked at them 'Hey guys. This is Ron. I told you about him. '
       Ron:'wow I am famous. 'he giggled.
      Clara:'you two didn't tell me that you are transfer here.? Why? 'She frowned.
         Nao:' we just wanted to surprised you. We planned to went to your house but we didn't think that today we all meet this way. 'He said while scratching his head.
     The girls welcomed them warmly. They all becomes friends. But Jimin and Jungkook are looking at Taehyung.
         Taehyung have a blank face. They don't have a clue what happened in his mind. They didn't know what he thinking.
     They all talking about random things and after that they all went to their house. Rayon and Nao will stay with Ali and Clara so they four went happily to their home. Taehyung staring at her back and sighed. He also went to his home with Jungkook and Jimin. He didn't talk to them. Just stared blankly.

New twist.
Hope you all like it. If u like it please vote it. And comment about it.
Have a good day guys 😘

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