college -love week ?

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Next day~~~


I wake up early. It's usual. But today I felt a wave of happiness when everyday I woke up in this time i feel useless, hopeless and emotional. I always ended up crying no one knows though. I look at the clock 6:00 am.
Instead of lay down I went to the bathroom to fresh up.

I brush my teeth and steps towards the shower.. The cool water hit my head instantly my whole body relaxed. After showering I choose my outfit and went for the breakfast.

It's 7 am now. Clara still sleeping. She usually wake up this time , I think she is tired from yesterday's event. I shrugged it off and went to the kitchen.

I was making some breakfast. When I  heard some noise. Without looking I know who there is.
"Wow. U up? " I rolled my eyes at the question but answer.

"Good morning to u also" I look at Clara she flash a sad smile. She took a chair.

"Li u know seeing you up and cooking made me feel like old days. When u and Seon was still together. " She looks at me with glossy eyes.

         " Can u tell me Why u? Why me? " I don't know what to say but I saw a tear roll down from her eyes. I quickly went to her, wipe her tears and hug her.

"U know Sae that u r strong person I think more than me when u knew that I am the main reason of this mess. If I don't wish to have a normal life then it's never happen. " I said as I didn't allow my tears to escape.

"No one can live as a secret like u lived Li. That's not ur fault to ask for a normal life . u r like 10 that time. And there is nothing to forgive. " Clara said and smiles a bit.

"U can forgive me. But I can't u r in this for me. Everyone is in danger for me. If I stayed a secret then no one ever know about me ___and___Seon didn't have to go" I said as I looked down .

"Look at me Li" She said strenly and I looked at her. "U r not the reason of this. U know what ur father did is not right so stop blaming yourself for every damn thing. Understand? " She said I just chuckled but nodded.

"Good, now gimme my food I'mma hungyee " She said in baby voice.

I laughed, she pouted. I give her breakfast and saw Nao coming with Ron. Actually Nao is dragging Ron and Ron is still half asleep. She laughed at the scene.

"Good morning" Ron said still fought for not sleep.
"Yep, but u cooked? " Nao said drooling at the scents of the food.

"Good morning to you two also and yeah" I said and sit to eat. We began to eat in silence.

After eating........

"After such a long time u cooked but  still  u r a great Cook. " Ron said and others two nodes there head as agreement. I smiled . "Ok now let's go we will be late. "
We all went to college as we don't want to late. We rushed.

<<3rd person>>

In college on the launch break

They all sit together as well.

"Hey where is Laura? " Jungkook asked as he looking for her. But she was not with them.
"Umm i also didn't know. I didn't see her after our first class. " Sara said.

Suddenly Laura appears from nowhere. She bouncing in excitement.
And the others being confused. After she calm down. She sit down.

"Guess what happened? " She asked smiling widely.
"Umm finally ur mental health improved? " Jungkook asked and in return he have hard slap on his head.
"I am serious. " Laura said.
"Ook we got it but tell me why r u so excited? " Dora said.
"Ohk so listen children. From tomorrow we all celebrate love week" She said and started dancing.
"Love week? " Other said in unison. They still confused.

"Well r any of u follow college radio station? " Laura huffed in disappointment.

"Um no why? " Taehyung asked.
"Cause she is the host now days. " Jimin told them.

"There is radio station in our college?" Ron asked no idea that thing ever exist.
"Yep if u concerned about college little like u do with ur games u can know it." Nao said with frown.

"Ok we get it. But what is love week?" Ali asked.

"U all r dumber than I thought. " Laura said sighing.
                   " It's like a week we confess our love to the one we loved by give them chocolates. And it's starting from tomorrow and ends after 4days."she explains and all mouth forming 'O' shape.

"Then why it's called love week? " Clara asked. " Um I donno. Ask author nim. " Laura shrugged.

"Umm I just having lacked ideas. And just follow ur damn story don't Interput " --author nim.

"Um ohk. " Clara stopped. (Thanks God)

The five boys looked at each other thinks about it. And continue eating while the girls laughing at Laura and Clara's argument.

To be continued......

I don't know why but wattpad delete my drafts and now I don't know how to complete it. 🙃

But I still try to  update in time.
So have a great day /night/and whatever

Love you all 💜💜💜

And umm silent reader plz if u don't vote can u comment it? It will encourage me a lot.

So be happy and stay safe

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