Right, back to serious stuff....

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"I can't believe it. I know the war has spread far," Aang said, turning sadly. "But Omashu always seemed ... untouchable."
"Up until now, it was," Sokka crossed his arms over his chest. "Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left."
"Well..." I started. "Now that they have taken the city, I'm guessing your King Bumi is their prisoner."
"I need to find Bumi...." Aang said slowly, starting towards the city.
"Aang, stop," Sokka said. "We don't even know if Bumi's still ...."
"Still what?!" Aang seemed to be on the edge of tears.
"Still... around..." Sokka finished.
"I know you had your heart set on Bumi," Katara said gently. "But there are other people who can teach you earthbending."
"This isn't about finding a teacher," Aang said firmly. "This is about finding my friend."

I thought deeply, a tingling in the back of my head followed by what sounded vaguely like Amaya's voice. "Bumi is fine."
"I think Bumi is alright," I said slowly. "Call me crazy, but Amaya says he's fine."
They all looked at me like I was nuts. It shouldn't be new though, always knew I was crazy.
"You're crazy," Sokka said bluntly. "And how would she even know?"
"Thanks for noticing... She knows things," I said with a shrug. "And I have a bad feeling about going here. Good feeling Bumi, bad feeling Omashu."
"I'm still going," Aang said resolutely.
"Alright, then I'm coming too."
Sokka and Katara shared a wary glance. "Us too, then."

Aang led us to some tunnel that came out of the city, just below the gate.
"A secret passage?" Sokka asked while Aang is attempting to open the entrance. "Why didn't we just use this last time?"
"It's probably some old sewer...." I quipped back.
Aang opened the tunnel, revealing it to be filled with sewage.
"Told you!" I said cheerfully, grinning hugely.
All Sokka had to say was "Yuck..." and "Eww...."
After a few minutes of trudging through the muck and... I don't even want to think what else... we finally made it to the surface. Of course, Aang and Katara were fine and dandy, but Sokka and I were soaked through. Curse my only being able to burn things rather than move them...

"That wasn't as bad as I thought," Katara said, pristine and clean.
"No, it was worse...." I mumbled back.
She then doused me with some kinda-clean water before Aang blasted me to the moon and back with a gust of wind.
"Mercy Buckets..." I said.
I was not a very happy chappy...

They then did the same to Sokka, and suddenly he had three things stuck to his face. I put a hand to my neck and found one of my own.
"These things suck...." I said, pointing at my one.
Sokka noticed his and began to go ballistic, pulling at them and screaming that they won't let go. Aang tackled him into the wall and clasped a hand over his mouth.
"Please be as silent as the letter G in Lasagna," I joked.
They all looked at me weirdly.
"What's a lasagna?" Katara asked.
Cue the facepalm...
"It's just a purple pentapus," Aang did a good job calming Sokka and removed one of the beasties.
Apparently, you just have to tickle them. I got rid of the sucker on my neck while Sokka got rid of the other two on his face.

Just then, a couple of guards spotted us. Too late to hide, we bunched up a little.
"Hey!" the commander yelled at us. "What are you kids doing out past curfew!?"
"If we are out past curfew, doesn't that mean that you are out past curfew too?" I quipped back. "Don't make me call the guards. Off to bed! Pip pip!"
"What's wrong with the two boys?" Captain Curfew asked. "Why are they covered in spots?"
"Uh, they have... um... Pentapox... sir..." Katara lied back.
The guards approached to take a closer look.
"Don't get too close. It's highly contagious!"
"Oh, it's so awful. I'm dying!" Sokka moaned.
"And deadly..." Katara covered.
"What are you on about?" I said. "I feel absolutely...."
Then I doubled over in a coughing fit. When I stood up, I placed a hand against my mouth, and it came away red.
"This is how it ends, is it?" I whispered before collapsing.

"Mogui!" Katara and Aang yelled as they tried to save me. Sokka just stared at me in stunned silence, and the guards jumped back.
"Hey, I think I heard of pentapox!" one of the guards said.
"Didn't your cousin Chang die of it?" asked the third.
"We'd better go wash our hands, and burn our clothes!" Captain Curfew said as they ran away. 

"Are you okay, Mogui?" Katara said, cradling my head as I stirred and tried to sit up. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, I've been sick for a long time," I answered. "But, I'm not actually dying... Just a cough... You don't have to worry about me...."
I open my hand and pour a little water on it, revealing a small shallow cut along my palm.
"I thought it might just look a little more convincing if there was blood... mind patching me up, love?"
"Are you insane, Mogui?!" Aang all but yelled at me.
"Jury's out on that one, bro...."
Katara punched me in the ribs.
"That's for scaring me..." then she kissed my cheek. "That's for everything else...."
She held a blob of water over my palm. The effect was almost immediate, but she kept holding my hand.

It was just after sunset now, and we still had to find Bumi, who I found out was a crazy old coot who somehow got to be king. Apparently, he trapped Katara and Sokka in rock candy cocoons. I gotta say... I see no downside to that... I mean... have you ever had Blackpool Rock? It rocks...
"So, where would they be keeping him?" Sokka asked.
"Somewhere he can't earthbend. Somewhere made of metal," Aang replied.
That's when I noticed some people walking a few catwalks below us.
"Hey guys," I said. "If I can get these guys to trust me, maybe they will tell me where Bumi is."
"That sounds like a good idea," Sokka said.
"You guys look like terrorists, and I'll chase you off," I whispered.
"Look out, guys!" Aang called, pushing me aside and blasting one of the postal shoots to oblivion.
"The Rebels!" a woman called from below.

Then the soldiers charged. Not much we could do really, they were halfway to us in seconds.
"Katara, ice my hands," I whispered.
"Ice me!" I whispered a little more fiercely. "Now. Hit me with anything you've got. Attack me."
She bent some water from her pouch at me, wrapping my arms together in an ice block and lashing my face with a couple of water whips. 

The ice was pretty heavy as it pulled my hands down. Aang grabbed at Katara and pulled her away, leaving me all on my lonesome. Some guards ran past me, and a chick with a big hairdo started throwing knives. Eventually, they noticed me and gave me a hand out of the ice but not until after the Gaang were sucked down a hole in the ground.

 "Who are you?" the girl asked in a bored monotone.
"I'm Merrill," I said. "Where am I?"
"You are in the city of Omashu," one of the guards said.
"My dad will want to speak with you," the girl said dully.
"How were you captured?" a guard asked.
Wait, was that Captain Curfew?
"Make it a rule! Never fight wearing pyjamas," I replied.
"Miss! That boy fits a similar description of a fugitive!" another random guard yelled, coming to stand within my eyeshot. "Princess Azula had a description of a waterbender with hair similar to his."
"Waterbender?" the girl threw the guard a bored look.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Well, I'm a firebender, not a waterbender," I replied. "Want me to prove it?"
"Makes no difference to me," gloom girl said dully. "Dad will still want to see you. He will have questions."
"Like why I'm not swooning over his beautiful daughter?" I asked sarcastically.
She raised an eyebrow at me.
"It's the attitude... She isn't happy enough for me," I answered my own question to the guard standing next to me.
"Ha... good one..." her sarcasm was impeccable.

So with that, they gathered me up and took me to the governor. He was okay... Lots of questions... Mostly about my history and the rebels. I answered pretty honestly.
"Where are you from?"
"Sorry, I don't know. When I was captured, they hit me over the head pretty hard. I have amnesia."
"How long have you been their prisoner?"
"At least a couple of months? I couldn't tell."
"Where is their base?"
"They never took me to a base... It was kinda like a mobile prison facility."
"Where do your allegiances lie?"
"To King and country, Sir," I stood straight and saluted at that.
I was pretty pleased with my talking out of my ass so far... It was fun... 

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