I'm Not The Monster You Think I Am

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Camila's POV
I was woken up to Lauren holding my hand looking at me "we landed, I have some business to take care of and you're coming with me". "I'm not going anywhere with you" She then pulled me and walked me out the plane "it will be a good year, but in order for it to be that on both parts you do what say. It wasn't a suggestion it was an order." I looked at her and just shook my head as we got into a car and went off to who knows where. After an hour we finally pull up to a huge house and got off and walked inside. Lauren led me to a huge room with high ceilings and windows that were from the ground to the ceiling, "Zayn brought your stuff take a shower and get changed we leave in 30mins" was all she said before she walked out of the room and shut the door behind her.
I take a shower then go to see what I can wear and find a nice red summer dress that has a split in the chest I smirk to myself and put it on and then I let my hair down naturally and apply little makeup. I walk outside to find Lauren in the phone with somebody but as soon as she sees me she hangs up and looks me up and down hungrily, bingo that's what I wanted to happen I'm not going to fall in love with her but it sure is gonna be fun teasing her. "Let's go" was she said as she walked away to the car and getting in. "Where are we going?" "Shopping you need new clothes and I'm helping pick out what you're gonna wear" I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window while we drive downtown to some of the nicest places in Miami. We arrive at the first store which was Chanel she had me try on outfit after outfit either agreeing or disagreeing with what I had on and sometimes she wasn't even paying attention to me which for some reason bothered me. We had been to probably 8 different stores and her poor security guards were carrying everything which was a lot. We finally walked into some fancy lingerie store typical I thought. I was in the dressing room looking in the mirror when I seen her walk in "what the fuck! Get out! Or els-" "or else what?" She looked down at me with the cold face she always wore then she looked down lower the lingerie bottoms had on didn't exactly have a front so I was exposed to her I smirked "don't look at me to bad you will never have it" next thing I knew I was pushed up against the mirror with her hand around my throat and to be honest I found it arousing but I hurry up and shook that feeling off knowing I can't think like that. "I get to decide when I will have it" and she let me go and walked out of the dressing room.
I hurry up and get dressed and grab the lingerie I was wearing went into the store and threw it at her "you try it on yourself" and ran out the store I run down the street till I get to the edge where I can see the beach, I look around and see two police officers and run to them "please help me I've been kidnapped and I need help" they look at me then behind and say "good evening Ms. Jauregui is she with you?" "She is gentlemen don't worry Camila here is being dramatic nothing more you guys can go on about your day" "yes ma'am." I couldn't believe what I just heard I was literally kidnapped and these assholes didn't even care! I just looked at her and at this point I just give up because if I can't get the damn police to help then I wasn't going to get no ones help. Then I thought to myself who was this woman and how does she have so much power, to the point where even the police work for her. "Are you lost babygirl?" I just let out a sarcastic laugh "who are you?" She looks at me for a moment "my family has a lot of power, I have a lot of power you can't be a big mafia boss and not be known by police and when you have the money and power you can get police to do anything you want" it figures I just shake my head and look at her "I'm not going to hurt you and I'm sorry for losing my temper so quick, but you drive me crazy and I can't help myself, I can't control myself when I'm around you."
"I just wanted to make sure you have nice things especially since you're gonna be with me most of the time you have to look nice and presentable. If you want this to be a good year you have to corporate and listen to me got it?" I nod and look at her, like really look at her she was wearing a black dress shirt that was tucked in black slacks with black dress shoes. She had no makeup on and her hair was down and natural and to be honest she was attractive like really attractive, but that didn't change the fact that I was never going to fall in love with her I couldn't, I couldn't be involved in the life she lived even if I do feel free and I haven't felt this free in a long time. It wasn't reality though I had a whole other life with responsibilities and the sooner I get this year over with I can get back to my life. Even though I had this feeling like she was going to turn my whole world upside down and not in a bad way I shook the feeling off and looked at her "did you really mean what you said?" She looked at me for a bit then "what?" "That you wouldn't touch me with my permission?" "I'm not the monster you think I am."

Heyy guys!! I hope you like the story so far! Things are gonna start to pick up in the next chapters to come. Also make sure to check out the trailer above if you haven't already! I love you guys so so much thank you for all the support I love you!❤️ follow my tiktok: jaureguicovennn and my Instagram: mkailaaaa also the "I See Red" playlist is out! Make sure to go check that out! Love you🥰

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