new students

97 15 1

2months after sleep over
(I am very lazy_____time skip 😁)

   'Whoa! Why are you didn't answer me tae? I am your best friend.' I said with a pout.
Taehyung sigh.
                     'I really don't know. How I feel towards her. I like her smile. That just too cute. It's make me smile. I like to stay with her. 'He told me.
                           'Kim Taehyung. You like her. Admit it. Don't be coward. 'I said with little disappointed voice.
                       It's really a lot. He doesn't admit that he has a little crush on her. After the sleepover I ask him. But his answer that it's nothing he is just surprised and he like her dress. He even don't know how to give me a excuse. Oh Lord! And he denied that he like her but still thinking about her.
     ' Idiot' I mumbled and got up for college. Also for him we miss the first class.

<<3rd person>>

Lunch break____

Ali and others are waiting for boys in their usual meeting point. The basketball court. The boys came there.
             Sandy was a bit mad as for Dora and Clara she missed their first class.
       Jungkook: 'hey why you are sitting with swollen cheeks? '

Dora:'we have two new transfer students. Remember it? And I didn't find my jacket so we miss our first class. And she miss to see them. 'She laughed. Jungkook become lil' upset.
     Sara:'i just want to know who they are. It's not anything other. 'She said quickly as she noticed that upset look on Jungkook.
                  Taehyung: 'two new transfer students? This year many students transfer here. '
           Jimin:'by the way they are boy or girl?' curiously looking at them.
           Laura:'why are you planing to  flirt with them? 'And other laughed. Jimin pouted.
                Clara:' I heard that boy. Some girls whispered that they are handsome. '
        Ali: ' hey stopped gossiping. And give me my food.  I am Hungry'
           Sandy: 'Ali think if you fall for one of them in a second. They also fall for you. That will make a great love story. '
     Ali :'I really don't have any interest in that boys. 'annoyed voice.
      Dora : 'yeah. Yeah. Because you have allergic from boy's. I know it. 'Rolling her eyes and give her , her food.
         Clara:' well. I am curious about that boys all girls are talking about them right now. '
Ali: 'my dear Dora.These three wouldn't be my friends if I was allergic to it.  Then ___'she give the boys a naughty smile. Their eyes widened.
       Jimin:'hey____we are not___'
Ali: ' I am kidding' she giggled.
They all laughed .
                       Though three boys are actually didn't like when they all told them how handsome the transfer students are. But Taehyung have a little smile when Ali told she didn't have any interest about that boys.
          After college the girls went back to their home. And boys are still there due to the basketball team meeting.They are going to their locker after the meeting.
                    They reached when they saw Dorio standing there with a pair of spectacles in his hand and a boy standing in front of him trying to pick them up but failed as he and his friends are passing it in their hands.
      'Now your that friend is not here so who will rescue you? 'Dorio said while others are laughing.
           They understand that this is one of the transfer student. Taehyung and Jungkook came infront .
       Dorio:'hey this is not your matter so stay away. '
        Jungkook:'I think you don't remember about last time what happen to you and your friends. '
Dorio:'Look this is___' cut by taehyung.
           Taehyung: 'Let him be alone.  If you do not want to be beaten in our hands'. Jimin also come and glaring them. They give the boy his spectacles and left .
                That boy thanks them that time a really handsome boy come. He looked at them. That boy told him everything . He smiled  and said :'Thanks. Well besides girls you are the first boys who help us. Thanks. '
Taehyung and others smile at the two boys. The two boys are really good.
       Jungkook:'hey dude. Just stop thanking us. '
        Jimin:'wanted to be friends? 'he smiled warmly. Taehyung and Jungkook nodded. The two boys looked each other and then turn to them and nodded with a big smile on their faces.
      Taehyung :'well I am Taehyung and he is Jungkook and he is Jimin. ' they smile at them.
'well I am Nao. And he is....... ' nao was cut by other one.
'Rayon ....I am Rayon .'he smiled at them and said with his deep voice.

Good morning
Good noon
Good evening
Good night
Have a great day army
New entry and new twist🤫
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