Amaya being a coo (Because the one who wrote this is Scotish) to Zuko

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"So, are you gonna ignore me forever, Maya?" Zuko asked, poking me in the ribs.
I squeaked and slapped him across the arm... hard... Now my hand throbbed... Damnit Zuko. He didn't even wince at the slap.
"Come on, Maya," he pleaded. "What did I do?"
"Women can be the most easily insulted creatures on the planet...." Iroh called from a few steps ahead, scratching at his sides. "Women... and rattlesnakes...."

I rolled my eyes at Iroh before I grumbled under my breath about grouchy firebending princes and their silly uncles.
"What?" Zuko asked, leaning in.
"Don't poke me," I muttered grumpily. "And don't call me Maya. I'm not a princess..." I muttered even quieter.
"What?" Zuko asked, frowning back at me as we approached an Earth Kingdom village.
"Nothing!" I snapped.
I pulled my hood over my head to hide my hair while Zuko and Iroh put on those pointy hat things.

We found a rather sweet young girl who took Iroh inside to treat his rash. Someone caught my eye, though, and I turned to follow them when Zuko grabbed my wrist.
"Where are you going?" he asked softly.
"For a walk," I responded angrily, pulling my arm away from him roughly. "I'll meet up with you two later."

With that, I turned and stalked away. I spotted my person and followed them quietly for a while, trying to tell if it was who I thought it was. She looked a little lost, her green eyes wandering over buildings all around her. But her hair threw me off. It was a reddish-brown and brushed her shoulders.

"Courtney?" I whispered, touching her arm.
She spun around, staring at me with wide eyes. "Caitlin?"
"The one and only," I responded with a small smile. "For realsies this time. But not Caitlin anymore. Now I'm Amaya."
"Why?" She gave me an incredulous look. "And do you have any idea how suspicious you look with that hood on?"
"Trust me, I wouldn't be wearing it if I could get away with it," I responded, hooking her arm with mine and guiding her towards what looked like a mini-hospital. "But I got stuck with the almighty Prince of Grouch and his lovable idiot Uncle, and they got into some trouble with the Fire Nation-"
"Whoa, hold on. Fire Nation? You're kidding, right?"
I gave her a look. "Does this look like the face of a kidder?"
"Yes," she deadpanned.
"Haha, very funny," I responded sarcastically. "Ok, you are not allowed to freak when I show you Zuko, alright?"
I paused, and she stopped to look back questioningly. "What do I call you?"
"Well, Courtney fits in about as well as a corner piece in the middle of a puzzle around here."
"Nice analogy," she responded dryly. "I dunno, Jin?"
"Jin? It works," I responded cheerfully, and as we turned to enter the building, Iroh and Zuko stepped out with the girl from before.

Zuko froze and stared at us for a moment.
"Who is that?" he demanded.
"This is my friend Jin!" I responded cheerfully. "How freaky is it that I bump into her here?"
"Hi," she said awkwardly, nudging me and muttering back to me. "You weren't kidding."
"Indeed," I responded with a whisper. "And get this, I can waterbend."
"It is wonderful to meet you, Jin," Iroh said warmly. "Amaya, Song has invited us to eat dinner with her mother tonight."
"Oh," I turned to her. "Would it be alright if Jin came along? She's been travelling alone for a while, and I said she could join us."
"What!?" Zuko quickly backpedalled. "I mean... uh sure.... nice to have you along...."

He stalked off, and I stuck my tongue out in his direction.
"Don't worry about him," Iroh said warmly to Jin. "He is just a little tense."
"He's always 'a little tense' Iroh. I think he needs to take a serious chill pill," I grumbled.

A/N: Now you know who Jin is :) She loves you all :D

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