I Can't Lose You

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Lauren's POV
I'm sitting down talk to some of my business partners while Zayn was at the balcony watching Camila making sure she was okay and wasn't getting into any trouble cause lord knows she loves to chase trouble wherever she goes. I was in the middle of talking about a potential deal when Zayn nods my way telling me to come look at something. I immediately stop what I'm doing and rush over to see what was going on.
I could feel my blood boiling at the sight. Camila was dancing and kissing some guy at the bar so before I knew it I was running down there to go get her and to kick that guys ass. By the time I get down there Camila is no where to be seen she literally disappeared. I was looking and pushing people out of my way until I looked back up at the balcony and again I see nothing but red at the sight before me. She was dancing on a stripper pole and grinding on Marco he was another one of business partners and also came from a very powerful family, but I didn't give a damn Camila was mine.
I rush up to the balcony and when I get there even though the music was blasting I still heard what this sick bastard was saying to her and it wasn't nice plus he was asking her to stop and he wasn't. I run over there push him off grab both my guns from the waist of my pants and shot him in his hands. Everyone screamed and I was pointing the guns around "everyone get the fuck out now!"

We get onto my boat and Camila was in her room while I was outside on the deck with Mario. "What the hell were you thinking Lauren?!" "I was thinking that Camila was in danger and I needed to make sure she was fucking safe Mario!" "You see I knew that girl would be trouble! Look at you! Look at all these things this girl has already done but this one was to far! You shot Marco one of our most powerful business partners!"
"He's not powerful his mother is or whatever I wasn't going sit back and watch him touch her." "Well she got herself into that position and also you better apologize to Anne." I heard footsteps and right away I turned around to see Camila standing there who knows how long she'd been there. "I'm sorry...I- I didn't think anything bad was going to happen. I- I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking" "exactly Camila you weren't thinking!! I tell you things just because I wanna order you around Camila! It's to keep you safe! And look what happens look what you do when you don't listen!" I spoke before thinking and I spoke out of anger not towards Camila but of how I didn't protect her enough and out of fear of her almost getting hurt. "Oh so your friend almost raping me is my fault!! I wasn't trying to get raped you know!! I was just trying to have a good time but apparently I couldn't because a pig tried to fucking rape me and you think it's my fault! Fuck you Lauren!"
"Camila no wai-" but it was too late she had ran off before I could even say anything more to her and apologize for making it seem like it was her fault which it wasn't no way in hell but again speaking out of anger is one of my flaws. I look over at Mario who just shrugs his shoulders I throw the chair to the floor out of anger and chase Camila. "Camila come here I'm sorry that's not what I meant" "no fuck off Lauren leave me alone!" We get to the back of the boat where she walks all the way to edge and right away I can feel the fear setting back in "Camila what the hell are you doing come here!" I grab her arm but of course she starts to fight me and starts to push and punch me "let go of me Lauren I said leave me the fuck alone!" Next thing I knew she was falling over the rail and I couldn't catch her in time and she hit the water "Camila!" "Fuck!" I didn't even think twice before jumping in the water after her. She was drowning and I had to save her I couldn't lose her I just couldn't. I grab ahold of her and swim to the part of the boat you get on when you wanna get in the water and I push onto it "come one Camila, come on" I carry up deck and I check to make sure she's still breathing and she's okay. I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear she's okay and that she's still breathing. "Got dammit Camila Cabello you're gonna be the death of me one day." I take her to the room I lay her down in the bed I dry her off and take her clothes off and put the blankets over her." I take off my shirt leaving me in my wet slacks and my black Calvin Klein sports bra but I didn't care. I sit down in the chair that's on the side of the bed and I sit there and look at her grateful that she's okay and that she's still breathing and alive.

I don't know how long it was but Camila has finally woken up. She looked over at me and I get up "you saved me" was the first thing she said. I walk over and sit down next to her "yeah I did. You have to understand that I can't lose you. I just can't Camila I care about you whether you believe me or not I do and I would do anything to protect I don't care if I have to kill someone or jump in the fucking ocean I will protect you. But you have to do what I say to at least make it easier for me, okay? I just don't say these things to order you around I say it because I can't lose you and I can't see you hurt, understand?" She just looks at me for a couple seconds, but looking at her always feels like years instead of seconds finally she nods her head and says "okay" I give her small smile before getting up to walk away and go get changed. Until I feel her grab my wrist I look back over at her and she sits up "you're wet" I just nod and look at her next thing I know she goes to unzip my pants which she does and I could feel the desire in me and the lust. She had to be playing with me and if she was I was going to teach her a lesson. "Don't play with me."

Hey babes!! I hope you love the fic so far!! I have been loving writing it. Next chapter is the boat scene and y'all know what that means 👀 but if you don't it's smut and a lot lmao😂 also I just made a Instagram fan account so make sure to go follow me! I love you guys endlessly 💕✨
Instagram: jaureguicovennn
Tiktok: jaureguicovennn
Twitter: jaureguicovennn

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