You Will Be Mine

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Camila's POV
We pull up to the airport and before I could do anything Zayn grabs me and drags me up the steps to go inside the plane and sits be done in one of the aisle seats. He then grabs some black things and starts to put it on my hands "wait what the fuck are you doing?!" "Lauren has ordered me to tie you up so you won't do any funny business" "oh my god fucking let me go!! How would I do anything were in a fucking plane!" "I'm just following orders I'm sorry." It didn't matter how hard I fought to stop him from tying me up it wasn't going to work so I just gave up and let him. After he made sure I secure he walked off and sat in his seat behind me somewhere. I sat and looked out the window waiting to leave and I couldn't help but think how did I get here? How did I end up in the holds of a rich, hot, easy angered, mysterious mafia boss? Even though I was kind of enjoying it I wouldn't admit that out loud though I didn't want Lauren thinking I was falling for her even though my heart was saying yes my brain was saying no I just couldn't, I couldn't fall for her even if I wanted to it wasn't safe it wasn't reality.
While stuck in my thoughts I didn't even see Lauren walk into the plane and sit next to me. I look over at here and she was wearing her usual black dress clothes and she looked tired. "Who was that woman you had brought into the plane earlier?" "She's here to keep me entertained" I couldn't help but roll my eyes and shake my head. She leaned closer until her head was resting on my shoulder next thing I knew she was playing with my breast outside of my dress and I wasn't wearing a bra either so it made it even easier for her. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good because it did, after all the times Shawn never gave me attention or made me feel good to finally be touched even in the most simple place by someone else felt amazing, but again I wasn't going to let Lauren have the satisfaction of knowing that. Next thing I knew she lowered her hand down under my dress and started to touch me I couldn't hold back the moan that wanted to escape from my lips so I just let it come out and I could feel Lauren's smirk. She whispered in my ear "you have to earn the pleasure" and she got up and walked away. I couldn't help but get angry I could feel my blood boil two can play at that game Jauregui.

Lauren's POV
We finally landed in Cancun and before I couldn't even get out of the plane I see Camila running out of there. I hurry up and run after, I see her walk down the steps and she keeps walking "Camila!" She turns and looks at me in confusion because she stops where the car is going to pick us up. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in at all.
I'm talking with my cousin about the elections when I look over to Camila who was with Zayn and she was eating an ice cream cone. She was looking right at me while doing very suggestive licking on the cone I clench my jaw and go back to talking with my cousin. "Then we will just keep paying them after the election" he nods and looks back at me but catches me starring at Camila. "She's a pretty one. Where did you get her?" I ignore his question "she drives me insane" he laughs then looks back at her "well are you happy?" I look back at her and nod because even though it was hard and we weren't where I wanted to be she made me feel things good things "like everything else she's difficult, but yes." Next thing I knew she walks up to me and my cousin "are you talking about me?" "Umm yeah I was telling my cousin how beautiful and how of gentle woman you are" I look at him to confirm and he nods along and agrees. I look back at her and she's looking at him licking the ice cream cone very suggestively "can you stop it?" I could feel myself getting angry. She hands the cone and walks off.
We finally make it back to the hotel and I take her to her room then I go to mine. I sit on the couch that's facing my huge bed and put my head back and close my eyes. I imagine what it would be like to kiss her, to feel her and explore every inch of her body. I wanted her to be mine she was going to be mine I could feel it. I could see her losing at all attempts to resist me. I call a girl and tell her to come up to my room I needed a release even if it wasn't Camila I just needed something. I get undressed and put my strap on and wrap a towel around my waist. Right when I'm wrapping it around me I hear a knock at the door. I answer it expecting it to be the girl but it was Camila in nothing but a robe. I step aside so she could come in.
She walks in a looks at the painting I have above the couch it's of me and I'm standing next to a lion. "Fuck cocky much?" She laughs and I look at her "it was a gift" "yeah right" she sits down and speaks again "the great Lauren slayer of men and lions" I couldn't help but scoff and walk right in front of her. We just stare at each other for what seems like hours but it was only seconds. I unwrapped my towel to show my strap and myself. "You want me" She looks at me and gets up "in your dreams." She goes to the door but it's locked "what the fuck? Open the door I wanna leave!" She walks over to me "open the door I wanna leav-" "shhh" I my finger over her mouth and put my hand on her cheek I could see that she was starting to break. "Sit on the bed" push her down and she starts to climb backwards and I climb on top of her. I look down at her and before she could do anything I grab the cuffs that were attached to the bed and put them on. She tried to fight but I was stronger than her after I tied her hands I did her feet.
I grabbed ahold of the bar above me and look down at her. She moved and the bar on her feet widen more. "I was hoping you would do that. The more you do that the more it widens" we just stare at each other which was dangerous for me because I can't help but get lost in them. I see movement and I look up to see the girl I had called standing there. You're gonna see what you're missing out on I sit down on the couch and take my strap off and the girl comes and gets on her knees in front of me and starts to eat me out. While she's doing this I look at Camila the whole time imagining it was her, wishing it was her. I could see she was angry I could read her face but she tried so hard not to show it but I could see it all over her. I felt myself coming close I looked into Camila's eyes and let a moan while I reached my climax and continued to look at the her while the girl walked out. I got up and put my strap back on and went in front of the bed "You see I can see you I can see the desire you have for me you can no longer hold it back...I have access to every inch of your body, but like I said I won't touch you without your permission." I climbed on top of her and grabbed her by the throat and whispered in her ear "when you do allow me I'm going to fuck you so hard all of Miami will hear you scream out of pure pleasure." I finally let her go "get dressed we have to be at one of my clubs in two hours."
Camila's POV
I rushed back to my room I had to cool myself off I was so turned on but angry too because of that girl. I told myself to hide these feelings but Lauren is starting to notice and I have no idea what to do. That's when an idea hit me ima wear one of the dresses she got me and drive her crazy and others too hopefully I can get a distraction from her tonight.
I walk out to meet Zayn and all he was doing was shaking his head. I was wearing a sparkling gold dress that went above my knees and that had the back revealed and black heels on. "He's going to kill you then me" I just smirked at him and kept walking.
We walked into a huge club with drunk sweaty people everywhere and lights flashing. The music was so loud I could feel it in my chest. Zayn led me through the club while telling no funny business tonight because Lauren had to discuss business and important people were here tonight "mafia business huh?" "Just be careful and follow orders tonight please."We finally stopped at one of the bars and told me to stay there for a second, but I didn't care and I walked into the room I seen him walk into assuming this was the VIP room and where Lauren was. I seen her so I walked up to her and her mafia buddies I seen a grape on the table and put it in my mouth and locked eyes with her. I could see the desire, lust, and anger on her face all at once.
She grabbed me by the arm and led me away from everyone. "What are you wearing?!" "A couple thousand of dollars of yours" was all I said while smirking. "Don't provoke me" she said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world "why?" She just looked at me and stepped closer so we were inches apart "you will be mine and I guarantee that."

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