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After come back their sharing apartment Taehyung went to his room and shut it.
Jungkook and Jimin just looked at the close door and sigh. They went for preparing the dinner.

I close the door and lay down to my bed looking at the ceiling . I wondered what happened to me?

       I don't know why I feel like this. She and Rayon is way too close and I don't know but when she laughed for him I feel sadness, angry and betrayed feelings come over to me. I want her smile, laugh, tears only for me. When they standing close or hugged each other I fell weird. My emotions confused me.
I never feel this way when I see my ex with her new boyfriend.
Then why this time?
           She didn't even know about my feelings. Whenever I near to her my heart jumps like it came out of my chest. I became nervous and I shuttered . When that night she was so close to me I feel like I am in heaven.
                       When she smiles at me my heart skip and beating faster then normal I even went for a doctor's appointment. It's really a stupidity but still doctor said I am fine . And I don't have any other problems. I like her smile, I like her laughs. It makes my sad day happy vamd It make me feels like things. I feels weird in my stomach. It's something that I can't explain.
            And her pout it's the most adorable thing I see. Whenever I see that melts my heart. She is kind, adorable, sweet to everyone . And the best her attitude. She is fearless and protective. She is something else. She is different. A beautiful different.
        Some times when we study together she focused on study very much and that time she looks extremely sexy-i mean hot. She likes to play basketball. And in that time she looks hot as hell. Every time I saw her practices I can't take away my eyes.

            In this past months I don't know why but this feelings grew stronger and I can't ignore this at all. She is perfect, most perfect girl. And most beautiful and gorgeous girl in this universe. Every time only thinking about her my heart beats fast.
       Why?No girl never feel me like this. Then why she? I really have a crush on her. I also had crush on liara but I never felt like this. We date two years but I never felt like this.
           Am I only have a crush on her?
         Seriously? Then why I have this weird feelings?
             If I crush on her then it's not going to be like this. Then?
I stayed there looking at ceiling.

    Suddenly reality hit me. I like not like  I love all about her. I sit on my bed. My eyes widened.
        Is I really this long time heve this feelings?
      Am I.......
      Am I really......... In this long..........
         I think I .................
I jumped out from the bed. And run to Jimin's room but I see him in living room.
        Shit! I am a idiot in this whole time. Really. I am such a lunatic person.
           I saw he was sitting on the couch and he surprised about my look. I know I look like a idiot. My hair is massy and my eyes are fluffy, red for crying.
'I am in love with Ali'
'I am in love....... With her'
Before he told me something I tell him. Not tell clearly shouting on him. I fall back on the couch.
I am so stupid. So so so stupid.I am in love with her this long time and I didn't realise it. Even I don't know if she like me or what happened if she only see me as a friend. I swallow about thinking the last part.
        "Taehyung" Jimin shouting at me I came back in present. I didn't listen him as I am so deep in my thoughts.
I look at him.
      "Are you listening anything?" Jimin asked and I nodded my head as no. He sigh.
      "You realise now?" Jungkook asked behind me and I jumped in surprise.
       I frowned. He sat beside me with his banana milk.
                          "it's too obvious that u like her from the first meeting." he stated with a ship of his drink. I sigh . I tittled my head and shook it.
           "I think she like him",I told them.
       They look each other .

"She declined that he was her boyfriend earlier then why___", I cut jimin.
                "I don't think so. They are way too close. U see how she smiles at him. It's not just friendship. In that there is care, love and lots of emotion. That's not only friendly" I yelled at them.
       They becomes silent. I felt guilty for shouting at them.
"I -I am sorry. " I told them.
"It's ok. Hyung."Jungkook softly said .
          "You can't loose hope. You have still a chance. If he really like her then he didn't confess her about his feelings. He told us remember. You have to take the chance and win her heart." He paused look at us and then started.
       "Clara told us she have a tough childhood___It's possible that he like her only a friend. And they close as he was with her in her bad time. It's possible and____A girl can have a boy as her best friend. Right?"
I nodded. He assured me I have the best supportive friends and I am very lucky. "I didn't know what to do" I said. He smiled and patted my head. After sometime I hug him. I feel relieved.
     "Hey I am here also" Jungkook pout. And the we laughed.

        The three boys hugged each other . Eat and went for sleep.
Though Tae was a little upset and he just don't know how his insecure feelings towards Ali will go. He want to stay with Ali more than a friend. He wants that Ali saw him the way he saw her.
And he will won her heart. He smiles and drifting off in his sleep. With a little mission in his head "Winning Ali's heart".

<<<Ron pov>>>

"Please do it. Don't tell them about me . Please. I want to sure about something . Still I am sure but I have to check about this. Please Clara. I beg you. " I begged.
         "I really don't know what you doing. But if anything bad happen I will stab you. Remember it. " Clara coldly said and threatend to me.
     I shivered. She is scary. She went inside the room. I smiled. I wish my plan succed.


Noone know a dark shadow continuesly watching them all from far. They smiled and disappear in darkness. Though they came back but it's time to some rest. They smiled that the little ones are grown up .


Chapter end

Sorry for late update but my mood is down and I am frustrated. 😞
So I forget.
Hope u like this chapter.
Have a good day u all and also comment and vote it if u like this chapter. 

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