I Love You

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Lauren's POV
I was still naked as I jumped into the fresh ocean and Camila was also still naked laying down on the beach chair. I get out of the water and walk over to where she was laying in the chair and couldn't but smile and admire her beauty. She was goddess that's what she was. She has her closed so I decided to lean down and give her a kiss to let her know of my presence. "Mmmm I want more" she said as she kissed me back. "We only slept for an hour" "what are you tired?" I just looked at her "no, I just wanna make sure you're not too tired for the surprise I have for you tonight" "a surprise? What is it?" I just looked at her debating whether or not I wanted to tell but one look into those beautiful brown eyes and I was goner "we're going to a ball" "a ball? Like the one with fancy dresses and stuff?" I couldn't help but chuckle "yeah unless there is another type of ball I didn't know about" "don't be an ass I have nothing to wear! Shit!" With that she hurried up and got up and ran to the room and I couldn't help but check out her beautiful body and let me tell you that ass is something else. I decided to call some stylist to help my beautiful girl get ready I would do anything for her.

Camila's POV
I was sitting in front of the mirror trying to figure out what to do with my hair and what to wear. I heard a knock and seen to men in very colorful suits come in telling me that Lauren had called and that they were here to help me with my hair, makeup, and a dress. She really would do anything for me. About 3 hours later my hair was done, my makeup was done and I was wearing a stunning black dress with a matching black mask since the ball was a masquerade. I walked hand in hand with Lauren into the hall she looked amazing her tux. I kinda wanted to rip it off of her.
The ball was beautiful lights were flashing and you had those people who ate fire and threw up in the air. People were dancing and having a good time and for the first time I was actually having fun. "May I have this dance?" I heard Lauren say I just looked at her and decided to mess with her. "You're asking? That's surprising" I smirked at her while she just looked at me with love and hunger. I walked away but then grabbed her hand I spun myself into her. She didn't know but I loved to dance and I decided I was gonna show her how much and how good I was.
We were coming to an end to the dance and I jumped up and wrapped legs around her and she had her hand on my back to keep me in place. I went back while still having legs wrapped around her and finally let go. The dance came to an end and we were just looking at each other until I heard a woman's voice next to us "beautiful, amazing job" "looks like you found her Lauren" "what do you want Keana?" I just looked at this woman she was beautiful no doubt about it and I couldn't help but get jealous "Camila" was all I said as I put my hand out for her to shake. She just looked at it for a moment before she accepted real quick "ahhh yes." "I'm Keana Lauren's first and realest love" I couldn't but help feel the anger bubble up in I wanted to smack this girls face. She leaned in and whispered something in Lauren's ear and next thing I knew Lauren grabbed her by the arm hard "leave Keana" and for a second you could see the fear in her eyes and with that she left. "She was recent" I just looked at her "how recent?" "I broke up with her the day I seen you Italy" I just nodded "what did she say to you?" "It was nothing" "Lauren tell me I want to know especially if it's something about me" She let out a frustrated sigh "she said she would kill you" right when she said those words I couldn't help but feel fear. She walked up to me "Camila I will never and I mean never let anyone hurt you I promise" I just looked at her I believed her but that didn't make me feel any better "I wanna leave now."
I was in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror with a towel wrapped around me when Lauren walked in she was still in her slacks and her white dress shirt. She came up behind me and tried to kiss my head but I moved it down but that didn't stop her from kissing my shoulder and my neck. It didn't take me long to give into her she turned me around to face her as I dropped the towel. She picked me up and set me down on the bathroom counter and started to kiss my neck and my lips and before I knew it she stuck two fingers in me and started to pump in and out fast. "Fuck.." I wrapped my hands around her neck and she slammed her other hand on the mirror behind me. She kept going until I could feel my walls clench around her fingers I was close. She curled and slammed her fingers in me one last time before I let out a scream and released all over her fingers. She kept going to help me ride out my orgasm. When I came down I rested my head against hers and kissed her. She pulled up her pants and looked at me. "You have a flight tomorrow" I looked at her in shock "what? What flight?" "To Miami it leaves at 8:00" "what why?" I was hurt she literally just fucked me and now she's sending me on a flight tomorrow morning "you said you wanted to visit your family. There will be an apartment waiting for you and I'll be meeting you there soon" I just looked at her and grabbed the towel to cover me. I was hurt and sad because I didn't want to leave her and also because it felt like she was leaving me like she was trying to get rid of me. I felt used. She started to walk out before she stopped "I love you."
The next morning I was in the car with Zayn on our way to the airport "don't worry Camila Keana is the past" "oh is she now" "yes and you, you are the fucking future" I was looking out the window and I couldn't help but smile at that. Zayns phone started to ring and I looked at him "hello" before I knew it his whole demeanor changed "stop" "Zayn what's going on?" "Wait in Miami" "what?" "Wait in Miami" was all he said before the car stopped and he got out and got into the other car that was behind us.
I walked into the apartment that Lauren had got for me and it was stunning it was modern. With ceiling to floor windows with a beautiful view of the city it was on the 15th floor so it was pretty high up. I put my bags down and I was feeling pretty crappy so I decided to go see Dinah. I get to Dinah's apartment and knock on the door I could hear her on the phone yelling at someone and next thing I knew she opened the door "Camila oh my god what the fuck" she hurried up and hung up the phone and grabbed me and pulled me into her place. "What the fuck Camila!? I thought you got fucking kidnapped or something!" I couldn't help but laugh "DJ I'm fine trust me" we walked over to the couch and sat down "what happened where have you been?" I just looked at her and decided not to tell her about the whole situation "I fell in love China" "WHAT THE FUCK!! WITH WHO?!" "Jesus will calm down first?" I laughed at my crazy best friend "her name is Lauren and she's....amazing" "how did you meet her?" I lied and told her I met her at the hotel "is she good in bed?" "Oh my god Dinah!" "What? I just wanna know" I couldn't help but laugh "she's amazing in bed like she makes all your sexual fantasies come true" "ooohhh damn girl get it chancho" "she's amazing DJ she has a body sculpted by the gods themselves and she's protective but sweet at the same time" "mmm girl get it" I just smiled at the thought of Lauren. "What happened with Shawn?" I rolled my eyes at the mention of his name "he cheated on me so yeah there's that it wasn't a healthy relationship anyway" "well next time I see him I'm beating his ass and also girl get up we're going out" I just looked at her because I wasn't really in the mood to go out "no don't give me that look we're going now get your ass up."
Next thing I knew we ended up in a salon getting our hair done and our makeup done. We also got massages and face masks. We even got dressed up in beautiful dresses with Lauren's money of course "damn girl is she rich too?" "Let's just say she comes from a powerful family."
I looked at myself in the mirror I was wearing a red dress and I had cut my hair a little bit shorter and straightened it. And Dinah was wearing a beautiful dark blue dress. We entered the club and went straight to the bar and took a few shots and went to the dance floor. We danced and drank all night and shut down all the men who were trying to get at us.
We were sitting at the bar talking when the bartender walked over to us and handed Dinah a drink "it's from the guy sitting over there" we looked over to see a tall guy with a man bun and light skin and blue eyes. He was hot and Dinah's type "don't do it" "ima do it" "of course you are just be careful please" "always girl and if he does try anything you know I'll beat his ass" she walked over to the guy and went to the dance floor with one last look at me I just shook my head and smiled. I turned my head and kept drinking my drink. "Camil" I look up to see Shawn I couldn't help but roll my eyes "go away Shawn I have nothing to say to you" "where have you been? Can you please let me explain" "one it's none of your business and no there's nothing to explain you cheated on me and fucked another girl" I told him while trying to walk away "please Camila I'm sorry I've been going crazy ever since I found your note at the hotel. I tried to look for you but I couldn't find you so I went out and I started drinking and after that I don't remember anything" "look I don't care if you don't remember and I'm done with you Shawn I'm going home" I walked over to the elevator and text Dinah to let her know what happened and I get in the elevator and the doors started to close until someone stops it and I look up to see Shawn I sighed and rolled my eyes.
He had followed me all the way back. I unlocked my door "please go away Shawn please leave!" "Look please Camila I'm so sorry let me explain" "there's nothing to explain Shawn!!" I tried to close the door but her wouldn't let me "Camila please!" "Shawn get the fuck out! And leave!" Next thing I knew I heard a voice coming from inside my apartment "she asked you to leave so I suggest you do" I looked over and seen Lauren sitting in one of the chairs facing the door. Shawn just looked at her then at me and caught on and walked away.
I walk over to her "where have you been? Do you know what I've been through?" I was drunk and angry and I also missed her "you fucking asshole" I slapped her and started pounding her chest. She wrapped her arms around me and pushed me up against the window. And next thing I knew we were kissing and things were getting heated fast. She turned me around so I was facing the window and she starts to kiss down my neck and suck on my neck. She lifted up my dress and pushed my lace underwear to the side and stuck to fingers in me and started to pump in and out hard and fast. "Oh fuck!" She was kissing my neck while fucking me against the window.
She turned me around and I jumped up and wrapped my legs around her waist as she walked me over to couch and put me down. She pulled down my underwear completely and threw somewhere on the floor and started to kiss me again. Both of our tongues fighting for dominance which she did of course. She kissed down until she reached where I needed her the most. She started eat me out and pump her tongue in out of me "oh my god!" I grabbed her hair and pushed her down even more and wrapped my legs around her head. Before I knew I reached my climax and let go all over her tongue. She had tore my dress off of me completely and and picked me up and sat down in a chair while straddled her lap. We were kissing and I was grinding down on her. I ripped open her dress shirt and stopped when I seen the bruises on her chest and ribs. "What's wrong?" "What?" I just looked at her and back at the bruises "what is this?" She looked at me and put her hands on my face "nothing I took care of it" I just looked at her and it hit me all at once I knew I loved her and I knew I was in love with her but it didn't occur to me how much until that moment she was hurt and it hurt me that she was and it scared me that she was hurt I couldn't lose her. "I don't need 365 days" "because?" "Because...I love you" She just looked at me chuckled softly "say it again" I smiled "I love you" she chuckled softly again and kissed me with so much love.

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