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It's been a week after that Livia incident happened..... one tease them in college. They really feared by Ali. But Ali was same that kind heart girl when she first time came here. They didn't talk about it.
      But they all excited about the sleepover.

      Ali and Clara standing outside of  Laura's apartment  at 5:30. It's exact time when they decided to come. After sometime Laura open the door and they went inside . Dora and Taehyung was already there.  After sometime Jimin, Sandy and others came.
        They all sat on the sofa. Girls sat together and boys sat on the separate sofa. Laura's parents are in the business trip for 3 months. So there is no one. They talked about funny things. And then they decided to choose  a movie.
   And the argument started.
Dora: 'no way. I am not going to see a horror movie.'
  Laura :'no way. Horror movies are best for sleepover'.
          Sandy:'we are quite if you all plane to see that movie.'
Jimin: 'well I am agree with that.'
Jungkook: 'hey Ali .are you also with them? '
This all time Ali tried to stop her smile but now she chuckled and said: 'Clara you remind me Ron. But honestly I am ok with any movie. '
Taehyung : ' Ron? '(He is surprised and also curious. )
Clara : 'her bornly best friend.' She said in a monotone voice.
Jungkook:' what? '
Ali was giggled by that action of Clara's face. They always annoying her and scared her for that she just become more careful when the two crazy teenager was together. She just remember that old days.
     Dora : 'well they are best friend from childhood. They always together. And I know because I saw them in London together in our classes. ' she rolled her eyes as taehyung looked at her in disbelief. He felt a little hurt. He didn't know why.
               Dora cut Ali's thought and her  smile failed and she started staring at the window. It's been a 3months she was not with him. She realised how much she miss him.
    Clara noticed that and asked her:'Ali you ok? '
                Ali : ' just miss him and his stupidity. ' she gave her a small sad smile.
        Jimin was confused so he asked: ' is he your boyfriend? '
                            Ali's smile return  and said:' no. We are best friends nothing more. '
Laura: ' they are very close though'
Sandy : ' why  we are here? Are anyone remember that? What movie we are going to see? '
Ali; 'yeah. Guys we should choose the movie. 'Taehyung silent after know Ron. He just felt odd. Angry, sad, together.
[That's  jealousy.he doesn't know.only reader and me the author know ]😄😉

Jungkook: ' Tenet. '
Sandy : ' no way. Inside Out movie. We should watch that. '
Jungkook: ' no way. We ......... ''Stop' Laura and Jimin said together.
They stopped. They looked at them and then they look at each other and turn away. Other people just silently watched them.
    Clara : ' we can watch that two. So stop arguing like kids. 'Breaking the silence.
          Taehyung : ' I will bring the popcorn and juice. '
Ali : ' wait. I will help you. '
Taehyung smile at her. His boxy smile appear . Ali just smile.Then the two went to kitchen. And other sitting on there sit.
      Laura : ' they look cute together. '
Clara:'stopped where you are. If Ali know she will kill you. '
                       Jimin:'why? Is she likes someone else'
                   Clara: ' um___no. She just___um___just  don't like to be close with someone__ besides me and Ron. '
            Jungkook: ' why that? '
Clara:'um___she fears about love_____ She just don't want to fall for someone or ______ close with someone. '
             Jimin: ' she fears__ about love? '
Clara: 'yeah' (sigh)
                    jungkook wanted to ask her something but stopped by Dora.

Dora:' it's her childhood injury. When she comfortable to tell you all she will do it. But now please enjoy the movie time. DON'T.RUIN.THE.
            All laughed and Tae and Ali came back with chips, popcorn and juice.

>>>>>>some hours later
(Don't worry.......later we have some couple scenes........ But not now .so enjoy😊)

' oh god. It's midnight.guys wake up' Clara exclaim and Taehyung hurry to wake up all.
        Unable to wake Ali, Taehyung took her in his arms and went to her room and laid her on the bed. He staring at her beautiful face then smiled. He put his hand on her forehead. Then he look at her peaceful face and smile himself and left the room.
         Here others also wake up and went there rooms. After all go Clara came to Ali and sleep with her. As they sharing the room.


It's morning. Ali went to the shower. She keeps some extra clothes as they going to sleepover. She rubbing her eyes and went to the dinning Hall. And saw Clara was in the kitchen with Laura and Taehyung sitting on a chair.
I just wake up and come to the Hall. And sit on a chair and waiting for others.
      Suddenly I saw Ali is coming. She changed her clothes. She was wearing a oversized full sleep peach colour top and skinny black jeans. She looks adorable. I remember the night. I really feel happy when I held her in my arms. I really don't know why but I feel it. I staring her .
             'Cough, cough' I suddenly surprised and saw jimin was standing there. I embarassed I didn't know how long I staring at her. He gives me a look. I know what that means.
         I am in danger.

<<3rd person>>
All went to their house as today their college was off .


Sorry for the late.........
I know I didn't follow any scheduled date to publish but I am trying hard to publish in time.
Sorry again............... 😔😔

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