returns of past

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A big Dark room.
             The whole place is in dark, the little amount of light is coming from a few broken windows, some shadow are standing there. but no one's face can be seen.
      All shadow are standing surrounding two man. One of them is sitting on his knees and blood is constantly coming out of his mouth.
             A little farther from them stood a man whose face could not be seen, his whole body was in darkness, only the sound of a serious and sharp voice could be heard and his ice cold blue eyes could be seen.
                   One of them said :' we__ we___didn't found her. Master. He__he  doesn't open his mouth. 'He shuttered in fear.
That strange man just glare at the sitting man.
       Sitting man: 'you will never know where she is. She will never give you what you want. 'He laughs 'hahaha failed......u failed Aki___ah! '
                 That strange man shoot him. The body slowly fell on the floor.  Blood continued to flow from the body and the floor turned red. The others are scared no one knows who is the next.
                    He looked at the body and He looked at the body and gritted his teeth:"I never failed Sanho.naver.Alas! You reject my offer. But I will find her and also find the code. "He looked at the guards and said : "if you all could not find Jack and Sofia's daughter you all will be dead. Remember it. "he left.
                 The others also left. They threw the body into the river. And went for their mission.

Dark room and the strange man sitting ...........
Another man come and sit there.
The strange man said: ' any thing happened? ' he cutting some fruits.
Other one: 'we found three locations. It's confirm. ' a devilish smile appears on tha strange man's face. He saw a bird was sitting on the window.
     'Just wait  for me. I am coming to you very soon.' His smile like a psycho.  He throw the knife to the window and it hit the Bird. It fall on the ground that little bird was chirping in pain. Soon it stopped and that mans pull out the knife from the bird's body .
    "I want to see same pain in her eyes like this bird. She will die... Will die by my hands.. " He stabbed the dead bird and laughed maniacly.
     He laughed. That echoes every inch of the room.

In far away  some other place........

Three boy and a man sitting there. Two boy  came there.
'Dad,we are going there.'one of the boys said.

'She will be angry and you know that____ ' that man cut by his son.

' I know that she will be angry. But she have to stay safe. It's our duty. And that place is not safe so we are going there. 'He said firmly.
' you two? 'One of the sitting boys said with frowned.
'Yeah. I am also. She believe me and she also save me. So I want to repay it by protecting her.   I don't think I will ever forgive myself if something happen to her while I am here' other boy who standing silently said.
    'Ok. You can go. But you know what are you going to do. So stay safe . Be careful. 'That man with a mix of coldness and concerned voice.
                'Thanks' they said and bowed. And left the room.

' I am going to other state so I don't think I can came back soon.You all have to  be careful with this matter.'That man stand up and inform the other.

' No one know the truth dad. If now anyone know it.....we all are prepared for the war. 'A girl appeared in darkness of the room and said.
'She hate war,blood know.she didn't want any of this ..... if the war stearted because of our negligence ..then ____then______ she will sacrifice herself.'That man said looking at the girl.
       'You all have to protect her. I know them if they find her............'

'They will not. 'She said firmly.
             'It's not the time for being emotional . You know they become powerful . And___ she heve to reveal herself. She can't live in darkness all her life and they killed Sanho. I don't know how many life will sacrifice for this time cause the have started the war.' The man sigh still looking at the window.

Other's are  silent they can't do anything. But still one of the boys who was sitting up got up and put his hand on her shoulder.
              'She will be okay. Don't worry. ' the girl was looking at the man. She sigh. She know her dad is right. She just hope that she  is in a safe place.

'I hope so' she murmured and looking back at the window.

They are hoping that no one will know the truth what they have been hiding for so long. If anyone know then no one can stop the biggest war that they tried to avoid for long time.

Well next chapter..........
I hope u all like it.


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