untold truth

191 13 6

<<3rd person>>

It's been two month. They all are now friends. Ali is not socialize type girl. For that she doesn't have many friends but this time she don't know how she became friends with these boys.
         But still she creat a little distance between the group. She feared that if somehow her past revealed then they will become in danger. She didn't want that anyone hurt for her. She knows for this decision they will found her but still she doesn't want to see blood anymore.
           In college some girls are jealous from Ali and Clara. Cause they are very close with Tae, kookie and Chim. They can't do anything as one of the boys always stayed with her or Dora's team .
              One day Ali and Clara went alone to the canteen. They are waiting for others.
After some time..........

Clara : 'hey Ali can u give me a extra orange juice? Plz......I will give you my milkshake. Plz? '
Ali: 'ok. Ok. But don't forget to give me the milkshake. '
Clara:'thanku'(cute face)
                            Ali went to the counter and buy a orange juice and she come back that time she saw some girls are standing in front of their table.

In Hall...

There Clara listening her favorite songs. Suddenly Livia and their group came there. Livia is worst girl in college as she always bullied everyone.
               Clara confused and suddenly Livia pulled her headphones aside and started making fun of her.
Clara :''the hell is wrong with u livia? What r u doing?''

Livia: "so u don't know what am I doing. Right? " suddenly one of them grab her the milkshake and poured it over her head.
               Clara: "what the" She looked at livia with burning glare...... She control her anger she promise someone to not reveal her identity. One of the girls push her suddenly and she fell.
Clara :"Ah"

    Livia :" Look here u bitch if we ever saw u and ur that frnd with My Taehyung then it will be worse then today. Remember it. "
           No one came to help her  the just looking some good drama and enjoying it.
   Clara :"look livia u misunderstood. We all r frnds there is nothing like tha... " Livia slap her...

Some one shout and all stopped. Clara turn around and saw Ali standing there . She is angry. None of the students saw her angry. She always ignore teasing . She is also kind and quite girl.But today she looks very very angry and some what scary.

Ali is angry. When she gets angry she became horrible. I saw Ali came and look at my eyes , touch my red throbbing face and she stopped . I have to stop Ali. But i can't. Ali's eyes tell me not to do anything. I can't disobey her. Though I grab her hand but then I let go her hand seeing her angry eyes and I become silent...... I stand up by her.
           Well well well I sprained my ankle.
Very good clara very good. If ali khow this she will be more angry.


Some mere student dare to hit Clara. She is not only my bestie also sister and my only family and they......My head warmed up and I saw Clara her face is red and some slight cut is there .
             I ignore their tease for her but now.I went there and one of the girls group came forward and she is Livia .

Livia : 'hey guys look who came here. Another bitch. See what happened with your friend.this is  your last warning. So....stay....away ...from...my...Tae. "
                     Ali: " U really are a shameless livia. U r a slut who sleeps with teachers to have a good great. Really I never saw such a  girl.."
       livia's face darkened.....she wanted to say something but ali didn't give her time.
          She continue: "Well am i wrong? Livia Marquis. Who did it get u from ur mother or father? As long as I know u parents were cheating with each other for many years. By the way  r u really Marquis or ur mother become some old man's slut and have...."
                 Livia:"how dare u... U"
She tried to slap me but I block that.
        Ali: "this hand is so soft it can break from my little strength. So mind ur place and keep it use it to trap men cause u can't do anything other than this". I smirk. She started trembling well every one watching us. And basically there was always rumors about her grades so now she can't do anything anymore.
    Well it's true about her parents and her sleeping with teachers.... So i don't care.
        I let go her hand . " It's my last warning if I ever saw u messing with my friends then......u will really regret to  born. Remember it. " I wishpered beside her ear.
         Livia looks furious and scared... Such good combination.... I really like that.....
          Ugggfff.... This..... I really hate this fillings. This blood thirst is really killing me.

We went to the canteen and heard there is someone shouting. I remember that it was Livia.
                     Oh shit!
     I know Livia and her group always bullying new students. And she have a crush on me.
                           I always ignore her. She was sure mad at Ali as I always stay with her. Kookie and I started runing. When we are there ali just called her slut?

Wait. She called Livia slut? Livia's father is an A class business man in town she called her slut?

. She look's furious yet calm so damn hot........
        Stop........you dirty mind......... I only know her like 2 months........ How can I think that?
                     Besides she just called livia slut .... The Marquis family will never let it go never.....
             'Oh my god' my mouth fall. Nothing else came out of my mouth.

>>>>>>>After college
<<3rd person>>

They all were in the ground. They never saw Ali like this serious. She is always like smiling and looked like a innocent,kind, cute girl. And after that incident three boys are as confused as hell. She was treating Clara who also staring at her.
         Jimin:'Ali.um.,...Well .....' (Hesitate to ask)
        Ali confused and asked:'what happened? Are you ok?'
         Jungkook( Sighed and smiled seeing his friend's confidence) : 'well he is fine. All he wanted to know I mean we all wanted to know-- how you and Livia.... You know right ? And do u khow she is from a big wealthy family?
Ali sighed.
              And Laura(looking at the college) : 'well. Don't worry her parents have so much money that she can buy four no six Marquis. And if they tried to harm her then for ur information.......She is black belt in karate and also a champion in our school.'
                   Three boys jaw drop. And girls are laughing at their reaction. They never thought that sweet, innocent looking Ali will be a karate specialist. They just stared at her. Taehyung was impressed in her action and started staring at her for a long time. .
           Dora(fake cough): 'well Ali know many things. Like I can sayAli good at everything. Like dancing, singing and also......... Ouch! Ali'
               Taehyung was blushed at dora's cough as he didn't notice he was staring at her for a long time. ( besides Dora no one saw it so no evidence and he can handle Dora.)
Ali:'what? '
Dora: 'why are you pinch me? '
Ali: 'I didn't.' (Looking away)
Clara: 'Dora you know that Ali didn't like when you tell anyone about her ability. '
Jungkook: why? (Confused)
Clara:' she.., ' cut by Ali.
      Ali: 'hey let's have a movie night. '
Clara :' Ali don't change the topic . '
      Ali:'  you know what____It is not always right to be perfect. Sometimes____ being perfect is like a curse'.she stopped and everyone become silent. And Ali is clearly upset but she give them a small sad smile.                                          
Clara looked at her eyes.
         Clara:'ok let's have a sleep over and a movie night.' (Looked at Laura and she also change the topic)
     Suddenly the girls  talking about the sleep over. No one talked about Ali or the meaning of her words. There these boys are confused as hell. What happened just now? Why Ali upset?

                    After sometime  all they decided to go to Laura's house for sleepover on Sunday a week later.
         They all happy but Jungkook was suspicious about Ali and her life. But he remains silent as Jimin.
                     And they all know Ali was really very good at self-defense . Jimin and Jongkook just see each other and then staring at Ali. Taehyung also looked at her. These three boys realised that she had created an invisible wall around herself that no one could approach. They just stared at her .
             While Ali have a blank reaction on her face. She know her truth should always be hidden in past that will be the best for her future and present life and the ones she care about..

So next chapter..............kinda long
I am army 😊😊😊
I wish u all just ignore my grammatical mistakes.

Please comment so that I can correct my mistakes.
This my first ff so I am not to good at writing it.........
And also sorry for late posting.... I trying to regular it. ☺

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