Love Week (part-2)

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That day in boys apartment.....

"So r u going to tell her? " Jimin asked raised one eyebrow when he saw Taehyung come towards him. He didn't come out after come home from college.

Taehyung choke on nothing. He looked away. And suddenly a bubly bunny come and jump on the couch. "U r asking her out? " Excited in all way.

"No. Don't think so. " They stop at Taehyung's voice.

"Wait.what? " Jimin asked.
"Yeah and why? It's a best time. " Jungkook confused why he didn't want to tell her after realized that he have  fall for her.

"Well I didn't think about it and I just want to keep things slow. " Taehyung said looking nervous.

"Well First of all asked her about a friendly date that day. She will surely accept. Then trying to talk to her and figure out how she feels towards you. And u know if u asked her first then if Ron likes her still he can't asked her as u asked her first it's a plus point then what's matter. " Jimin asked him in confusion.

"Yep it's like a plan. And it's perfect. " Jungkook states and smile at him. Taehyung sit on the couch covers his face with his hands and looked at them . "I-I just _u know it is the first time i feel like this and I just_didn't want to rush and scare her. I am _ just _ nervous and _ a little_scared." He whispered but able to hear them.

The other two comfront him and patted his heads. Taehyung is little nervous about asking her and scared about what her answer will be .

But it's the best opportunity so he agreed. That day he stay wake during late night thinking about her.

After some day::: in college----

(I am born to lazy what u expect from me? )

"Taehyung so this is the last day u have to do this" Jimin whispered yelled at him.
"Yeah hyung she didn't accept others chocolate so don't think that she rejects u. Just try u dumb. " Jungkook narrow his eyes.
"Yeah! I am your hyung respect me don't u dare to disrespect me as u do to chim " He scolded jungkook.

They walk to the canteen. They saw Ali,Nao and clara there and Ali have a big bag full of chocolate. Taehyung's heart stopped.
Jungkook and Jimin looked each other. "Hey Ali who gave u this chocolates? " Nao asked.
"Dunno it's on the handle of my locker with a letter. " Ali shrugged.
"You don't interest in it? " Jimin asked and Ali just laughs.
"They don't have courage chim. They can tell me in front of me but they gave it me by a letter ? I really don't like it. "Taehyung breaths out in relief. He doesn't know he was holding .

"Hey then what is ur type? " Jungkook asked eyeing Taehyung. Taehyung looks at her.
"I dunno. I just want to know about them first then other thing. " Ali smiles sweetly. Then Taehyung noticed a banded in her finger.
He surprised and grab her hands. "What happened?" He looks at her.

She stunned by his sudden action. Clara cleared her throat and speak "well I don't know how but she burn her fingers while cooking. I told her that I can do it but she is stubborn. " She is angry it's clear in her voice. Ali pout. "I don't want you to. You r tired so" She stopped and Taehyung coo' silently at her cuteness.

After some time others came. They all sit and went to eat. Taehyung decided to tell her today. Ali and Ron went to the class with Dora and others also went but Taehyung go to home brings the chocolate that he made. After getting it He went to college  to tell her but in way he stopped at the scene. And it's broke his heart.


We all went to our classes . I know Ron like Dora but damn they are whipped for each other from the middle school but still no improvements. After class Dora went to her next class and I grabbed Ron's hand and took him with me. We r in a music room as it's the only room that empty . "Woah! What happened? " He asked as I slapped his head.

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