Amusement park (part-2)

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I am sorry for the late update.
It was unintentional.

Hope you all like this chapter.


     "Ohk then but you have to be careful. " Ali said looking at her she patted her head and sigh.

Ron, Dora, Nao and the girls look at her.  Why they r have a concerned eyes? 

Let's start. Shall we?

<<<3rd person>>>

Taehyung and other two boys r confused.
                 They know that Ali and Clara have a very traumatic past. So they never asked about their past. Noone tell them as they always comfort them that they will tell them when the two will ready.But they always curious about that. They glance each others.

        "Let's go guys. And I think past is past , we cannot live present in the past. Right? Let's enjoy our present. " Jimin said and give all them his famous eyesmile. Others nodded their heads in agreement.
                       They all went to their destination. But Ali still standing there thinking about what Jimin said. She looked down.

              "Sometimes past chase u__ and destroyed your__ present world. Past is___ always___dangerous___ for Present. And mine is___ full of blood." Ali muttering herself as she looked at the soon to be dark sky. She sigh. It was one of helpless sigh.
                 "Ali come here. We r getting late. " Dora shouted from the gate. She is a little far away from others.        

                  Taehyung looking at her. She looked at the sky and then herself.
          "Coming" She shouts and running to them.

     When they entered Taehyung' s face was pale as sugar. He jumped a bit when he felt a hand on his soldiers he relief when he see that it was Ali. Ali smile at him.
         "If you fear about darkness you don't have to go in. We can go other places. They didn't know about that. And about ur fear I never tell anyone. Believe me. " Ali said in low voice.
               Taehyung calmed down. He looked at her. "Aren't they noticed that we're not there? " He question curiously.

"Don't worry about that. I'll manage. " Ali said and hold his hands and left the place. It's sunset time. The park became full of light. She looked at them eyes shinning.
"Umm where u wanna go? " Ali looked back at the frozen man and asked.

    Taehyung snapped back from his daydream. And quickly replied. " Where you want to go?"
            "Umm..such a cute gentleman. Um can we go to the Ferris wheel?" She said excitedly and here Taehyung fought against the blush that came to his face. They still holding hands.
              Taehyung cleared throat. He looked at Ali smiled. "Let's go". He hold Ali's hand tightly and going to the ride. They went there. Luckily there is not many people and they found there sit. The wheel started, when they came to the stop Ali became hyper. She became act like a little kid who ride for the fast time.

     " Tae look at the sunset. And look there the city. It's amazing. " She said very excited. Taehyung amazed by her and he also very happy what she called him.
      Ali continuously talking about the ride. Taehyung never saw her this talkative it's surprising for him. After some time they ate some candy they totally forgot about others .

Meanwhile other side:

"So miss Dora care to explain why you holding my hand in all time in there?" Ron teased Dora. As reply having a hard slap on his arm and that was really hard. And then Clara gave him another shot of slap.
         "Hey" Ron squeak. "Don't u dare to 'hey' me Mr. And now tell me where the hell is Ali?" Clara said with a glare.

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