She's Danger

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Lauren's POV
Mario came in interrupting my conversation with Camila. "Don't you see I'm busy and I told you not to bother me!" "I'm sorry boss but your package arrived." I look at Camila for a couple more seconds before releasing her "take her to her room" I walk out to go to my office to go handle business as much as I wanted to stay and talk to Camila I couldn't business came first right now. "Where did you find them?" I asked as I walked into my office to find the two men who stole from me, "we found them at the docks they were about to ship out, but we caught them in time" I nodded and looked at Brad and Luis "so you think you can steal from me and runaway and not face any consequences?" Their mouths were tapped shut but they shook their head no. "You see no one and I mean no one! Steals from me and makes it out alive boys" so I took the gun I had in the back of my pants and shot them both and when I did I didn't care, I didn't feel a damn thing either. "Clean up in here you know what to do" I looked at Zayn and told him to get the plane ready that we're leaving back to Miami tonight.
I was sitting in the window sit looking out waiting for the plane to take off  and for Mario to bring Camila in. "Sit" I heard Mario say, I look to see Camila sitting in front of me "where are we going?" I look at her for a moment it was easy to get lost in those brown eyes, I looked so long to see those eyes again and I still couldn't believe I found her. "Back to Miami I had business to take care of here, but it is finished there's no need to stay any longer" "what's you're name?" Out of all the things of her to ask it wasn't that "Lauren, Lauren Jauregui" she stared at me for a second before saying "Camila, Camila Cabello" I nodded and went to telling her things she needed to know. "There's some things you need to understand before we get back to Miami, one don't try running away I told you I wouldn't lay a hand on you and I mean that, but try running away I won't hesitate to put you in your place. Second you don't tell anyone who you are you understand me? And lastly you won't have any contact with your friends or family until you fall in love with me or until I let you go." She looked at me in complete shock and there was sadness there and I admit it hurt to see that but I couldn't show that hurt not now "you're crazy you know that? Fucking crazy! You can't keep me just because you're in love with me or something or because you can't find love anywhere else you can't do this to people I have a life back home! What if the police catch you then what?!" I look at her and I can't help but chuckle "babygirl so what if I'm fucking crazy, but you also make me fucking crazy and the police work for me. You have any idea who I am love?" I say while smirking at her. I get and put my hands on either side of her seat lean in close enough where our lips are inches apart and say "babygirl you're gonna fall in love with me and it's gonna hit you out of nowhere and you're not gonna be able to get enough of me" I look down at her lips then back up to her eyes to find her staring at my lips I couldn't help but smirk "you're lucky I'm keeping control right now but like I said before I won't do anything until you want me, until you desire me and I'm a woman of my word babygirl." I pull back and sit back down while she looks out the window I study her while she does and I can see she's flushed I smirked to myself and got back up "I have some phone calls I need to make I'll be back soon."

Camila's POV
It had been about an hour since Lauren got up to make phone calls and all I've been doing is sitting looking out the window thinking and thinking I couldn't believe this was happening to me and to be honest I'm scared but at the same time I couldn't help but feel I don't know alive? Free? I felt something every time Lauren talked to me and looked at me with those hypotonic green eyes and her touch gave me goosebumps. I shouldn't be feeling these things or even thinking about these things I just met this woman plus she kidnapped me what I should be feeling or thinking should feel so wrong but at the same time it feels so right. I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts all u have to do is not fall in love with her and she'll let me go that would be easy even if she did make me feels these things there's no way in hell I would fall in love with someone like her she's nothing but danger and trouble follows her wherever she goes she's no good for me.
She comes back after two hours and sits in front of me "are you hungry? You haven't eaten anything or drank anything at all and if you don't you're gonna get sick" I look at her and wonder how someone like her, someone who is so dangerous who doesn't give a fuck about anything care if eat or not. I just nod and she grabs one of the flight attendants who looks her up and down "get her something to eat and drink please" the flight attendant nodded and went off. She looked back at me and those eyes, those damn green eyes screamed danger and I couldn't help but love it.

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