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Taehyung standing in the hallway. The others are already here . They are waiting for Ali and Ron. There class are still not over. After some time they are coming together laughing. Taehyung looks away. He tried to control his jealousy. He didn't want to ruin the moment. When he tried to win Ali's heart. He have to be patient. He just cool down himself and give them a fake smile.
     Suddenly Clara hit Ali in right arm.
"Ouch, what happened? " Ali asked her, rubbing her hand slightly.
   "For you two we have to wait. And I am starving. " She said frowned and crossed her arms.
             "Hey it's not our fault. Professor was still in the room. How can we come? "Ron said defending Ali.
      " It's ok. Now let's go.we don't want to starv for your stupid argument. "Nao said while holding Clara's hand and dragged her towards cafeteria.
               " Hey. I coming wait. Hey nao stop dragging me. Hey........." Clara shouting  Nao while dragged by him. And Laura and Sandy follow them with a little smile.

    "When they will confess to each other? " Ali asked herself but still everyone heard.
    "They like each other?" Taehyung asked completely unaware and confused.
     "You have to be fast taehyung. Every single one in the team know besides you. " Jimin stated .
        "Just shut up. I didn't notice. " With a pout Taehyung said.
     "Yeah. Your interest in other thing. We know. " Jungkook said forgotten about others presence.
       "Just shut up you bunny teeth" Taehyung said in embarrassment and grabbed Jungkook's banana milk. "Hey" Jungkook tried to get his banana milk but failed. He pout.
          "You are cute Tae. " Ali said and giggled with Dora. Ron looked at them and smirked.
     Taehyung blushed at Ali's statement. And jungkooks took back his banana milkshake from him.
         They all went to the cafeteria.

In Cafeteria>>>>

       They are all seated. And started talking and eating. ali sit in the middle of clara and Ron. Taehyung sit in front of Ali. He looked at Ron who is busy to talked to Dora then Ali. They all  laughing and eating. Ron took his all carrots and give it to Ali.
      "Ron, you have to eat this. " Ali said little worried.
       "You know I don't like this and you like it so you eat it. I eat other things. Please" He gave her his best puppy eyes.
     "It's ok. Don't do that " She said defeated. She bite one of carrots.
      "Hey Ali u like carrots? I also like carrots. " Jungkook states happily chewing his carrot slices.
      "My favorite" Ali chuckled and eat.
      "You two have many common things. Are you know that? " Nao said  as 'fact of life' expression in his face. All laughing at his expression.
    "Yeah. I also noticed that " Ron smiles and said.
              "Hey. What r u all doing in this weekend? " Jimin asked.
     "Yeah. Are anyone have any other plans in this weekend? " Dora asked.
   "Umm..... No. We don't have any but why? " Clara asked in curiosity.
"Well I and Jimin plans that we can go somewhere in this weekend. So..... " She looks all of them tried to know about their thoughts.
"When r u two plan this? " Taehyung asked them raised an eyebrow. Wondering Jimin always with him so when they plan about this.
" Are you all coming? " Jungkook asked little excited.
"Yeah.we are. But can you tell me what the place? " Sara said with a smile.
" I don't know  Jimin khow " jungkook shrugged and pointed Jimin.
  "Really. I want to sleep in this weekend. " Ali  pout.
    "Aise! This girl. Ali why are you always wanted to sleep or study in weekends? " Laura said.
"you remind me my one of the favorite Hyung,he also love sleeping " Jimin said.
               " Because I don't have any other things to do. And its tiring and you all always in shopping so I don't want to go. It's  most boring thing when I am with u girls." Ali said in a monotone.
      All boys checking girls reaction. They all think 'what is coming ' but the girls calm and Dora pouting.
Actually she is the one who can said this to the girls. They didn't tell her anything but if any boys said they will dead. Others r waiting for their farewell ceremony.
    "how can you tell that. You r rude. You hurt my feelings. " with a fake crying Dora said.
"awe. Little Dora is crying  but I am not sorry. " Ali stick her tounge out and make a funny face.
They all are laughing.
"I hate you. " Dora said .
"you can't you love me too much" Ali smiled and continued tease her.
   "hey now stop. You big kids. And Jimin can you tell us your plan. And I will wake up Ali so she is in. " Clara declared. Ali face blank. Taehyung smiled. Sometimes Ali really become little baby.
   " I will help you " Ron said and Ali glared.
" From today you can sleep where you want but my room when you have nighmares . If you came " Ali warned and others (specially three boys ) eye widened.
  " you still go to her room " Dora chuckles.
        "y-you two sleep t-together? " Jungkook shuttered but he beyond shocked.
                "hey. Not like that " Ron said with wide eye and mouthfull food. He realized what they are saying. Ali firstly confused but  when she realizes what they saying she first shocked eyes wide then started laughing.
              "you guys r have virus in you mind. Go have some holy water. Me and Monty we are together from the day we born and we are also shared room from the childhood. Really. How can you.... " she started laughing.
           " And sometimes Ron have nightmares so its his habit to go to her if he was scared. " Nao said and looked at Ali and Ron.
        Taehyung looking at them he knows it's is just a friendly  things. But still somewhere his heart aches. He just want to ignore it and want to listen jimins plan. So he change the subject. "hey now came to the point and tell me about the plan."
       "yeah. So we decided to go to the amusement park. Any objections? " Jimin said.
           "yeah. I want to stay a little longer like if we spent some time more after day ." Sara said hesitately.
     " Don't worry. We will. If the boys say no. We steal the car key and they have no other choice to do. " Dora said and glare the boys. Ron look at them in amused.
" OK then it settled  that we r going. " Jimin announced.
"if anyone change the plans I will kill them personally. " Laura said eyeing the boys. They gulped. And girls started laughing.

Little did if they know there behind a hidden place someone watching them. They r not seen for darkness.
They smiled when they see that all are laughing. And again disappear in dark ellay.

"hey let's go to the shopping for the trip. Ali.. " Dora shout after left college last and looked at Ali saw she is not there where ashe usually standing .she looked a car came and Ali asleep  beside Taehyung and they r sitting in the car front sit. Taehyung drove her to her home. When this happened. She just gone in restroom for 5mints and this. She frowned.

"this girl is sleep in any position. Then I think only we can go" she thought and look around. That time Clara pass in the bike with Nao and wave her hands. She looked around and only she and Ron is there. He looked her with his sharp eyes . She gulped and started walking.
    "very funny now I have to go shopping alone. Where the hell is this Sara and Laura gone? Jimin, Jungkook they are also gone. Really how cruel they are. I am alone now. " she muttered.
"I am going with you " Ron said with his husky deep voice in her ear. She shivered by the sensations. She didn't when Ron came this close. His hot breath hitting her neck. She like stopped breathing.

   "  I-I t-think then w-we h-have to hurry. L-lets go"she shutter and mentally slapped herself and cursed Ron for feeling her this way . He smiled in satisfaction and grabbed her hand to went to the shopping mail.
She froze. But went with him.


Sorry for the late
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otice : I can't update soon deu to some reason. So I think after 2week I can update. Please cooperate this time.

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