broken night

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<<3rd person>>

Taehyung went to their apartment and lock himself. He just think about the event he did and happened to him. Just thinking about Ali will be all lovey dovey towards Ron from next week it will surely hurt  him like someone stabbed him.

             He heard Jimin and Jungkook calling for him but he didn't answer right there. He just want to be alone for sometime. What he did today. Is it okay? Is it right decision or  will he really not regret this decision later right? Is it ok for liara and her feelings?
He sit on the chair near the balcony and looked at the moon. He doesn't know why but some tears fell from his eyes.

   All he wish is Ali's happiness .


<<Ali >>

I looked at the moon. I don't know why this filling r coming from but it's not good for me...... For anyone who closer to me .
     Love.... Hah? 

A big word is "love" And in my life it's a most dangerous word that can make you weak also more strong then anyone. Still am so fool. I smiled myself.
      "What r u doing this late? "
I looked at the moon and take a sip from my coffee... "I can't sleep"
"Ali...what happened can u tell me? "

"Nothing monty. Just nothing. "

"If it's nothing then u can't cry like this. "
"Huh? " I didn't realize I am crying untill now. He wiped my tears.
"What happened?what r u thinking about?"
                 "Nothing just thinking about how fool I am. U know this feelings r no good 4 any one . How fool I am to believe that he can return my feelings. "  I wipe my tears with my hands.
                        "Taehyung? What did he do ? " He sat down  besides me.
        "He got a new girlfriend. Good for him. " I forced a smile.
               "What but didn't he has feelings for u? Dora said that to me. How can he.."         
               "Monty u and Dora misunderstood him. I- he  really doesn't have that kind of feelings towards me. "
     "And u? What about ur feelings? "

"Monty let's just slide it away. And it doesn't matter anymore. This feeling will go away with time. It's not big deal. Let's go to sleep...... Come on "

Ali dragged away Monty and they slept. But Monty as well Ali know this is not just a simple crush. Monty know Ali is too broken and scared to accept this all things.
        She still fear if anyone cone near her because they will suffer as Seon suffered.

Next week......

Ali wake up get ready and went to college as usual. At the lunch break Monty was looking for Dora but couldn't find her so he ate without appetite.
"Umm Ali ? R u alive ???" Clara shouted really she is annoying.

After that Ali looked at her and smiled " do u need anything misss????"
Clara also smile "  yes Miss Ali can u please stop daydreaming and eat "
      "The weather is getting hotter aren't it ?"  Jimin said looking at the tension between Clara and Ali.
Ron looked at them and asked"hey where is Taehyung?."

Jungkook sit down and said "he ditched us for his girlfriend" Dora  just going to sit she stand up and literally shouted"he got a girlfriend????"

Nao was startled by her and his juice splashed on table . He looked at her and then others then started to clean the table by the tissue. Jimin also helping him . After clearing all mess  he said "sorry but we just found out too . He didn't tell us before . But hey Ali congratulations for ur relationship with Ron "
    "Yes sometimes i thought that u two r close but I didn't have seen this coming."  Jungkook also says .

Ali was sipping her coffee but hearing their she started coughing.
    She said "wait what the hell r u two talking about????"
Even Ron was confused about their sudden misunderstanding. Clara said " R u gone crazy or something? How can they.." jimin cut her and said " hey it's not a crime ok ? U don't have to hide it from us . After all we are friends ."

     Jungkook also said "yeah and we all support you . There is no objection then why r u reacting like this ???"

          Ali just looked at Ron and then Dora . She stared at them and slowly said   " you all always thought that we love each other in that way ???"

Jimin smiled and nodded. Jungkook said "yeah"
    Ron looked at Ali and saw that she is also staring at him with a straight face .
He panicked.
     " The hell r u talking about how can I date her . R u out of mind ????? " He shouted.
    Jimin and Jungkook are little shocked and starteld on his sudden outburst. They looked each other and then them. And Nao who was sitting without doing anything started to laughing. Clara glared at him  but he still couldn't stop himself.
Suddenly the atmosphere became weird.
      Ali said calmly," I think Ron was the fault here. "  She basically having headache. Taehyung don't know what relation she have with Ron . He must have think that she likes Ron and they ....
Ron stammered "  B -but I didn't do anything????" 
      Dora glared at him ,said " didn't u said that they all know abou it ?  "
        Jungkook asked "about what ?"
    Ali looked at them and sighed, " i should introduce you to my cousin Ron . So Ron is my cousin but because I lost my parents when I am very young so his mother and father adopted me and now we are also legally brother and sister."

The silence followed till jimin yelled "what????"



I am little busy after my exam . I have to prepare for my next big examination so i really dont have much time to write.

I am really sorry for not updating.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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