Are you lost babygirl?

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Miami FL
Lauren's POV

I was standing back while watching and listening to some idiots trying to make a deal with my father And mafia boss Mike Jauregui not only was I disgusted about the deal they're trying to make with my father but I was bored out of mind. I walk over to the edge of the roof and took the binoculars from our bodyguard to see a beautiful girl on the beach. I see my father walk up next me. "Did you agree to the deal?" I asked my father hoping he didn't, "no of course not, not only do I not trust them I don't wanna get involved with that type of business" I just nod my head and stay quiet internally grateful he didn't agree to those idiots. "What were you looking at?" I hand over the binoculars to my father and look out at the ocean while he looks at the beautiful girl down below. "Oh, daughter, you have to be careful. Beautiful women are paradise for eyes, but hell for the soul." And purgatory for the wallet I chuckle.
"I'm glad you didn't make the deal with those idiots" "I know but nevertheless he is a potential partner so you have to respect him" "even if they are idiots?" My dad laughs and nods his head. "Listen, it's time to stop thinking about entertainment and pleasure. You must take responsibility. The day will come when all this is yours." He says this as he puts his hand on my face and smiles at me I expect to feel excitement but all I feel is nothing part of me doesn't wanna be a mafia leader but the other part knows I have to and doesn't want to let down my father. I smile back at him when all of sudden I hear a loud bang and feel a sharp pain in my stomach and see my dad bleeding. We fall to the floor and the next thing I know I'm on the ground and everything went black.

5 years later

"We were only able to recover 12% of your family's assets" the man sitting across from me said I just looked at him thinking how foolish he is. " I expect a refund and 5% interest" " I don't think that is possible...refund and 10% interest" I looked at this man and finally stood up and grabbed the folders I had just in case something like this would happen. "You gave my family a word" I said as I put down the folder in front of him "what is it?" He asked as I walked around a put a folder in front of the lady who was sitting next to me. "You see I never thought sexual preferences would never surprise me but what would your loving husband say about that?" I asked the lady as she opened up the folder to show a picture of her and a another woman together. "You see we both know how the media would react when they see that, after I make it public. The bank shares would lose half their value then I would buy a bank for a month in a month only you." After I had settled everything I sat there in the meeting room feeling empty like usual and angry like usual.
I was laying on the couch in my private jet until I heard Zayn speak up "I'm going to kill them" I get up and sit next to Mario "what happened?" "Someone stole a bin of our cocaine" after he said that I could feel my blood boiling which wasn't new I get angry fast these days. I get up and grab my flight attendant and take her to the back. I sit down on the couch and unbuckle my belt and push her on her knees, grab her by the hair and have her eat me out while imagining it was another girl, the girl that has been in my head for 5 years. I push down further until I'm basically riding her face. I could feel myself coming close and I couldn't help the moans coming out of my mouth picturing the girl one more time in my head I finally reach my climax and push the girl off of me and buckle up my pants.

Camila's POV ITALY

I was sitting with my friends and my boyfriend Shawn in the beautiful country of Italy celebrating my 23rd birthday yet I didn't feel anything not even joy. I just felt numb, empty like something was missing. I was zoned out in my thoughts drinking my wine until I heard Shawn speak up. "So I just wanna say happy birthday to the most talented, sexiest woman ever to walk the mother...I'm just kidding honey." He says while him and everyone else is laughing I wasn't but I put a fake smile on my face like I usually do around him, before I knew it he gets up in front of everyone "okay so in a couple minutes you're about to turn 23 and think it would be appropriate to say... Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Camila! Happy birthday to you!" He sang in front of everybody even the strangers around us and I was pretty embarrassed he knew I didn't like to draw attention to myself yet he did it anyway which wasn't new he always did what I didn't like. He sat back down right when a waiter brought me my favorite wine with glasses. "Oh my god you remembered?" "Ummm I didn't even order it that shit is to expensive" he said while laughing and i could feel my face fall. "Well maybe it's on the house" Dinah said I just nodded and Shawn suggests we crack open the bottle "wait I have to use the bathroom I will be right back."
I walk around completely lost having no idea where the bathroom is or where I'm going. I turn down this dark path that leads to a lit up part of the restaurant trying to see if there is a bathroom down there. Eventually after not really seeing anything I turn around and walk right into someone. I look up to see a woman with long raven hair wearing a black suit and dress shoes with piercing green eyes, her face like stone i couldn't help but get a dangerous
feeling from her. We stood there until she finally spoke up "are you lost babygirl?"

A/N ahhhh!! Here's the first chapter guys!! I know it's not that good and pretty boring but it's just the start and introduces Lauren and Camila real quick but I hope you guys like it and I promise it will be getting better every chapter I'm not going to word it word from word like the movie im going to put my own twist and all that. This is just to get the story started. I'm excited for you guys to come on this journey with me I love you guys so so much thank you for all the support and love. I LOVE YOU❤️ make sure to follow me on Instagram: mkailaaaaa tiktok: jaureguicovennn and Twitter: jaureguicovennn

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