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Camila's POV
I woke up with the sun in my eyes but also feeling an arm around me and my arm around a waist and I instantly smiled knowing it was Lauren.

I smiled and looked up at her she was already staring at me with those beautiful green eyes that I get so lost in it's like the world stops. The next words that came out of her mouth though literally made my heart stop.

"Will you marry me?" For a second I didn't think I heard her right but then I seen something on my finger. I look down at my hand to see a ring and that's when I knew she was serious.

"Fuck" I was in complete shock. I mean we've only known each other really for two months but I do admit I was so fucking in love with her and I was a firm believer love has no time table. She laughed softly and looked at me "is that a yes?"

I look up at her and smile "yes! Oh my god yes!" I couldn't help myself so I kissed her I didn't care about morning breath or anything I just wanted her.

After celebrating our engagement by going another round we finally get out of bed. I had gotten a call from my mom telling me I needed to come to my cousins wedding. To say I wasn't nervous would be a lie I was fucking nervous for my parents to meet Lauren mostly because of the type of work she does.

Lauren agreed to come shopping with me for a dress for the wedding and I could already tell in the ride over there she wasn't excited Lauren wasn't a fan of shopping.

I look over at her and I couldn't help but smile for the first time she was wearing something other than a black dress shirt and slacks. She was wearing a white t shirt with some light blue skinny jeans and her leather jacket and some black doc martens. It had to be my favorite look on her plus her hair was down natural and she has on some black aviators.

We finally pulled up to tue store a very expensive one at that but there was no point in arguing with Lauren she always won (foreshadowing 👀) she quickly made her way to the area where you could sit down and went on her phone. I playfully shook my head and went with the store workers so they could help me.

After hours of trying on dresses and Lauren saying no to most of them I finally found one that I loved and so did Lauren. It was a sliver dress that sparkled and it went above my knees a littles bit and had a split down the chest and it looked absolutely stunning and Lauren couldn't take her eyes off of me. "You fucking gorgeous wow" I could feel myself blush and tried hard to hide it but she wouldn't let me I gave her a quick kiss and we went to pay.

Lauren wore a simple but yet stunning black dress which wasn't surprising but she still was able to take my breath away like she always did.

The wedding was finally over and it was time for my parents to meet Lauren and I was freaking out. "When you meet them can you please not tell them what you do? It's just I don't want them to lose their minds and freak out." "What do you want me to say?" "I don't know anything though please!"

"Ahhh Mija look at you! You look so beautiful with a little bit of shorter hair!" "Hey mom and thank you" I kiss my mother on the cheek then my dad. "I'm Sinu Cabello it's so nice to meet you" "Lauren it's my pleasure."

"And I'm Alejandro" "nice to meet you sure Lauren" she gave them a soft smile and cake back to my side. "So what is it that you do?" My mom ask and I literally froze hoping Lauren would come up with something.

"Oh um I own many hotels in the city that's how I met Camila" she said and smiled down at me. I could kiss her on how fast believable that sounded. "Oh that is amazing!"

It was the next day and I woke up alone. I couldn't find Lauren which was weird because we always had breakfast together. I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day.

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